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Bypass of Untreated Wastewater Enters Red Bud Creek

-Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

Bypass of Untreated Wastewater

The City of Henderson’s Sewer Collection System bypassed approximately 2,100 gallons of untreated water on May 3, 2019, due to grease in the sewer main. This occurred on the Henderson Country Club golf course. The overflow entered Red Bud Creek.

North Carolina General Statute Article 21, Chapter 143-215.1C requires a press release for all bypasses of 1,000 gallons or more that enter surface waters.

Questions concerning this matter should be directed to the Public Services ORC, Joey Long, Jr. at 252-226-4492 or Andy Perkinson at 252-431-6117.

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Henderson’s Public Safety, Public Works Committees to Meet May 9

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

The Henderson City Council’s Public Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, May 9, 2019, at 10 a.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Fire and IT services.

The Henderson City Council’s Public Works Committee will meet on Thursday, May 9, 2019, at 11 a.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss stormwater issues.

The public is welcome to observe.

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City Lifts Boil Water Advisory for Dabney & Beckford Drive

-Information courtesy the City of Henderson, Public Works

According to City of Henderson Public Works officials, the boil water advisory that was in effect for the Dabney Drive and Beckford Drive area as of Wednesday, May 1, 2019, has been lifted. Residents and businesses in this area may resume normal water consumption.

Water customers in the Dabney Drive area may have experienced periods of low pressure and outages in the distribution system due to a line break earlier this week. Periods of low or no pressure in the distribution system increased the potential for back siphoning and introduction of bacteria into the water system.

The boil water advisory was issued as a safety precaution.

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URGENT: Boil Water Notice Issued for Parts of Dabney Drive and Beckford Drive

Water customers of the City of Henderson in the Dabney Drive area are experiencing periods of low pressure and outages in the distribution system due to a line break, according a news release. The news release says periods of low or no pressure in the distribution system increases the potential for back siphoning and introduction of bacteria into the water system.

Repair of the broken line is expected to be complete by 8:00 this evening.

The release continues: “Therefore, the Division of Water Resources advises that when water is restored, consumers boil all water used for human consumption (including drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and food preparation) or use bottled water.”

Public Works Director for Henderson, Andy Perkinson, told WIZS News, “The people affected would be Dabney Drive from Coble Blvd. to Beckford Drive.  And Beckford Drive down past the Farmers Market.”

Henderson City Manager Frank Frazier confirmed, as well, that the boil water advisory was only for those affected by the water line break.  The boil water advisory is not for everyone.

To be on the safe side, if you experience low water pressure in the next 24 hours in the affected or surrounding area, you may want to boil your water as well.

Vigorous boiling for one (1) minute should kill any disease-causing organisms that may be present in the water, the news release says.

Public Works is strongly urging water consumers to conserve water whenever possible. This advisory remains in effect until further written notification is issued.

This advisory was issued on May 1, 2019 by Andy Perkinson, Public Works Director, City of Henderson.

West End Baptist

West End Community Watch Hears From Daeke; Positive Changes Ahead for Henderson!

-Notes courtesy Claire Catherwood

Notes from the West End Community Watch meeting held on April 16, 2019:

West End Community Watch met on Tuesday, April 16. The speaker was Garry Daeke. Daeke discussed the City Council’s progress and plans since his joining the council 12 years ago.

In 2006, the City Council was very short on funds and the city was in danger of shutting down. Finances are now greatly improved. Taxes are not expected to be increased any time soon.

Many streets need resurfacing, and they are now being done. Resurfacing is very expensive.

City employee salaries had to be increased because Henderson has not been keeping up with the pay for city employees in neighboring cities. The city is still not on par with surrounding areas.

New equipment has been added; this is also very expensive.

About 80% of city employees’ time is spent on water, sewer, and street maintenance. The city has 100 miles of water and sewer line.

Asked about the THM pollutant in the city water supply, Daeke noted that Henderson was “just over the edge” in recent tests.  The problems existed only at the “dead ends” of water lines that were all outside of city limits.

The City Council realizes that changes must be made in housing and is working towards redevelopment through private and public funding. Cost is the problem. Some of the plans are expected to be “very unique.” Attention is being placed on the entryways to the city; particularly Highway 39/Andrews Avenue. Lighting and signage will soon be added to some areas.

Downtown development is expected soon. An outdoor theater on Breckenridge Street, just outside the police station, has been contracted and will be the final stage of “Breckenridge Commons.” Also, a grant has been procured for a park to be developed at the site of the old Vance Hotel.  An “open-air market” and a park, to include a “splash pool,” is planned for the site.

Beckford Drive is to be widened soon. Original plans included Beckford being wider when first built, however, due to inflation, the money saved was insufficient by the time the road was built.

Dabney Drive is being redesigned. There are currently two separate, projected plans. One widens Dabney Drive only as far as Parker Lane. The second widens it all the way to the Hardees location.

Additional businesses are coming to Dabney Drive. A coffee shop and a bank are soon to be added to the new Aldi’s. After that, additional shops are expected to open. These will add to the traffic in this already congested area.

Daeke said he is pro-sidewalks, but they are very expensive. With the city population decreasing, little progress has been made on building sidewalks.

The council is trying to get more kids involved with the Recreation Center. There are many activities available to Henderson children, but many parents are not aware of offerings. To name just a few opportunities, Henderson has PALS, The Boys’ and Girls’ Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the “Y”, the Henderson-Vance Recreation Department, Fox Pond Park, Aycock Recreation Center, Rollins Park, the Perry Memorial Library, etc.

From the floor, it was suggested that the police department and/or the City Council post a list on social media so that parents can see the many options open to their kids.

The City Council, realizing that the perception of the city needs to change, is soon to start a trash and litter program. Also, not enough people recycle. Daeke would like to see the existing garbage carts become recycle bins and smaller carts be used for garbage. Both of these goals require a change in the mentality of our citizens.

Complaints are often issued about the cost of the city’s water. Daeke noted that our water is actually much lower than areas around Henderson; however, it is expected that our rates will soon increase. Our sewer rates are, admittedly, already high.

The group asked about the development behind the hospital. Daeke noted that this is outside city limits and beyond the responsibility of the city council.

City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson Announces Recent Untreated Wastewater Discharges

-Press Release, City of Henderson

Notification of Discharge of Untreated Wastewater

General Statute 143-215.1C requires that the owner or operator of any wastewater collection or treatment works to issue a Public Notice when untreated wastewater discharge of 1,000 gallons or more reaches surface waters.

The City of Henderson experienced heavy rainfall on April 13, 2019, and had a discharge of untreated wastewater. The discharge was an estimated 21,600 gallons at the Sandy Creek Pump Station, located at 482 Rock Mill Road, and was discharged into Sandy Creek, a part of the Tar Pamlico River Basin.

Two other spills occurred at Neathery Street (12,000 gallons) and Rockspring Street (6,000 gallons), which also are a part of the Tar Pamlico River Basin. The City continues to work on ways to increase pumping capacity at the Sandy Creek Pump Station as well as reducing Infiltration/Inflow of the sanitary sewer system.

The Division of Water Resources was notified of the event on April 13, 2019, and is reviewing the matter.

For more information contact the City of Henderson Water Reclamation Facility at (252) 431-6080 or Joey Long, ORC at (252) 431-6030.

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Water Outage Planned for Oxford Road – Mon., April 15

-Information courtesy the City of Henderson

The City of Henderson announces that there will a water outage on Oxford Road from the intersection of Dabney Drive and Oxford Road to the intersection of Oxford Road and Willowood Drive on Monday, April 15, 2019, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Contractors will be working on a tie-in to the water main during this time.

Residents in this area may have experienced a water outage for several hours earlier today (April 11) as contractors worked to isolate the segment of the distribution system.

If you live or work in the area and will be affected by Monday’s outage, please plan accordingly.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council: Elmwood Cemetery, Food Trucks Under Review

City Manager Frank Frazier was on Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to provide a brief overview of the Henderson City Council meeting held on Monday, April 8.

According to Frazier, the City Council voted to table the first agenda item, a public hearing and consideration of approval that would amend the zoning map to rezone two parcels on Dabney Drive and one parcel on Lynne Avenue in Henderson to a neighborhood commercial district.

Council members voted to table the discussion on the rezoning of those parcels citing a need for additional research and information.

In new business, the City Council voted to renew the City’s contract with Waste Industries, Inc. for curbside sanitation pickup services for an additional three-year period. Waste Industries has been contracted with the City since 2010, according to Frazier.

The City Council also approved the demolition of properties at 813 Andrews Avenue, 210 Chestnut Street and 435 Chestnut Street. Frazier reported that the 435 Chestnut Street location is jointly owned by the County of Vance; discussions will be held with the County on how to proceed.

Also approved was a proposal to purchase the property at the corner of Beckford Drive and Andrews Avenue. Frazier stated this land would be used for future City redevelopment endeavors, including a potential small park.

In the accompanying work session, City Council members discussed amending the City-owned Elmwood Cemetery’s maintenance and operation codes.

Frazier said some of the codes are dated and need revising, including codes for proper barricading of open grave sites and upkeep of flowers and memorials.

To “protect the integrity and appearance of Elmwood,” Frazier said the City Council is also reviewing ways to prevent issues with leaning tombstones and memorials due to uneven grounds.

Another work session discussion – amending ordinances related to peddlers, solicitors, park concessions and food trucks – centered around the increased interest in food truck operations in Henderson.

In response to the increase in inquiries, Frazier said the City Council seeks to be proactive in establishing ordinances guiding food truck operations. City Council members have held discussions with the Henderson Police Department to determine the best way to proceed.

According to Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow, proposed ordinances regarding food truck operations are fairly simple.

“My primary concern is safety and knowing who is providing services to our citizens,” said Barrow. “With food trucks, the criteria for a permit are having a certificate from the health department and having permission to set up at the location.”

The ordinance is straightforward; I did not recreate the wheel. It was pulled from other established ordinances from other municipalities. This ordinance will not be a hindrance, only a way to ensure safety for our citizens.”

Code amendments and proposed ordinances discussed at the work session will be presented to the entire Henderson City Council for review at their May meeting.

To hear the Town Talk interview with City Manager Frank Frazier in its entirety, click here.

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Henderson City Council to Hold Regular Meeting This Evening

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold their regular meeting on Monday, April 8, 2019, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:


  1. a) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-01, Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone 1337 Dabney Drive (Parcel 0013 03052), 1343 Dabney Drive (Parcel 0013 03001), and 1511 Lynne Avenue (Parcel 0013 03002) from OIA (Office Institutional “A”) District and R-8 (Moderate to High Density Residential) District to B-4 (Neighborhood Commercial) District. (CAF 19-05-A) 
  • Ordinance 19-01


  1. a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-16, Confirming the City’s Desire to Continue Services with Waste Industries, Inc., Relative to the Contracting of Sanitation Services. (CAF 19-26)
  • Resolution 19-16
  1. b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-18, Authorizing the Demolition of 813 Andrews Avenue, 210 Chestnut Street and 435 Chestnut Street Alley. (CAF 19-28)
  • Resolution 19-18
  1. c) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-13, FY18-19 BA #29, Approval to Purchase Property at the Corner of Beckford Drive and Andrews Avenue Further Identified as Parcel No. 0104 03001 for the Purpose of Redevelopment. (CAF 19-31) 
  • Ordinance 19-13
  • d) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-19, Approving a Contract Between the City of Henderson and Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams and Co., P.A. to Conduct the Annual Audit for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (CAF 19-32) 
  • Resolution 19-19
  1. e) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-15, Approving a Small Cell Wireless Facility Ordinance. (CAF 19-34) 
  • Ordinance 19-15
  • f) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-14, FY19 BA #30 Establishing a CIP Project for the Replacement of the Generator at the Martin Creek Pump Station FY2018-2019 Budget Amendment #30. (CAF 19-33) [See Notebook Tab 8]
  • Ordinance 19-14


All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine or have been previously discussed, and can be approved in one motion unless a Council Member asks for separate consideration of an item.

  1. a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-09-A, 1) Issuance of Certificate of Sufficiency; 2) Fixing Date of Public Hearing on Question of Annexation of 429 Birch Street and 432 Bobbitt Street Pursuant to N.C.G.S. §160A-31. (CAF 19-16-A) 
  • Resolution 19-09-A
  1. b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-17, Approving FY 19-20 Budget Review Calendar and Scheduling of Special Council Budget Work Sessions. (CAF 19-27) 
  • Resolution 19-17
  1. c) Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of February 2019. (CAF 19-30) 


  1. a) Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem (No Report) b) City Manager (No Report) c) City Attorney (No Report) d) City Clerk
  2. Meeting and Events Calendar ii. E-911 Monthly Report iii. Fire Department Monthly Report iv. Recreation and Parks Monthly Report


  1. a) Consideration of Ordinance 19-12, Amending Elmwood Cemetery City Code Article II. Section 4-12, Cemetery Maintenance and Operation and Article IV. Section 4-18, Plants, Flowers, Etc., and Section 4-22, Other Rules and Regulations Enumerated (CAF 19-29) 
  2. b) Consideration of Ordinance 19-07, Amending Section 10-34 of the City Code Relative to Peddlers, Solicitors, Park Concessions and Food Trucks. (CAF 19-13)


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City Council’s Public Works Committee to Meet March 29

Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

The Henderson City Council’s Public Works Committee will meet on Friday, March 29, 2019, to discuss items relative to applications for funding, bid award and generator replacement.

This meeting will take place at 3 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson. The public is welcome to observe.