-Press Release, Vance County Schools
Vance County Schools hosted a special event on October 1, 2018, in the school system’s Administrative Services Center for members of the third cohort for the “We Inspire” initiative.
The event entitled, “Draft Day,” marked the beginning of the local educators’ participation in the initiative.
Superintendent Anthony Jackson recognized each of the 45 educators as they marched down the red carpet to sign the commitment pledge and receive their “We Inspire” shirt.
Superintendent Anthony Jackson gets cheers and waving pom-poms in the crowd as “Draft Day” begins for local educators in the school system’s classroom technology initiative. (Photo Credit: Vance County Schools)
They will now go through several training sessions during the school year so that they can become leaders in their schools to share strategies with colleagues on the effective use of technology to enhance classroom instruction.
The training costs are covered by a $200,000 grant from the Golden Leaf Foundation and sessions are led by representatives of the Friday Institute at N.C. State University.
Those in the third cohort join about 100 other local educators who went through the first two years of training to lead blended learning efforts in their schools. Once fully trained by the Friday Institute facilitators, the educators can work with fellow staff members in their schools to develop effective strategies on using technology along with classroom instruction.
The “We Inspire” initiative is part of the school system’s overall technology plan to increase usage of technology to support instruction by teachers. The key focus of the initiative is to provide quality training for teachers so that their use of technology with students is a positive boost for academic performance.