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Press Release, Vance County Schools
Selected students in grades 1-3 in Vance County Schools began working with teachers in the school system’s Read to Achieve Summer Reading Camps at Aycock and L.B. Yancey elementary schools on June 18.
The camps are operating Mondays through Thursdays until July 18, the final day for third graders at the two sites. First and second graders will end their camp participation on July 17. The two camps are open from 7:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. each day and provide students with free breakfasts and lunches. School bus transportation also is provided for participating students.
Teachers are working with the students in small classroom settings to improve their reading skills to help them be more successful in the new school year. Third-grade students will be tested again on their reading skills with a focus on having them fulfill requirements for promotion to the fourth grade.
Students are shown working with teachers in small groups at the Read to Achieve Summer Reading Camp at L.B. Yancey Elementary School. (VCS photo)
Students work on their word association skills during activities at the Read to Achieve Summer Reading Camp at Aycock Elementary School. (VCS photo)