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-Press Release, Granville County Government
A full calendar of classes, interactive activities and educational trips have been scheduled through Granville County Senior Services’ Creative Lifelong Learning (CLL) program, which offers a wide variety of programming for all interests. Courses range from “Beginning Tai Chi” and a “Basic Self-Defense” class to “Conversational Spanish” and “Nutrition.”
This the second full year that the CLL program has been offered to residents of Granville County, as well as those outside the area. Even though early renewal and membership ended on August 15, anyone can join CLL and register for various classes throughout the year.

Pictured is Conversational Spanish Instructor Laura Gabel at the Granville County Senior Center in Oxford. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)
According to Senior Services Director Kathy May, the Creative Lifelong Learning program is modeled after the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) offered at Duke and N.C. State Universities, as well as other senior center programming in the Triangle. The suggestion for a similar program was made by a local retired couple, who also established an endowment fund which pays for course instructors.
Through the work of a steering committee, led by CLL Coordinator Marilyn Howard, many interests have been identified and instructors scheduled for a wide variety of course offerings based on member requests, class leader expertise and balance in the curriculum, with most classes being held at the Senior Center in Oxford. Classes vary in length, with sessions that range from interactive hour-long workshops to day-long trips and/or lectures.
“What we are trying to do is to fill a void in the community,” May said about the CLL program. “We have so many baby boomers here who want to stay active and be stimulated. We are excited to be able to offer this program to all of our citizens.”
The first week of the CLL program kicks off with “The Study of Mark” by instructor Pat Cox, which will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays (until Dec. 19) from 8:30 until 10 a.m. For those interested in learning Tai Chi, a 9:30 a.m. class, “Beginning Tai Chi,” is offered on Tuesday mornings until Dec. 31, as well as a “Tai Chi Continuation” class, offered at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. These hour-long classes are taught by Peter Kay.
Laura Gabel will instruct an intermediate Spanish class beginning Sept. 4 at 11 a.m. and continuing through Nov. 27, with Kathy Wolford offering a 1:30 p.m. class in “Wire Weaving” each Thursday from Sept. 5 until Oct. 17.
A Basic Defense class will also be offered, with instructor Brent Bedwell. This class will be held on Mondays at 7 p.m. beginning Sept. 9 and scheduled through Oct. 28.
Back by popular demand, the Young at Heart Chorus will meet at Oxford Methodist Church on Mondays at 11 a.m. beginning Sept. 9. This group is under the direction of Sarah Lewis and there is no cost for returning members.
On the second Tuesday of each month, the “North Carolina, Our Home” interest group will resume meetings at 9:30 a.m. and will have their first meeting of the new CLL calendar on Sept. 10. This meeting is free and open to the public, with no enrollment or membership required.
And new to the CLL curriculum is the “My Former Life” series, which offers a glimpse into the professional experiences of Granville County seniors and their careers before retirement. Cynthia Salzhauer will kick off this new offering with a presentation of her background in managing one of the largest ice-skating rinks on the east coast. This session is also offered at no charge to those interested in attending.
Many other classes will follow in coming weeks which include “Clogging,” “The History of Granville County,” “The Romanov Dynasty” and others as more instructors and course offerings are being made available.
For a more complete listing or to see how you can enroll, contact Marilyn Howard, CLL Coordinator, at 919-693-1930.