Small Business Summit Promotes Importance Of Online First Impression

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dozens of area entrepreneurs, small business owners, and business and non-profit leaders discovered the importance of having a powerful digital presence to create a positive first impression online at the seventh annual Small Business Summit.

Martin Brossman, a leading social media authority and business consultant to many IT companies in Boston, delivered the keynote address at the summit organized by the Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center on Monday, Oct. 15. Under the theme of “Recipe for Success: Making Your Dream a Reality,” the summit was held in the Warren County Armory & Convention Center in Warrenton.

Social media authority Martin Brossman delivers the keynote address at the summit organized by the Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center in October in the Warren County Armory & Convention Center in Warrenton. He told those in attendance that digital first impressions will lead to more sales and referrals for a business. (Photo: VGCC)

“Your future customers want to know more about you than just what is on your website, and they may trust you less if they don’t,” said Brossman. “We all are looking for secondary validation for everything from credible information for a product, business, person or service. This session is going to show you the free and low-cost ways to make the best digital — web-based — first impression that will lead to more sales and more referrals for your business.”

“As more professionals and businesses go online to gain a traction on outsourced lead generation and to expand their markets, they are looking for ways to become more effective,” Brossman said. The keynote address was designed not only for small business owners but also professionals of all types, he said. “They need to understand the value of a positive online reputation as well as the cost of having none at all,” he added.

Brossman was joined on the program by Kristen Baughman of Warrenton, the founder of the Tabletop Media Group in Raleigh, who presented “Top 10 Tips: How to Work with Media,” and a panel of four local and regional leaders who answered questions from the audience on the topics of planning and zoning, insurance, accounting and legal services in a discussion titled “Stock Your Pantry with the Right Business Resources.” The panelists had stressed on the complete utilization of resources like Marketing Heaven for social media proliferation and as a consolidation measure. On the panel were Ken Krulich of Warren County Planning & Zoning, Jennifer Burton with O.L. Meek Insurance in Warrenton, Certified Public Accountant Susan Bersch of Littleton, and Volunteer Attorney Kate McCullough with the North Carolina Lawyers for Entrepreneurs Assistance Program (NCLEAP) of the North Carolina State Bar. The discussion was moderated by Tanya Weary, director of the VGCC Small Business Center.

Duke Energy was the presenting sponsor for the summit. Local partners working with the VGCC Small Business Center to organize the event were the Chamber of Commerce of Warren County, the Warren County Economic Development Commission and the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center. In-kind sponsors of the summit were the Lake Gaston Gazette-Observer of Littleton, The Daily Dispatch of Henderson, The Warren Record of Warrenton, WARR 1520 AM of Warrenton, and WIZS 1450 AM/100.1 FM of Henderson. Centerpiece arrangements were provided by Lola G of Oxford.

From left: Volunteer Attorney Kate McCullough with the North Carolina Lawyers for Entrepreneurs Assistance Program (NCLEAP) of the North Carolina State Bar, Ken Krulich of Warren County Planning & Zoning, Jennifer Burton with O.L. Meek Insurance in Warrenton, and Certified Public Accountant Susan Bersch of Littleton. (Photo: VGCC)

Brossman was described by Weary as a dynamic trainer known for his insight and humor. As a member of the National Speakers Association, he is a popular speaker on many professional development and business topics, including Online Reputations: Reputation Enhancement, Monitoring, and Management; Transforming Conflict Into Enhanced Relationships in Business; Creating Raving Fans and Repeat Business; Customer Service in a Customer Empowered World; Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking; Communication That Gets More Results; Beyond Ordinary Networking; Being Effective as an Entrepreneur and Business Owner; Referral Marketing; Dragonfly Thinking Training: How to Integrate Effective Problem Solving Into Your Work to Get Superior Results (taught with Dr. Bruce Oberhardt); and LinkedIn for Professionals.

Brossman teaches across North Carolina, including a certification program through N.C. State University’s Technology Training Solutions. He is a leading authority on LinkedIn, Reputation Management, and building a positive digital presence. He has co-hosted a leading podcast on Social Selling for since 2009, “Linking Into Sales.”

A Flickr album of photographs from the Business Summit is available at

Granville Crime Stoppers

Granville Co. Crime Stoppers: Copper Wiring Removed From Cell Phone Tower

-Information courtesy Granville County Crime Stoppers

Sometime between Friday, August 17, 2018, and Wednesday, October 3, 2018, an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property located off Cash Road, Creedmoor, NC and criminally removed copper wiring from a cell phone tower.

If you have information concerning this incident, please contact the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at 919-693-3213 or call Crime Stoppers 919-693-3100.


Oxford Board’s Nov. Meeting to Include Public Hearing on Annexation

-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The City of Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at 7 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Board Room, City Hall.

Among the agenda items:

Public Hearing for voluntary contiguous annexation of 37.703 acres of land at 525 New Commerce Drive Oxford.

Consider adopting the voluntary contiguous annexation ordinance of 37.703 acres of land at 525 New Commerce Drive Oxford.

Call for a public hearing to be held on December 11, 2018, for the rezoning request of 5015 Highway 96 of the approximately 44-acre parcel from R-A (Agriculture) to R-8 (1 & 2 family residential).

Consider approving a budget amendment and accept a donation to the Historic Preservation Commission.

Grant limited power of attorney to Sherry L. Cottrell.

Approve reappointment of City Manager Alan Thornton to the Granville County Tourism Development Authority.

VGCC Honors 2018-2019 Faculty And Staff Members Of Year With Awards

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

An instructor who also is leading one of VGCC’s curriculum programs and a director of a jobs skills training program for the unemployed and underemployed have been honored as outstanding employees for 2018-2019 at Vance-Granville Community College.

Stewart Lyon, a Biology instructor at VGCC and the point of contact for the Bioprocess Technology curriculum program at the Franklin County Campus, was named Faculty Member of the Year at the college, and Blondelle Edgerton, director of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program, was selected as the Staff Member of the Year.

Above: VGCC’s 2018-19 award winners are Faculty Member of the Year Stewart Lyon, left, and Staff Member of the Year Blondelle Edgerton, right. Dr. Gordon Burns, VGCC’s Interim President, center, has praised both employees for their commitment to Vance-Granville’s mission of educating, inspiring and supporting students. (VGCC photo)

The honors are two of VGCC’s three Glen Raven Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Awards for 2018-2019. Glen Raven, Inc., the custom fabrics manufacturer with a facility in Warren County, is a longtime partner and supporter of the college. In addition to sponsoring the annual stipends to recognize excellence among VGCC instructors and staff members, Glen Raven has endowed several scholarships for students.

Lyon and Edgerton are now eligible to be considered for the N.C. Community College System’s statewide R.J. Reynolds Excellence in Teaching and BB&T Staff Person of the Year awards, respectively.

“Stewart and Blondelle are two outstanding leaders among the faculty and staff at our college,” Interim President Dr. Gordon Burns said. “Every day, they are dedicated to our college’s mission of educating, inspiring and supporting a diverse community of learners to achieve professional and personal success. Their extraordinary commitment, positivity and expertise are appreciated by both students and colleagues.”

Stewart Lyon

Stewart Lyon joined the VGCC faculty in August 2013 as an adjunct instructor for Biology at VGCC’s South Campus in Creedmoor. In January 2014, he came on board as a full-time Biology instructor, teaching classes at all four of VGCC’s campuses — South, Franklin, Warren and Main. In the Fall Semester of 2017, he became the point of contact for the Bioprocess Technology program based at Franklin Campus.

A 2007 graduate of North Carolina State University with his Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences, Lyon earned his Master of Science degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from East Carolina University in 2010. He has a graduate certificate in Business Foundations from ECU, in 2014, and is currently is working in non-degree graduate studies in Chemistry with Montana State University.

“Stewart has a unique approach to teaching cultivated to help students understand why they are learning the course material by connecting the content to aspects of their own lives,” said VGCC’s Interim President Dr. Gordon Burns. “He grabs their attention and the students are more likely to be motivated, resulting in a more successful learning environment. He has built rapport with his students and demonstrated a sincere desire to help them learn.”

Lyon has recently carved out some time from his Biology teaching and leadership of the Bioprocess Technology program to represent VGCC’s faculty on the Achieving the Dream Core Team as the college works to implement, align and scale cutting edge reforms to improve student success, Dr. Burns added.

Among his activities at the college and in the community, Lyon has participated in the Leadership Program of the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce. He has volunteered for area public high school science fairs. He also was an event leader for the Science Olympiad, taught classes for VGCC’s Summer Science Camp for middle school children, and coordinated VGCC Earth Day celebrations at Main Campus and Franklin Campus.

“Stewart displays very high levels of professionalism and he intentionally engages students, colleagues and the general public with enthusiasm, positivity, and reminders that we are all making a difference in students’ lives,” said Cecilia Wheeler, VGCC’s Dean of Arts & Sciences.

Blondelle Edgerton

Blondelle Edgerton came to Vance-Granville in September 1995 as a part-time education specialist for what was the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) program, later renamed the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program. She became full-time in 1999, and in August 2004, she became a program analyst and job developer for WIA. Less than two years later she became the supervisor for the program while still serving as job developer. She was elevated to director of the program, her current position, in February 2013. The program in recent years was renamed Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science at East Carolina University in 1994. Since then she has had professional training in nearly two dozen areas related to her role in WIOA. She is a member of the North Carolina Employment Training Association (NCETA), and she volunteers on the Community Advisory Committee of the Franklin-Granville-Vance Partnership for Children.

“Blondelle is deeply committed to the mission of our college and the North Carolina Community College System to open the doors to educational opportunities for the people of the communities served by Vance-Granville,” said Dr. Burns. “Through her position with the WIOA, she works with the unemployed, underemployed, economic disadvantaged and those who need to upgrade their job skills. She makes sure eligible students get help with tuition, fees, books, supplies, transportation, counseling, work experience and job placement.

“Clearly the right person for this critical job, Blondelle has a heart for her students and understands well the obstacles they face as she helps them ascertain their goals and aspirations,” Dr. Burns said.

Edgerton has built partnerships for work experiences with businesses and organizations in the community, and she has structured her program at VGCC in such a way that it is a model for the Kerr-Tar Council of Governments and the Workforce Development Board, the administrators of the federal funding for the program.

“Blondelle unselfishly assists students and staff far above her normal job responsibilities,” Kali Brown, VGCC’s Dean of Student Support Services, added. “She has assisted other employees with reporting requirements, served as a chaperone at the annual Youth Summit, and even watered plants in our administration building. She is an employee that every supervisor dreams of having.”

Granville County Logo

Rabid Raccoon Reported in Granville Co., Tenth This Year

-Press Release, Granville County

Granville County Animal Control reports the pickup of a raccoon on Thursday, November 1, 2018, which tested positive for rabies. The confirmed rabies case was reported near the intersection of Tump Wilkins Road and Piney Creek Lane. Notices were provided to residents of that area. While there was no exposure to people in this incident, there are feral cats reported in this vicinity.

North Carolina law (NCGS 130-A-185) requires that all owned dogs, cats and ferrets be vaccinated for rabies by four months of age and that all rabies vaccinations be kept current. Animal Control has been coordinating with Granville Vance Public Health and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to determine actions which will need to be taken regarding the feral cats in that area and their possible exposure.

According to Granville County’s Animal Management Director Matt Katz, this is the tenth confirmed rabid raccoon reported this year.

Katz offers a reminder that the Granville County Animal Shelter provides one-year rabies vaccinations for only $6, and that one shot is not enough. If any pet owner is unsure as to when their animals need rabies booster shots, they are asked to contact their local veterinarian.

The Granville County Animal Shelter is located at 5650 Cornwall Road in Oxford and is open to administer rabies vaccines Monday through Friday from noon until 4:30 p.m. For more information, call the Shelter at 919-693-6749.

Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments

Kerr-Tar to Hold Public Open House for Division Needs Transportation Projects

-Information courtesy Stephanie A. Harmon, Regional Planner, Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments

The public is invited to an open house on Thursday, November 15, to express their opinions on the Division Needs transportation projects in Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren Counties being considered for inclusion in the NCDOT 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is a 10-year plan that identifies funding for projects throughout North Carolina and schedules them for construction.

The Kerr-Tar Regional Transportation Planning Organization (KTRPO) will hold an informal open house on Thursday, November 15 at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ office, 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson, NC from 5 to 7 p.m. Residents will be able to view all potential projects and provide feedback. KTRPO staff will be present to answer any questions and address any concerns.

For those unable to attend the open house, the projects are available for review on the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments’ website: Comments may be submitted via email to Please include P5 Division Needs Projects Comments in the subject line.

For more information, please contact (252) 436-2040,

Granville County Logo

Granville Task Force Steering Committee Formed to Address Opioid Epidemic

-Press Release, Granville County

At the October 15 meeting of the Granville County Board of Commissioners, Chairman Edgar Smoak proposed the formation of an Opioid and Addiction Task Force Steering Committee. Appointed to serve on this committee are Commissioner Smoak, Commissioner Tim Karan, Commissioner Tony Cozart, County Manager Mike Felts, Granville County Sheriff BrinWilkins and Granville-Vance Health Director Lisa Harrison.

The North Carolina Department of Justice reports that more people die in North Carolina of an accidental drug overdose than any other cause of accidental death. On average, five people die from drug overdose in our state every day, with the rates of overall overdose increasing by more than 400 percent between 2000 and 2016.*

The majority of the rise has been attributed to unintentional overdoses of opioids, used for pain relief. While these prescriptions are generally safe when taken for a short time – as prescribed by a doctor – they can be misused, leading to harmful effects which can cause lasting chemical changes in the brain, reduced heart rate, breathing suppression or loss of life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, North Carolina is one of 26 states across the nation reporting significant overdose death rates from 2015 to 2016.

Data shared by Granville Vance Public Health indicates that in Granville County alone, more than two million opioid pills were dispensed to residents in 2017, with 37 emergency visits by county residents that same year as a result of prescription misuse. Ten deaths have also been attributed to unintentional opioid overdose in Granville in 2017. A county-by-county report provided by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) indicates that there were two Granville County deaths in 2010, five in 2011, eight in 2012, four in 2013, seven in 2014 and five in 2015, all related to misuse of opioids.

“Even a single death resulting from this epidemic is one too many,” Comm. Edgar Smoak remarked.

The purpose of this local steering committee is to take a closer look at the issue in Granville County and to explore ways it can be addressed. The first meeting, chaired by Comm. Tim Karan, is scheduled for Thursday, November 8 at 10 a.m.

 *North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics, 2017

Reminder: Annual Granville Co. Veterans Day Parade Sun., Nov. 4

-Information courtesy the Granville County Tourism Development Authority 

The Annual Granville County Veterans Day Parade will be held in Downtown Oxford, NC on Sunday, November 4, 2018. Bring your flags and support your veterans!

Line up for the parade will start at 2 p.m. on Belle Street and continue onto Spring Street. The parade will begin at 3 p.m. sharp! The parade will start at CVS and will travel up Williamsboro Street and right onto College St. and will end at the Oxford Fire Department.

(This is not a paid advertisement; however, Granville County Tourism is a sponsor of

Pictured: Veterans participate in Granville County’s 2015 Veteran’s Day Parade. (Photo Credit: Granville County Tourism Development Authority)

NC Navigators to Help North Carolinians Enroll in Health Insurance Plans

-Press Release, Legal Aid of NC, NC Navigator Consortium 

NC navigators are here to help North Carolinians enroll in affordable, comprehensive health insurance plans on during the Affordable Care Act’s sixth open-enrollment period, which starts today and runs through Dec. 15, 2018.

Throughout open enrollment, North Carolina consumers can call 1-855-733-3711 (toll-free) or visit to schedule a free, confidential, in-person appointment with a certified NC navigator in their area.

NC navigators are trained to help consumers enroll in coverage on the Health Insurance Marketplace at, the online storefront that consumers can visit to browse and enroll in affordable, comprehensive health insurance plans.

NC navigators can help consumers understand the details of the plans available on, complete the enrollment process and determine their eligibility for financial assistance. Last year, nine in 10 North Carolinians who enrolled in coverage on received financial assistance.

During this open enrollment period, NC navigators will help consumers understand the differences between the comprehensive plans available on and the new alternative plans, known as short-term, limited-duration (STLD) insurance, or association plans, which provide less coverage and patient protections than plans.

Every insurance plan available on provides comprehensive, year-round coverage that includes essential benefits like prescription drugs, hospital visits, mental health care, maternity care, doctor visits and more. plans also include important patient protections, including one that prohibits insurers from denying coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. plans automatically renew every year, so consumers do not experience gaps in coverage.

The alternative plans, which are not available on, do not necessarily provide year-round coverage; do not have to cover essential health benefits like prescription drugs, hospital visits, mental health care, maternity care and doctor visits; allow insurers to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions; and do not automatically renew, which could leave consumers with gaps in coverage. is the only place to get quality, affordable health insurance that covers everything you need,” Mark Van Arnam, co-director of the NC Navigator Consortium, said. “Navigators are here to help North Carolinians understand all their options and find the plan that best meets their needs and fits their budget.”

“We want consumers to know that financial assistance is still available,” Eunice Lee-Ahn, co-director of the Consortium, said. “Most North Carolinians enrolled in a plan get financial help that lowers their monthly cost to about the same as a cell phone. Navigators can help consumers determine if they are eligible for financial assistance and sign up for it as part of the enrollment process.”

North Carolinians who are already enrolled in a plan will automatically get re-enrolled in 2019 coverage, but navigators are urging consumers to check back in to see if a more suitable plan is available. Rates have dropped in some areas, so consumers might be able to find a plan that offers equivalent or better coverage for cheaper.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Hold Regular Meeting on Mon., Nov. 5

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular board meeting on Monday, November 5, 2018, at 6 p.m. at the Granville County Public Central Office, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina.

The board will also meet in a Closed Session for Personnel/Attorney-Client Privilege in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 on this evening.