The next regular meeting of the Vance County Board of Commissioners is scheduled for Monday, August 3 at 6:00pm. The Commissioners meet the first Monday of each month in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.
On the agenda:
- County-wide water planning committee reports including wrap up of Phase 1, information about five crews working in Phase 2, with discussion about road work, USDA grant applications and refunds of early sign up fees. The Water Board previously (April 2014) approved issuing refunds in Phase 1A and also approved allowing residents within any phase who receive refunds to “reserve” the initial signup fee of $125 if county water service is made available to them in the future. With construction wrapping up in Phase 2, it is necessary to take action authorizing the refunds along those roads that will not be included within the current project.
The committee recommended proceeding with the issuance of refunds along the roads indicated in the attachments. Anticipated Recommendation: Authorize staff to issue refunds in Phases 2A and 2B for those roads as presented where water will not be available for the foreseeable future.
- The properties committee will report to the full board concerning numerous properties jointly owned by the City and the County. Some properties have been foreclosed, others have pending sales while still more are dilapidated and in need of demolition.