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Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Chamber Seeks Participants for 30th Leadership Granville Class

— courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~ ginnie@granville-chamber.com

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce is providing an opportunity for inquiring minds to participate in the 30th LEADERSHIP GRANVILLE CLASS. Individuals with a sincere and genuine interest in future service to the community and those who have demonstrated commitment by previous community activities are encouraged to apply.

The program provides an education on various facets of Granville County. Individuals interested in assuming leadership positions within their organization and/or community will find the knowledge gained in the program to be an asset.

Class sessions will begin mid-September and end with graduation in early April.

The program consists of approximately twenty sessions. The length of the sessions varies from daylong to half day and some evening.

Session highlights include leadership assessment and development, personal and group dynamics, county history, city-county-state governments, education, the arts, agriculture, economics-industry-small business, health services and volunteer agencies, human services, community support, tourism, judiciary and law enforcement, visiting manufacturers, farm, industries, businesses, etc.

Sponsored by the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, Granville County Public Schools and Vance-Granville Community College, Leadership Granville offers citizens of Granville County the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the community and develop their leadership potential. It offers new citizens an opportunity to become personally and professionally acquainted with county structure and life, which can benefit their present and future leadership.

Interested individuals should contact one of the Chamber’s office locations – 124 Hillsboro Street in Oxford/Wanda, 919.693.6125, wanda@granville-chamber.com  or 1598 Highway #56, Butner/Toni Anne, 919.528.4994, tawheeler@granville-chamber.com to request additional information and a class session schedule for the year.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Commissioners: Proposed Budget Public Hearing Set for May 20

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, May 20, 2019, at 7 p.m. at the Granville Expo and Convention Center, 4185 US Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Consent Agenda

1. Contingency Summary

Public Comments

2. Public Comments

Public Hearings

3. Public Hearing on Proposed FY 2019-2020 Budget

Finance Matters

4. FY 2019 Audit Contract and Engagement Letter – Winston, Williams, Creech, Evans and Company, LLP

Recreation Matters

5. “Fifteen for 15”: Sponsorship and Giving Campaign for the GAP’s 15th Anniversary

6. GAP Phase III Update

Human Resources Matters

7. Pay and Classification Study


8. Vehicle Purchase


9. South Granville Memorial Gardens Board of Trustees

10. Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board

11. Planning Board

County Manager’s Report

12. Street Sign Installation Contract

County Attorney’s Report

13. County Attorney’s Report

Budget Matters

14. Budget Discussion and Deliberation

Presentations by County Board Members

15. Presentations by County Board Members

Any Other Matters

16. Any Other Matters

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Senior Services Offering FREE Fans to Eligible Residents

Information courtesy Granville County Government’s Facebook page

The summer heat will soon be here, and eligible senior residents can be ready for soaring temperatures by taking advantage of the FREE fan promotion through Granville County Senior Services!

Thanks to contributions from Duke Energy Progress and Duke Energy Carolinas, fans have been made available to distribute to Granville County residents this summer. You are eligible to receive a fan if:

(1) You reside in Granville County
(2) You are 60 years of age or older
(3) You have a disability (proof of disability required)
(4) You have a heat situation at home that is a threat to your health or well-being.

If you need a fan, or have a family member or friend who does, please contact the Granville County Senior Center in Oxford at (919) 693-1930, the North Granville Senior Center in Stovall at (919) 693-3383 or the South Granville Senior Center in Creedmoor at (919) 528-0848.

Granville Co. Tourism Director Recipient of Scholarship

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Tourism Development Director Angela Allen is attending the Southeast Tourism Society (STS) Marketing College May 12 through May 17. The session covers a broad-based curriculum of courses designed to teach marketing techniques from all facets of the tourism industry.

Allen was named the recipient of a full scholarship through the Miles Partnership, a worldwide marketing services team which helps promote travel experiences, to attend this session. A selection committee comprised of industry professionals notified Allen in February that she had been chosen for this scholarship, which covers tuition and accommodations.

“The scholarship selection committee recognizes your hard work and dedication to the tourism industry in North Carolina,” Allen’s award notification read. “We are pleased to offer you this scholarship in support of your continued success.”

This is the second time Allen has received this scholarship from the Miles Partnership. The 2017 “Rising Star” of the North Carolina Tourism Industry Association continues to gain leadership and marketing skills at this training session, which is being held on the campus of the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega, GA.

Granville County Tourism Development Director Angela Allen is attending the Southeast Tourism Society (STS) Marketing College May 12 through May 17. The session covers a broad-based curriculum of courses designed to teach marketing techniques from all facets of the tourism industry. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)




Granville Commissioners Issue Proclamation to Honor Student’s Volunteer Efforts

Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County student Yosselin Baylon Alvarez was recognized with a proclamation for volunteer service at the May 6 meeting of the Granville County Board of Commissioners. The twelve-year-old was honored for her assistance to staff and other volunteers of the Granville County Animal Shelter during a spay/neuter event held in a targeted Butner area.

According to Animal Management Director Matthew Katz, Yosselin’s efforts were instrumental to the success of the project as she voluntarily offered Translation and transcription services in communicating with Spanish-speaking residents, helping to share information about the recent spay/neuter event. The bilingual sixth-grader also acted as a community liaison, encouraging resident participation while translating information and helping answer questions for those who struggled with the English language.

Yosselin Alvarez receives a congratulatory hug from Granville County Commissioner Sue Hinman while Animal Shelter staff members and volunteers look on. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Government)

On March 8, the day of the scheduled event, Yosselin was excused from school to continue her volunteer service by helping gather animals from residents who needed additional assistance. As a result of her work, 24 animals in the targeted area were successfully spayed/neutered. Yosselin continued to be a contact between the community and the Granville County Animal Shelter over the next few weeks, proving to be a vital link in every facet of the spay/neuter event.

“Yosselin invested many hours to assist volunteers in canvassing, follow-up and completing all the required paperwork,” the proclamation reads. “This level of participation from the community could not have been achieved without Yosselin bridging the different cultures and acting as an advocate for the event.”

Yosselin was accompanied by her family to Monday night’s Commissioners meeting and says she has dreams of becoming a medical doctor after completing her education. She is currently a student at Butner-Stem Middle School.

Oxford Logo

Oxford Board of Commissioners to Hear From Thornton on Proposed Budget

-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The City of Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Board Room, City Hall in Oxford.

Agenda items include:

May Yard of the Month Douglas & Dot Adcock of 114 Maluli Drive.

Proclamation for National Police Week.

Annual Historic Preservation Presentation – Anthony Armento.

Consider calling for a public hearing to be held at the June 11, 2019, Board meeting to consider a request by Lynwood Roberts Jr. to amend the Zoning Ordinance under sections 302.1 & 720 to convert an existing single-family dwelling into a two-family dwelling unit.

Receive proposed budget from City Manager Thornton. (A copy will be available on meeting night.)

Consider calling for a public hearing for the June 11, 2019, meeting to hear public input on the FY 2019-2020 budget.

Consider correcting journal entries to the Asset/Liabilities accounts.

Consider placing four portable crosswalk signs in the downtown area.

Consider adding two additional No U-Turn signs in the downtown area.

Consider authorizing the city manager to negotiate and sign a task order with Withers Ravenel for the 2019 City Resurfacing Project.

Consider authorizing a budget amendment to purchase a street sweeper.

Consider approving a budget amendment for $39,950.00.

Please click here for the full meeting agenda.

2019 Salute to Student-Athletes Big Success For NCSHOF

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

A total of 219 student-athletes from all over North Carolina and their chaperones were among the participants in the 2019 North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame’s Salute To Student-Athlete Program.

The program recognizes students from across the state and exposes them to the many positive lessons to be learned from North Carolina’s outstanding sports heritage.

A total of 31 different schools from 21 different counties across the state were represented by the student-athletes who attended the program. Eight students from JF Webb High School attended the event and were sponsored through the Oxford Rotary Club on behalf of Bart Cleary, DDS and Joe Johnson of Builder’s Services.

Eight students from JF Webb High School attended the 2019 North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame’s Salute To Student-Athlete event. The participants were sponsored through the Oxford Rotary Club on behalf of Bart Cleary, DDS and Joe Johnson of Builder’s Services. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Public Schools)

The two-day event included a special reception and attendance at ceremonies where the newest class of inductees to the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame was inducted at the Raleigh Convention Center. The following day, the student-athletes toured the state’s hall of fame exhibition at the North Carolina Museum of History and participated in a seminar involving some of North Carolina’s most celebrated sports figures.

Speakers at the seminar included former UNC-Chapel Hill basketball star Phil Ford and current major league baseball umpire Joe West. There was also a special panel discussion featuring several members of the NCSHOF, including Ford, West, Dee Kantner, Eddie Bridges and Paul Miller.

The student-athletes were invited to sign up for Hall Pass, a free program that offers special opportunities. Each Hall Pass member receives interesting information about the North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame and the state’s sports heritage, including a monthly newsletter and special features in advance before the general public. Any student-athlete can sign up to become a Hall Pass member by visiting www.ncshof.org and clicking on Hall Pass.

North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame members inducted this year included golfer Davis Love III, NASCAR legend Dale Earnhardt, Jr; former pro football player and renowned artist Ernie Barnes, former high school coaches Thell Overman and Willie Bradshaw, hunting and fishing icon Eddie Bridges, college football coach Rod Broadway, athletic administrators Gene Corrigan and Neill McGeachy, high school and college wrestling coach Steve Gabriel, basketball official Dee Kantner and college football standout Paul Miller.

Granville Early College High School Receives 2019 College Success Award

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville Early College High School is proud to announce that it has received the College Success Award, which honors schools that excel in ensuring students prepare for college, enroll in college and succeed once they get there.

Launched by GreatSchools.org, the leading nonprofit provider of trusted school information, the 2019 College Success Award recognizes 1,722 schools in 25 states. Award-winning schools have a successful track record of graduating students who later enroll in two or four-year colleges, are ready for college-level coursework, and persist on to their second year, according to available data from each state.

College and career-ready graduates are critical to fueling the U.S. economy, as 65 percent of jobs will require a postsecondary degree by 2020. Granville Early College High School is one of the approximately 20 percent of eligible schools in NC that won the College Success Award.

“We are extremely proud of our talented and hard-working students,” said Principal Jackie Harris.  “Our staff is dedicated to their success and continue to demonstrate excellence in their efforts.”

The College Success Award is possible because NC is leading the nation in collecting and being transparent in sharing information on how students do after high school, which is valuable information for families, educators, and policymakers.

For more information about Granville Early College High School, please visit their website:  https://gech.gcs.k12.nc.us/  Visitors and guests are welcome to visit by appointment!

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. to Hold Budget Work Session – May 14

-Information courtesy Debra Weary, Clerk to the Board/Assistant to the County Manager – Granville County


Granville County will hold a budget work session on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, at 8 a.m. at the Granville Expo Center located at 4185 Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Thornton Branch Introduces ‘Seed Library’ & Community Garden

-Press Release, Granville County Government

The Richard H. Thornton branch of the Granville County Library System continues to offer innovative services by introducing a “Seed Library” and community garden to residents and library patrons. Now available to the public is a card catalog filled with vegetable seeds, as well as herbs and berries that can be “checked out,” taken home and planted in family gardens.

According to Adult Services Librarian Ashley Wilson, families can come in, browse through the “card catalog” that has been stocked with a wide variety of seeds, and select what they would like to grow. Collards, cucumbers, corn, melons, squash, tomatoes, peas, peppers, okra and other vegetable seeds have already been prepared and are available in starter packs, which include growing instructions.

The Richard H. Thornton branch of the Granville County Library System introduces a “Seed Library” and community garden to residents and library patrons. Now available to the public is a card catalog filled with vegetable seeds, as well as herbs and berries that can be “checked out,” taken home and planted in family gardens. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt)

With a limit of three packs of seeds per family, it is hoped that those who begin their own gardens will share seeds after harvest to keep the project ongoing from season to season.

“The community played a large role in the plant and seed selections at the library,” Wilson notes. “We asked what they would like to see growing – most said tomatoes – so we made sure we offered tomatoes. The library values community input in all our projects and this one wouldn’t have been possible without it.”

Packets offered were also selected based on local soil conditions and other criteria that would make them “region friendly,” with many of the seeds available being donated by interested community members in support of this project.

To continue the message of sustainability through gardening, the Thornton Library also announces the addition of an on-site community garden. Planted just outside the front entrance and in the surrounding area, plantings include strawberries, peas, okra and other seedlings, as well as lavender, mint and cooking herbs.

“Visible and open access gardens are a way that my family has always enjoyed the growing season, especially when we didn’t have a place to grow ourselves,” Wilson explains. “Open gardens also gave us a chance to learn about new plants or varieties we may not have seen before.”

To continue the message of sustainability through gardening, the Thornton Library also announces the addition of an on-site community garden. Planted just outside the front entrance and in the surrounding area, plantings include strawberries, peas, okra and other seedlings, as well as lavender, mint and cooking herbs. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt)

Through mulch donated from a local business and in garden beds constructed by library staff and volunteers, seedlings are just now peeking through the soil. Taller plantings and bush varieties such as tomatoes and blueberries can also be spotted along the library’s exterior walls and around the corner to the side entrance.

As these plantings grow and mature, community residents are encouraged to come by and keep track of the garden’s progress, and to share in the harvest once the produce has reached its peak.

To provide hands-on instruction in using fresh ingredients in the kitchen, cooking demonstrations and samplings have been scheduled at the Thornton Library during the month of May, with all ingredients provided. The “What’s Cooking at the Library” series kicked off on May 8 with a class on making homemade pasta. Demonstrations continue on May 15 with Sultan’s Pilaf, and on May 22 with Versatile Salads and Dressings. These programs are being held at 2 p.m. in the library’s large conference room.

The Richard H. Thornton Library is located at 210 Main Street in Oxford and is one of four branches of the Granville County Library System, which also includes the South Branch in Creedmoor, the Stovall Library and the Berea branch.

For more information about programs and presentations offered through the Granville County Library System, visit  https://granville.lib.nc.us/ or call 919-693-1121.