It all started with popsicles.
And young people playing ball on a basketball court in South Henderson, said Phyllis Evans.
The “it” Evans is referring to has evolved beyond popsicles and the neighborhood where Evans lives.
The Mary Emma Evans Foundation provides resources for the whole community, from tangible items like food and clothing to helping individuals learn soft skills like preparing for job interviews.
Beginning in early August, there will be a physical location for the work of this group of volunteers – many of whom are relatives of Mary Emma Evans, in whose memory the foundation was formed back in 2011.
Phyllis Evans and Phylicia Evans joined WIZS co-host Bill Harris on Monday’s TownTalk to talk about the new location, located on Parham Street. There was a ribbon-cutting recently and now the Evans foundation is expected to be up and running come the first of August.
Phyllis said it hasn’t been easy to try to function without a physical location, and she’s looking forward to having a spot where people can come in and choose items themselves.
“Everybody is all excited,” Phyllis said.
She’s hosting a free clothing giveaway Aug. 4, 5 and 6 at 331 Alexander Ave. Things get started at 8 a.m. on Aug. 4, but come early, because she hopes things will get snatched up quickly. There is a wide assortment of children’s and adult clothing available.
Phylicia Evans is one of Mary Emma’s grandchildren and she said the Parham Street location will be a spot where people can come in and get what they may need, whether it’s food or clothing. Eventually, they hope to establish a diaper bank as well.
Donations are most welcome – whether it’s food items, clothing or, of course, financial. The immediate goal is to raise $1,300 by August 1 to help get them moved in.
“We’re looking for sponsors as we open up our physical place,” Phylicia said. “It would help with the building as we continue doing the great work we’re doing in the community.”
All donations are tax-deductible, Phylicia said, and any board member who accepts donations can provide a receipt upon request.
Because they will have a permanent location, Phylicia said the foundation will be able to partner with other organizations to offer certificate programs for individuals to improve their skillsets.
“People will be able to come to us and get certifications like customer service skills, project management (and) Microsoft Office,” she said. This self-paced program not only improves knowledge, but can be a resume builder, too.
“We look forward to seeing a lot of growth and just continuing to expand” the services they can provide, she said.
Her grandmother was a staunch supporter of Henderson’s beautification efforts when she served on the City Council, Phylicia said. For that reason, the family participates in the Adopt-A-Highway program to try to tame the litter along Dabney Road near Lowe’s Home Improvement.
They picked up trash along that roadside back in January and they hope to get back out in the fall, when the weather cools a bit.
No doubt, Mary Emma would approve.
If you’d like to help, contact Phyllis Evans at 252.767.8902 or email
Follow on Facebook The Mary Emma Evans Foundation or visit the website at