-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College
At their regular bi-monthly meeting held July 16, the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees re-elected Danny W. Wright as the chair of the board for the 2018-2019 fiscal year, Herb Gregory as vice-chair, and Deborah F. Brown as secretary after nominations from a committee chaired by Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr.
Retired North Carolina Ninth District Court Judge Henry Banks swore in two Trustees for additional terms. Trustee Barbara Cates Harris was reappointed by the Granville County Board of Education for a second four-year term on the board. Chair Wright was appointed to a new four-year term by the Vance County Board of Commissioners. Wright had been appointed in 2015 to fill an unexpired term on the board. He was also a commissioner in 2011-2013 when he was appointed by the governor.
Building Update
In his update on capital projects, Trustee Donald C. Seifert, Sr., reported that preparations will begin in August to renovate seminar rooms in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus.
VGCC Trustee Danny W. Wright is sworn in for a new four-year appointment on the college’s board by Retired District Court Judge J. Henry Banks. Also serving as the chair of the board, Wright was appointed by the Vance County Board of Commissioners. He also served in 2011-2013 when appointed to an unexpired term by the governor. From left are Judge Banks, Wright, and Wright’s wife, Betty Wright. (VGCC Photo)
The assessment phase of an exterior masonry repairs project on Main Campus was completed in May, and a design service proposal has been sent to the State Construction Office (SCO) for review. The project is expected to be bid out in February 2019 with renovations starting the following April. The majority of the masonry work is being funded by the Connect NC State Bond passed by North Carolina voters in March 2016.
Seifert also reported the SCO is expected to issue a design contract this month for fire alarm replacements and renovations to heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems on the Main Campus. The fire alarm replacements will be completed first with the HVAC renovations expected to start in 2020.
The second phase of renovations to the newest building on campus, Building 10, are expected to start in August and be completed in December, Seifert said. Space is being renovated to add a Practical Simulation Lab for Basic Law Enforcement Training, Fire/Rescue and Emergency Medical Services programs, among other expansions.
Retired District Court Judge J. Henry Banks administers the oath of office to Vance-Granville Community College Trustee Barbara Cates Harris of Oxford. She has been reappointed by the Granville County Board of Education for a second four-year term on the college Board of Trustees. From left are Judge Banks; Harris; Maurice Harris, Jr., Harris’ grandson; and her husband, Phillip Harris. (VGCC Photo)
Budget Amendments
The 2017-2018 Budget Resolution was amended upon recommendation from the Budget Committee, chaired by Trustee Abdul Sm Rasheed. The State Current Fund increased $1,959,983 to a total of $21,512,238, the County Current Fund was unchanged at $2,578,292, and the Institutional Fund increased $340,947 to a total of $9,993,779, for a combined Amended Operating Budget of $34,084,309. The Capital Improvement Budget increased $348,943 to a total of $889,653. The total Combined Amended Budget is $34,973,962.
Other Action
In other action:
A Board Retreat has been scheduled for August 7, and the Trustees will participate in Ethics Training on August 29. The next meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, September 17, at the Main Campus.