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-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College
Abdul Sm Rasheed of Henderson recently took the oath of office for another term as a member of the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees.
He is the retired president/CEO of the N.C. Community Development Initiative and currently serves on the North Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority board. He has also been a trustee of his alma mater, Elizabeth City State University.
Rasheed was reappointed to the board for a four-year term by the Vance County Board of Education.
The Board of Trustees has 12 voting members, with some appointed by the Governor of North Carolina and some by the county commissioners and the boards of education of Vance and Granville counties.
From left, retired District Court Judge Randolph Baskerville administers the oath of office to VGCC Trustee Abdul Sm Rasheed, alongside Rasheed’s granddaughter, Jada Lewis; and wife, Marolyn Rasheed (holding granddaughter Lenox Rasheed). (VGCC photo)