Tag Archive for: #hendersonfiredepartment

Another Mexican Restaurant Burns! Habanero Grill Catches Fire in Early Morning Hours

For the second time in less than three weeks, a local Mexican restaurant has caught on fire. Habanero Grill Mexican Restaurant, located on Parham Road in Henderson, caught on fire about 2:49 a.m., according to Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell. According to Cordell, the fire is under investigation and there are no reported injuries.

Visible at the scene was a smashed window and extensive damage. The roofline appears intact but proper damage assessment won’t happen until later today.

Habanero Grill owner, Blanca Yuri and her family, told WIZS News the restaurant will reopen, and hopefully soon. Yuri said the restaurant’s Facebook page would be kept up-to-date.

Yuri told WIZS News that someone broke into the restaurant and stole money from the safe. She said she suspects the thieves also set the business on fire. They are looking for answers and they are looking for who did it.

A video that was taken at the scene was placed on WIZS’ Facebook page earlier today.

Yuri told WIZS News that this fire appears to be very similar to what happened at Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant on Ruin Creek Rd. on November 27. That fire is still under investigation, and no official cause has been released by the Henderson Fire Department or the State Bureau of Investigation.

A sad morning for the restaurant and its family, as well as Mexican food lovers in the area, as Habanero Grill is presently surrounded by police tape. It is located within the city limits.

Habanero Grill Mexican Restaurant, located on Parham Road in Henderson, caught on fire about 2:49 a.m. on December 17, 2018, according to Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell. According to Cordell, the fire is under investigation and there are no reported injuries. (Photo: WIZS News)

Henderson Fire Dept

Whitten Avenue Home Declared Total Loss in Tuesday’s Blaze

Henderson Fire Department personnel responded to a fire at 520 Whitten Avenue at approximately 9:40 a.m. on Tuesday morning. Though firefighters were quickly able to control the blaze, the rental property, valued at $21,400, was declared a total loss.

According to Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell, the fire was caused by improper use of drop cords.

Deadra Fuller of Henderson was reported to have rented the property from owner Larry Richardson.

Both Fuller and daughter Erin Fowler were forced to escape the home through a bedroom window, said Cordell. Fowler sustained minor injuries to her leg and foot and received medical attention on the scene.

The 16 members of the Henderson Fire Department on the scene were assisted by three personnel from the Vance County Fire Department, two personnel from Vance County EMS and two personnel with the Vance County Air Truck.

Henderson Fire Department to Bolster Fire Prevention Efforts with FM Global Grant

-Press Release, Henderson Fire Department

The City of Henderson Fire Department has received a US $2,832 fire prevention grant from FM Global, one of the world’s largest commercial property insurers.

FM Global representatives presented the award to Fire Chief Steve Cordell at the City of Henderson Fire Department Station 1 located at 211 Dabney Drive in Henderson, NC 27536. The award will be used to assist with fire prevention activities in the community to help educate the community and reduce the number of fires.

Cordell further indicated in correspondence with WIZS that the grant will go towards the purchase of a new Sparky costume that will be used to help educate and promote fire safety locally.

Because fire continues to be the leading cause of property damage worldwide, during the past 40 years FM Global has contributed millions of dollars in fire prevention grants to fire service organizations around the globe. Locally, the company has awarded grants to a number of North Carolinabased organizations.

“At FM Global, we strongly believe the majority of property damage is preventable, not inevitable,” said Michael Spaziani, assistant vice president/manager of the fire prevention grant program. “Far too often, inadequate budgets prevent those organizations working to prevent fires from being as proactive as they would like to be. With additional financial support, grant recipients are actively helping to improve property risk in the communities they serve.”

Through fire damage restoration experts at Smart Dry Restoration in collaboration with FM Global awards grants to fire departments—as well as national, state, regional, local and community organizations worldwide—that best demonstrate a need for funding, where dollars can have the most demonstrable impact on preventing fire, or mitigating the damage it can quickly cause.

To learn more about FM Global’s Fire Prevention Grant Program and other resources for the fire service, please visit www.fmglobal.com/fireservice.

Henderson Fire Department’s Boot Drive Raises $13K+ for Maria Parham Oncology

On Monday afternoon, Chief Steve Cordell and other representatives with the Henderson Fire Department presented the administration and staff of Maria Parham Health with a check for $13,300 to be used for care and resources for cancer patients.

Over a period of three days in October, the fire department held their second annual Breast Cancer Boot Drive to raise money for Maria Parham Oncology Center’s “Angel Fund.”

The “Angel Fund,” according to Hope Breedlove with Maria Parham Oncology, was created to help patients overcome the financial hardships that serve as barriers to cancer treatment and care.

According to Captain Lee Edmonds, the fire department was proud to top last year’s donation amount. “This is our second year doing the boot drive; last year we raised $11,353,” said Edmonds. “We had our pink boots and helmets out on Dabney Drive in front of Henderson Fire Department Station 1 raising money.”

Chief Steve Cordell and other representatives with the Henderson Fire Department present the administration and staff of Maria Parham Health with a check for $13,300 to be used for care and resources for cancer patients. (WIZS Photo)

While the pink boot drive just wrapped up its second year, Edmonds said the idea to raise funds for breast cancer started five years ago with part-time fire department member Ian Arthur.

“Ian came to Chief one day and asked if the department could get pink shirts made for breast cancer awareness, and Chief said yes. He [Ian] had a design made up, and the guys sold the shirts. That’s when we said we had to have something to give the proceeds to and we found the ‘Angel Fund’ at Maria Parham.”

With t-shirt sales only raising $2,500 – $3,000 each year, Edmonds said Chief Cordell had the idea to try a boot drive instead. “We raised so much more money on the boot drive that we felt we should continue,” said Edmonds.

Edmonds said the firefighters are proud to be a part of a fundraiser that allows Vance County citizens to give back to their fellow community members. “We felt that with this money going to Maria Parham Oncology, it would help our own people in the community. In today’s time, everyone is touched by cancer in some way, whether it is family or friends.”

In addition to being a morale booster for the firefighters, Edmonds said the annual boot drive is also a lot of fun. “With 30 members, each shift wants to outdo the other on their daily amount raised. So it’s always fun at the end of the day when all the guys are standing there waiting for the final number to see who guessed the closest.”

The donated funds also mean a lot to Maria Parham. “It’s hard to put into words what this means to us,” said Breedlove. “In our community, we don’t have a lot of resources for patients. It means a lot to have the support of our fire department and we thank them for coming through and making this possible.”

Breedlove also expressed gratitude for all the community support of this drive. “We are very thankful for everyone who came down Dabney Drive those three days and put money in those pink boots. It’s going to stay right here in Vance County and help our patients here at Maria Parham.”

Henderson Fire Dept

Edmonds Discusses Annual Smoke Detector Campaign, Shares Heating Safety Tips

Captain Lee Edmonds was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the Henderson Fire Department’s annual smoke detector and battery inspection program along with winter heating safety tips.

The annual campaign kicked off at the beginning of this month and is expected to continue through early spring.

Started in 2009 after a Vance County family lost several of their children to a house fire, Edmonds said the door-to-door home inspection program is “a good opportunity to check houses and check smoke detectors to make sure everything is working properly.”

The inspection, which begins anew each November following Fire Prevention Month in October, is free of charge to City of Henderson residents. “We put new batteries in smoke detectors, replace old smoke detectors and install smoke detectors in places that did not previously have them,” said Edmonds.

For the month of November, Edmonds estimated that the department has visited approximately 950 homes and has been successful in inspecting just shy of 200. In a previous interview with WIZS, Edmonds stated that the fire department’s goal is to visit 6,000 homes per annual campaign.

“We aren’t able to get into all of the homes we visit because either people aren’t home or they say they regularly check their batteries and smoke detectors,” said Edmonds. “If they aren’t home, we leave a note on their door asking them to call us so we can come back out.”

In addition to homes, the department inspects downtown businesses annually and most other businesses on a three-year basis.

With the number of fire-related deaths in 2018 topping previous years, the Henderson Fire Department urges residents to check their detectors regularly and to allow fire department personnel inside their home during the annual door-to-door campaign.

Additional Safety Tips Courtesy of Captain Edmonds:

  • Carbon monoxide detectors like the GasAlert Quattro are inexpensive and should always be used in homes that heat with a fuel source such as propane, kerosene or natural gas.
  • Leave three feet of clearance around any type of heater – fireplace, electric heater or gas heater.
  • Unplug electric heater when not in use and always plug directly into wall outlet. Never plug a heater into an extension cord. Extension cords are not rated for a heater and may overheat and cause a fire.
  • Have heaters and furnaces serviced at least once, preferably twice, a year by a certified technician to ensure everything is in working order and to minimize safety hazards.
  • During the holidays, make sure real Christmas trees are watered properly. Christmas lights will catch a dry tree on fire very quickly. Inspect light cords on all types of Christmas decorations and plug directly into wall outlet. Christmas lights should always be unplugged when you aren’t at home.
  • Never attempt to leave the stove open as a means of heating your home.
  • Families should have at least two escape routes mapped out in their home that everyone knows. An outside meeting place should also be discussed in case members of the family escape the home different ways. Make sure windows can be opened and aren’t painted or nailed shut.

With questions regarding your smoke detector, fire safety or to schedule a time for a free home inspection, please call the Henderson Fire Department at (252) 430-1877.

To listen to the interview in its entirety, please click here.

Henderson Fire Dept

Chief Cordell Reminds Public to Stay Vigilant With Winter Fire Safety

With winter weather right around the corner and fall days that have seemed a bit chillier than normal, now is a great time to hire a professionals from Columbus Fire Watch Company to make sure your home is protected against fire dangers and carbon monoxide poisoning.

According to Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell, the number one way to prevent fires during the winter months is to use proper heating techniques. “If you use a space heater, for example, make sure it is UL approved and keep a minimum of 36 inches of clearance around the heater at all times.”

Carbon monoxide poisoning is also a concern, especially when warming the home with kerosene heaters. “Your home must be properly ventilated when heating with kerosene to avoid issues with carbon monoxide,” said Cordell.

Known as the “silent killer,” carbon monoxide is highly dangerous due to its odorless, colorless, tasteless and non-irritating nature. Carbon monoxide detectors are available at most home improvement stores and could literally mean the difference between life and death.

To help identify potential issues with heating methods and fire risks, the Henderson Fire Department conducts an annual smoke detector and battery inspection program each year.

Started in 2009 after a Vance County family lost several children to a house fire, Captain Lee Edmonds said the door-to-door home inspection program is “a good opportunity to check houses and smoke detectors to make sure everything is working properly.”

The inspection, which begins anew each November following Fire Prevention Month in October, is free of charge to Henderson residents. “We put new batteries in smoke detectors, replace old smoke detectors and install smoke detectors in places that did not previously have them,” said Edmonds.

The department recommends that every home have at least one working smoke detector per floor. “You want at least one on each floor,” said Cordell. “Ideally, you should have one on each hallway and above each bedroom door.”

For more information on the free smoke detector program or to have your home inspected, please call Captain Edmonds at (252) 430-1877.

Henderson Fire Dept

‘Look, Listen & Learn’ Fire Prevention Day Canceled

-Information courtesy Sandra Wilkerson, Director of Admin and Events, Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Day that was scheduled for Saturday, October 13 has been canceled.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the local Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, Duke Energy, 911 Operators and all first responders for all they did last night and continue to do today due to the storm.  Our local media, WIZS, 98.3 and The Daily Dispatch are all working to keep everyone informed of closing and delays.  Be safe everyone!

Henderson Fire Dept

Reminder: ‘Look, Listen & Learn’ Fire Prevention Day on Breckenridge St. This Sat.

-Information and flyer courtesy Sandra Wilkerson, Director of Admin and Events, Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

A reminder that the Henderson Fire Department will hold a “Look. Listen and Learn” Fire Prevention Day on Saturday, October 13, 2018.

The event will be held on Breckenridge Street in downtown Henderson from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Activities include fire truck tours, a smoke safety house, water house spraying, Sparky, cooking fire demo and bounce house.

Free hot dogs, pizza and refreshments provided.

Henderson Fire Station Open House, ‘Look, Listen & Learn’ Day Among Fall Activities

Lee Edmonds, captain with the Henderson Fire Department, was on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss October’s Fire Prevention Week and other upcoming fire department events.

The next event on the fire department’s busy fall list will be a dedication and commission for the City’s new fire truck, along with an open house, this Friday, September 21 at 10 a.m. at Fire Station #2. The station is located at 205 N. Garnett Street in downtown Henderson, but an easier direction, according to Edmonds, is just come to “the one with the clock tower.”

Participants will have the opportunity to tour the newly renovated fire department and adjoining municipal building that previously served as the police department. Fire department staff will also be on-hand to demonstrate the bells and whistles of the new fire engine.

While the public will have to wait until Saturday to see the new truck, Edmonds said the crew has already had a sneak preview. “The new fire truck arrived at 10 a.m. this morning,” said Edmonds. “We are all really excited.”

The new model replaces one of the City’s older year models from 1990. Edmonds believes the fire department was fortunate to get 28 years out of the previous truck, “A lot of bigger departments only get 10 years or less out of a truck.”

The nearly half-million dollar fire engine is larger than the previous model and includes newer, faster technology and safety features. “It’s unreal what you can do with a fire truck now,” Edmonds said.

Fire department staff will participate in an all-day, in-house training session next week on the truck’s features. “We will train and get everyone familiar with it before we put it on the front line,” said Edmonds.

The department is also gearing up for 2018’s Fire Prevention Week observed Sunday, October 7 through Saturday, October 13. In honor of this week and its mission to educate others on fire safety, firefighters will be visiting elementary schools in the city to give a presentation to students.

To conclude Fire Prevention Week, there will be a “Look, Listen and Learn” Fire Prevention Day on Saturday, October 13 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in front of the Henderson Police Department on Breckenridge Street.

Hot dogs and drinks will be provided and vendors will be on site to provide safety information. The City’s fire trucks will be on display and the fire department’s smoke trailer will be available for demonstrations. The event is free to the public.

For more information on the event, or if you are interested in participating, please call Captain Edmonds at (252) 430-1877.

City of Henderson Logo

City’s Remodeled Fire Station, New Engine to be on Display at Open House

From the City of Henderson Fire Department’s Facebook page:

All of us at the City of Henderson Fire Department would like to extend this invitation to all of our followers and supporters. Over the past year, we have been very fortunate, as we have been able to have our historic (est. 1908) downtown Station completely remodeled as well as the design and purchase of a brand new fire engine. This Friday, we will present the apparatus to the city officials and the public as well as hold an open house for all of those who would like to take a look at our freshly renovated fire station. We would like to extend thanks to all of those who made this possible and we look forward to seeing you there!!

Date: Friday, September 21, 2018

Time: 10 a.m.

Place: Fire Station #2, 205 North Garnett St., Henderson