-Press Release, Vance County Schools
Nurse aide graduates from Vance Medical Academy at Vance County High School were honored during the evening of May 29, 2019, at their pinning ceremony.
All seven graduates have completed their studies and nurse aide training to qualify for the certified nursing assistant exam.
Nurse aide graduates recite their professional pledge. They include, from left, Jenna Dement, Nancy Duran, Shirley Lopez-Alor, Lidia Morales Vital, Dayon Thornton, Emily Valenzuela Valdiolivar and Dyamond Williams. (VCS photo)
The graduates include: Jenna Dement, who will attend Wake Technical Community College to pursue an associate degree in Early Childhood Education; Nancy Duran to pursue a nursing degree at Vance-Granville Community College; Shirley Lopez-Alor to pursue a nursing degree at Vance-Granville Community College; Lidia Morales Vital to pursue a nursing degree at Vance-Granville Community College; Dayon Thornton to attend N.C. Central University to pursue a degree in nursing or animal science; Emily Valenzuela Valdiolivar to pursue a nursing degree at Vance-Granville Community College; and Dyamond Williams to pursue a nursing degree at Vance-Granville Community College.
Jenna Dement (left) is pinned during the ceremony by Rebecca Davis, Health Science instructor in the Vance Medical Academy. (VCS photo)
Each of the graduates received a lapel pin and framed certificate in recognition of their achievements. Their pins were presented by Rebecca Harris, a registered nurse and their instructor in the Vance Medical Academy.
During the event, the new graduates also participated in a candle lighting ceremony and recited the “Nurse Aide Pledge.” The pledge reads, “I solemnly pledge to uphold the standards of care with which I have been trained and to apply high moral and ethical value to my daily tasks. I further pledge that I will safeguard the confidentiality, respect and dignity of my patients and work only in the best interest of those committed to my care.”