100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm
-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College
Vance-Granville Community College has once again partnered with the Wake Area Health Education Center (AHEC) to offer a “Mini-Medical School” camp for high school students. The week-long camp was recently held at VGCC’s South Campus, located between Butner and Creedmoor.
Students used computer simulations and hands-on lab activities to learn about topics that included anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, cardiology, epidemiology, medical genetics and genomics. The course was taught primarily by Becky Brady, a registered nurse and chemical engineer.
Faculty members from VGCC programs that prepare students for health-related careers gave students information about academic pathways and employment prospects.
VGCC has partnered with Wake AHEC since 2014 on Mini-Med School camps. Based in Raleigh, Wake AHEC serves nine counties: Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Lee, Person, Vance, Wake and Warren. AHECs are located throughout North Carolina and are affiliated with the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill School of Medicine.
NC AHEC’s mission is to meet the state’s health workforce needs and to provide education programs and services that bridge academic institutions and communities to improve the health of the people of North Carolina, with a focus on underserved populations.
On front row, from left: Tanisha Shetty of Green Hope High School; Darlene Villarroel-Lopez of Wake Forest High School; Abigail Gorman of Green Hope High School; Alexis Duncan of Regan High School; Jenna Curry of Granville Early College High School; Alhanna Cancel-Roman of Wake Forest High School; Kaylee Huff of Granville Early College High School; Shreya Gandi of Enloe High School; and Pooja Shah of Wake Early College of Health & Science; On back row, from left: lead instructor Becky Brady; Anushka Mandalapu of Wake Early College Health & Science; Nijaha Alston of Granville Academy; William Sharp of Leesville Road High School; Ashleigh Kiger of Mt. Tabor High School; Seth Jones of Granville Central High School; Brandon Bowling of South Granville High School; Brooke Bowling of South Granville High School; Lacey Blackley of South Granville High School; and Andre Hargrove of Granville Central High School. (VGCC photo)