-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College
Area residents interested in the field of Biotechnology are invited to Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin Campus for an Open House on Monday, July 23, from 4 to 7 p.m.
The event is open to new applicants to the program as well as current students of VGCC. Stewart Lyon, program head for the Bioprocess Technology curriculum program, will discuss the options for students to earn a certificate or an associate’s degree, and members of the admissions and financial aid staff will be available to help students complete applications on site.
Above: Students work in the Bioprocess Tech lab at VGCC’s Franklin Campus, which will hold a Biotechnology Open House on July 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. (VGCC Photo)
“Vance-Granville prepares men and women for work in the growing biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and chemical manufacturing and distribution environments,” said Lyon. Graduates work as process technicians in biological products manufacturing facilities, with possible jobs including mixing chemicals to make cancer drugs, formulating medical and cosmetic creams and DNA testing kits.
“The certificate program is open to everyone, including students who would be currently enrolled in high school,” Lyon added. The certificate program can be completed with the BioWorks: Process Technician course through VGCC’s Continuing Education division and two curriculum courses, BIO 110 (Principles of Biology) and BPM 111 (Bioprocess Measurements).
In the two-year associate degree program, first-year courses include basics such as biology, chemistry, college algebra and computers, as well as industrial courses in bioprocessing, biochemistry and industrial environment. The first summer and subsequent semester of the program include a cooperative work experience in a local biotechnology company. The second year includes specialized courses in industrial bioprocessing, research and reporting and statistical quality control.
Evening and day course options are available, including online and hybrid opportunities. Visitors will be able to examine the state-of-the-art Biotechnology equipment that students use in the lab at Franklin Campus.
To register for the Open House, complete the form available on the college’s website at www.vgcc.edu/bio-open-house. For more information, contact Bioprocess Technology program head Stewart Lyon at (252) 738-3632 or lyons@vgcc.edu.
VGCC’s Franklin County Campus is located at 8100 NC Highway 56 in Louisburg.