Tag Archive for: VGCC

VGCC Grad in Spotlight as N.C. State Announces Expansion of Program  

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

North Carolina State University recently announced a $1,064,000 investment from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation to expand the Community College Collaboration (C3) program, which guarantees N.C. State admission to qualified transfer students from several community colleges, including Vance-Granville Community College.

From left, North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Board Chair Robert A. Ingram, VGCC graduate and C3 program participant Ethan Cole, and North Carolina State University Chancellor Dr. Randy Woodson. (VGCC Photo)

Ethan Cole, a Kittrell native who was among the first VGCC students in the program, took part in the ceremony in Raleigh at which this expansion was announced. After graduating from Vance-Granville with an Associate in Science degree, Cole enrolled full-time at N.C. State, where is studying engineering. He provided the introduction for Robert A. Ingram, chair of the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Board of Directors, during the ceremony. Cole is also the recipient of a $5,000 North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation STEM Scholarship.

“Supporting the N.C. State C3 program is a perfect fit for the mission of the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation,” Ingram stated, according to a news release from the university. “This program will help students transition from a community college to a four-year degree at N.C. State. We believe that our state has one of the best community college systems in the country, and we are excited about this partnership.”

The grant from the foundation will allow N.C. State to expand the program to 150 new students per year, from its current level of 120 students per year. It will also increase the number of eligible community college partners from eight to 10.

Ethan Cole (behind podium) introduces North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Board Chair Robert A. Ingram during a ceremony in Raleigh. (VGCC photo)

“We’re thankful for the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation’s investment in C3, which creates a direct pathway for students from 10 regional community colleges to transfer to N.C. State,” said Martha Harmening, C3’s program director. “N.C. State’s goal of the program is to increase the number of transfer students from rural and low-to-moderate income backgrounds, especially those matriculating into STEM disciplines.”

“We are elated that Ethan has benefitted from the C3 partnership between Vance-Granville and N.C. State,” said Dr. Levy Brown, VGCC’s Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement & Success. “This is a wonderful example of how community colleges and four-year institutions partner to create meaningful pathways for students.”

C3 students receive increased academic support, advising and planning as well as access to online planning tools and specialized activities while they complete their associate’s degree at a community college. These resources help students map their academic plans and connect with university resources, faculty, staff and other C3 students.

Students who may apply for C3 include graduating high school seniors as well as current community college students who have completed less than 30 credit hours of college work.

N.C. State is now accepting C3 applications for Fall 2020 at go.ncsu.edu/TRANSFERC3.

For more information, contact VGCC’s Admissions Office at (252) 738-3234.

Town Talk 11/04/19: VGCC President Talks Reorganization, Power of Partnerships

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of Vance-Granville Community College, joined WIZS on Monday’s edition of Town Talk to discuss college reorganization, expanded community outreach and enrollment growth.

The recent hiring of Jerry Edmonds as VGCC’s Vice President of Workforce Development and Community Engagement aligns with Desmarais’ mission, as she stated in a previous Town Talk interview, to “leverage the gifts and talents that our people have here in the college to create more short-term workforce training to support our existing companies and to be a recruitment tool for economic development.”

“We did some reorganization in the college to make sure what has been traditionally considered  corporate and continuing education, or non-credit training, was no longer the back door of our college,” said Desmarais. “We believe that needs to be front and center; we need two front doors.”

Edmonds’ background includes his most recent tenures as the Dean of Workforce and Economic Development and Small Business Center Director at Halifax Community College, along with prior leadership positions at Johnson & Johnson and IBM.

His familiarity with Henderson’s economic scene is also a plus, according to Desmarais. “Jerry’s parents moved here in the 80s and kept their family home here. Jerry owns a home in Henderson and is very familiar with local business and industry.”

Desmarais said Edmonds has hit the ground running in his new position by helping the college expand the Business Agriculture program operated through the VGCC Small Business Center.

As part of that expansion, VGCC will be offering CDL-A training for big rig truck driving beginning February 2020. This is part of a series of nine-week programs “designed to get people employed quickly,” according to Desmarais.

In addition to offering more programs at the college, VGCC is also expanding its community outreach endeavors. “VGCC is trying to get out more,” Desmarais said. We’re not expecting people to always come here. We are taking a critical look at how we can also be part of the community. It is something I believe in very passionately.”

Desmarais believes VGCC’s presence at various community events over the spring and summer  led, in part, to the college’s 3.75% increase in enrollment for the fall semester. Such an increase is significant when viewing figures that show a steady decline of enrollment over the past six years, she explained.

A focus on providing tuition-free college classes to local high school students also helped provide an enrollment boost this semester.

“We’ve been very intentional with our K-12 programs. We don’t just educate adults; we also partner with our school systems to offer education to high school students. That’s usually done through Early Colleges – we have one in each of our four counties. We also offer general Career and College Promise classes to any high school student whether they be in public school, charter school, home school or private school. These are wonderful opportunities for high school students to take college classes tuition-free,” said Desmarais.

The college has also been focusing on increasing marketing efforts for its basic law enforcement program, increasing the capacities in the health programs and streamlining the financial aid and admissions process for students.

In looking forward to the 2020 Spring Semester, Desmarais said the college will be expanding hours of operation to better fit the schedules of working students.

In addition to the recent inclusion of office hours on Tuesday evenings, the college will soon open at least one Saturday each month and will include additional sections of evening and weekend classes.

Desmarais also announced that VGCC, in partnership with KARTS serving Vance, Warren, Granville and Franklin counties, will be tackling one of the largest barriers to higher education in the local area – lack of transportation.

“Beginning this spring, we are going to be offering vouchers that the college will be paying for out of grant funds and existing endowment funds. If we run out, we’ll be asking for more people to consider giving to our endowment funds,” said Desmarais. “It’s about partnerships; it’s about leveraging our assets along with other assets in the community.”

Desmarais wants to ensure that lack of transportation and/or funding is no longer an obstacle for those wishing to receive higher education or job training. To ensure funding, in particular, was no longer an obstacle, the college created a “VanGuarantee” program as a way to assist students with money not covered by financial aid.

“If someone wants to come to Vance-Granville, we are going to find a way for them to come whether it is through federal financial aid or scholarship money from our endowment,” Desmarais said. “The VanGuarantee is that we are going to get you here!”

To learn more about the VanGuarantee or Vance-Granville Community College’s programs, please visit the website by clicking here.

To hear Desmarais’ interview in its entirety, please click the play button below. Listen live to WIZS’ Town Talk Monday-Friday at 11 a.m. on 1450AM, 100.1 FM or online at www.wizs.com.

VGCC Dr. Levy Brown

VGCC’s Dr. Levy Brown Selected to Attend Prestigious Thomas Lakin Institute

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Levy Brown, vice president of learning, student engagement & success at Vance-Granville Community College, has been selected to participate in the prestigious Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership presented by the Presidents’ Round Table.

Dr. Levy Brown, vice president of learning, student engagement & success at Vance-Granville Community College, has been selected to participate in the prestigious Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership presented by the Presidents’ Round Table. (VGCC photo)

Dr. Levy Brown, a resident of Youngsville, North Carolina is responsible for leading and working collaboratively with faculty and staff in the areas of academic programs, teaching and learning, student success, student services, enrollment management, K-12 partnerships and other areas at the Vance-Granville.

Prior to joining Vance-Granville, he served as Dean of Arts and Sciences at Lenoir Community College located in Kinston, North Carolina. Brown has a Bachelor of Science in communication from East Carolina University, a Master of Library Science from North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina and an earned Doctorate in Education with a concentration in Higher Education Administration from East Carolina University.

Hosted October 20-25, 2019 in Kansas City, Missouri, The Lakin Institute seeks African-American participants whose experience and credentials indicate they are ready to attain the highest academic positions. The program is an opportunity for open dialogue with chancellors, presidents, and CEOs. It covers all aspects of academic leadership.

More than 300 participants have attended The Lakin Leadership Mentoring Program since its inception in 1994. The Institute has the highest graduate placement rate of any leadership institute in the United States. It is named in honor of Dr. Thomas Lakin, former Chancellor of the Ventura County (CA) Community College District.

VGCC Nursing Students, Faculty Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Vance-Granville Community College

On Tuesday, October 15, 2019, the students and faculty of Vance-Granville Community College’s Nursing Programs wore pink to show support for breast cancer awareness.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please visit Wear It Pink (https://www.wearitpink.org/about/breast-cancer-awareness-month) or the National Breast Cancer Foundation website (https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-cancer-awareness-month) to learn more about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

On Tuesday, October 15, 2019, the students and faculty of the VGCC Nursing Programs wore pink to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. (VGCC photo)


Rasheed Sworn In for New Term as VGCC Trustee

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Abdul Sm Rasheed of Henderson recently took the oath of office for another term as a member of the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees.

He is the retired president/CEO of the N.C. Community Development Initiative and currently serves on the North Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority board. He has also been a trustee of his alma mater, Elizabeth City State University.

Rasheed was reappointed to the board for a four-year term by the Vance County Board of Education.

The Board of Trustees has 12 voting members, with some appointed by the Governor of North Carolina and some by the county commissioners and the boards of education of Vance and Granville counties.

From left, retired District Court Judge Randolph Baskerville administers the oath of office to VGCC Trustee Abdul Sm Rasheed, alongside Rasheed’s granddaughter, Jada Lewis; and wife, Marolyn Rasheed (holding granddaughter Lenox Rasheed). (VGCC photo)

VGCC to Offer FREE Six-Part Series on Creating Digital Business Marketing

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Sheri Jones, Director, VGCC Small Business Center

Small Business Six-Part Series on Creating a Digital Marketing Blueprint for Business

In a world where digital marketing reigns, the rules seem to constantly fluctuate. Small business owners need resources they can rely on that are easy to manage while maintaining all the other aspects of running a business. This six-part series provides small business owners with a blueprint, or framework, that will give them the knowledge and tools they need to successfully market their business in today’s online world.

Attendees who are present at each of the six 2-hour seminars will receive a 12-hour certificate of completion at the conclusion of the series.

Dates and times for each day in the series are listed below. These events will take place at the Thornton Library, 210 Main Street in Oxford, with instructor Melanie Diehl. Sessions are limited to 18 participants and lunch will be provided.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own technology, but laptops will be available for use during the seminars if needed.  It is important that participants also bring login information for their social media accounts.

To register for this series, please visit https://www.vgcc.edu/coned/small-business-center/#schedules

August 12, 2019

Lesson 1: Creating a Digital Marketing Blueprint for Your Business (10 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Description: Before launching any marketing campaign it’s important to know what your business needs and why you need it. Not all businesses need to be on all platforms. Learn about the basics that will get your business started online and best practices for implementing additional platforms, or if you even need them!

Lesson 2: Identifying your Target Market (1 – 3 p.m.)

Description: Not everyone is your potential customer or client. In this session, we discuss how to identify your target market (aka Avatar) and how to create messages that they connect with and how to reach them where they are.

September 16, 2019

Lesson 3: Websites and Point of Sale Systems for your Business (10 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Description: Your website is the one piece of the internet you actually own. There are multiple options for creating a website, from a single landing page to a multiple page site with customer access and shopping carts and more. How will you make online selling easy? In this session, learn from a panel of experts about websites and POS systems and determine what’s best for your small business.

Lesson 4: Email Marketing for your Small Business (1 – 3 p.m.)

Description: Email marketing has a 90% deliverability rate and an average of 38x ROI. Done right, it can really drive sales and brand awareness for your small business. This seminar will help you avoid common mistakes and maximize your emails for powerful impact!

October 14, 2019

Lesson 5: Facebook Marketing for your Small Business (10 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

Description: Learn the latest strategies for using Facebook to market your business: what’s new and why it’s important; the difference between a Facebook profile, a page, business manager and ads manager. Learn the difference between Facebook ads and boosted posts, and about groups and bots. Pre-requisite: Facebook personal profile AND Facebook business page.

Lesson 6: Harnessing the Power of Instagram (1 – 3 p.m.)

Description: With over 500 million monthly active users on Instagram, your business has the potential to reach, engage, and build a massive community on Instagram. But where do you start? Join us for this seminar where we will cover how to build your Instagram brand, the ins and outs of Instagram and hashtags. Bring your device and be ready for some hands-on time to practice what you learn in class. Pre-requisite: Instagram account.


Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation, Thornton Library and the VGCC Small Business Center.

VGCC Names 235 Students to President’s and Dean’s Lists

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College 

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 106 students earned President’s List academic honors and another 126 earned Dean’s List academic honors for the spring 2019 semester, while three earned such honors for the summer 2019 term.

The President’s List recognizes students who achieved a perfect 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) while carrying a “full load” (of at least 12 credit hours) in 100-level or higher curriculum courses. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student had to earn a GPA that was at least 3.5 but less than 4.0, and have no grade lower than “B,” while carrying a “full load” of such courses.

Spring Semester President’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence.

Accounting & Finance:

Trina M. Leapley of Louisburg;

Aidan Colvin of Raleigh.

Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology:

Hubert T. McDonald of Bahama;

Zavious D. Oakley of Oxford.

Associate in Arts:

Clay T. Boyd and Rickelle T. Harrison, both of Creedmoor;

Sarah R. Frizzle and Kimberly Ross, both of Franklinton;

Mason B. Boone, Emani’ D. Foster, Emily Y. Isidro, Angelica N. Montano, Caroline A. Nutt, Joseph E. Penny, Brian Ramirez, Josie M. Roberson, Alondra M. Torres-Ornelas and Hannah D. Wells, all of Henderson;

Ashley E. Bolling of Kittrell;

Christian L. Jamgochian of Louisburg;

Christy L. Beasley, Spencer B. Boyd, Jacob N. Carver, Ker’Telian S. Fields and Alexander C. Wilkinson, all of Oxford;

Brittany L. Petrimoulx of Stem;

Kamiyah E. Wiggins of Townsville;

Luc Henry of Wake Forest.

Associate in General Education – General Science:

Kyra E. Corrigan of Wake Forest.

Associate in Science:

James Geary of Franklinton;

Amanda J. Cease, Tanisha Davis and Evin F. Swilley, all of Henderson;

Monica A. Botros and Isaac A. Saleh, both of Oxford;

Quavion C. Basyden of Willard.

Automotive Systems Technology:

David D. Bragg of Franklinton;

Toby J. Bradsher, III, of Henderson;

Xavier Durham of Warrenton.

Business Administration:

Charlene A. Kearney of Creedmoor.

College Transfer Pathway:

Michael E. Slaton of Henderson;

Jillian Hanchey of Louisburg;

Erica L. Evitts of Oxford;

Jacob A. Comer and Kristina K. Durham, both of Rougemont;

Paige B. Biallas, Jillian Stegemann and Eric Walston, all of Wake Forest;

Rose M. O’Malley of Warrenton;

Rebecca Lynam of Youngsville;

Micah D. Hall of Zebulon.


MacKenzie D. Hutson, Irina Z. Letts and Skylar N. Mulhollen, all of Henderson;

Kristen L. Smith of Raleigh;

Janice P. Shehata of Warrenton;

Kelley R. Oakley of Youngsville.

Criminal Justice:

Tanya Beal Smith of Butner;

Alexis R. Lincoln of Franklinton;

Brooke T. Bendel of Louisburg;

Mikayla Pendergrass of Stem.

 Early Childhood Education:

Courtney Crute of Bullock;

Stephanie L. Griffin of Creedmoor;

Milena F. Nelsen of Franklinton;

Lakee’ D. Steed and Rochelle D. Williams, both of Henderson;

Catherine A. Mendell of Oxford.


Melissa B. Anderson of Butner;

Michael A. Parziale of Cary;

Linda J. Livingston of Louisburg;

Rawia Dafalla of Raleigh.

Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Christian A. Hargrove of Oxford.

Information Technology:

Robert D. Osborne of Franklinton;

David B. Ayscue, Jr., and Koty R. Glover, both of Henderson;

Ebony Thomas of Kittrell;

Spencer B. Duncan of Louisburg;

Emily Durling of Oxford.

Medical Assisting:

Destini L. Foster of Butner;

Katie A. Fuller, Danielle B. Groves and Kaylor M. Lawrence, all of Creedmoor;

Briana T. Barnwell and Crystal C. Williams, both of Louisburg.

Medical Office Administration:

Beverly Fearrington of Chapel Hill;

Margaret Avery, Kelsey B. Ivey, Maryjo M. Parks and Jerri L. Wilson, all of Henderson;

Robin E. Dorsett, Shalinda L. White and Elizabeth L. Wiggins, all of Louisburg;

Felicia B. Fuller of Oxford.

Paralegal Technology:

Evelyn Nolasco and Brandol J. Pahuamba, both of Louisburg;

Jennifer C. Norton of Wake Forest.


Paige D. Snider of Creedmoor;

Kacie L. Gann of Durham;

Kimberly Henderson of Raleigh;

Jesslyn E. Bader and Megan T. Whitman, both of Youngsville.

Supply Chain Management:

Jerome W. Richardson of Oxford.

Welding Technology:

Sean M. Stephenson of Creedmoor;

Lacy E. Hidalgo-Gato of Franklinton;

Sarah L. Fowler of Oxford;

Jacob K. Cash of Raleigh.


Spring Semester Dean’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence.

Accounting & Finance:

Joseph Sill of Louisburg.

Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology:

Christian A. Dockum of Creedmoor;

Tyrell Terry of Henderson;

Russell W. Hinnant of Youngsville.

Associate in Arts:

Amir L. Branch of Creedmoor;

Randi A. Bowen, Brittney A. Smith and Ashley L. Woods, all of Franklinton;

Areli Clemente, Danielle Daniels, Alejandro Duran, Jorge Alberto M. Gomez, Kaitlyn M. Harris, Aaliyah S. Jackson, Isaiah A. Johen, Jadyn M. Jones, Wendy H. Jordan, Evan A. O’Geary, Nychelle M. Robinson, Jessica A. Steed, Saray Trejo-Vega and Cristian J. Ventura, all of Henderson;

Robert J. Holovnia, Bethany R. Lee and Kaleb M. Pulley, all of Louisburg;

Chance P. Taylor of Omaha, Nebraska;

Savannah L. Brogden, Daniel F. Burnette, Calli S. Massey, Alyssa M. Thorpe, Erin P. Whitt and Hunter S. Wilkins, all of Oxford;

Tyshii L. Scarborough of Rose Hill;

Lily R. Averette of Rougemont;

Conner G. Bryant of Warrenton;

Ashlynn Basnight and Christopher D. Peace, both of Youngsville.

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts:

Naomi Harrison-Carder of Henderson;

Samantha T. Marchese of Wake Forest.

Associate in General Education – General Science:

Autumn J. Julian of Henderson;

Carly M. West of Littleton;

McKenzie B. Howerton of Rougemont.

Associate in Science:

Joshua N. Meader and Astrid Portillo-Granado, both of Creedmoor;

Jacklyn C. Stanley of Durham;

Galen J. Day of Franklinton;

Fatima N. Hawter, Dylan T. Jackson, Shadi M. Nagi, Penny Phan and Charne A. Robinson, all of Henderson;

Ethan A. Cole and Brichelle K. Wright, both of Kittrell;

Amber E. Newton of Louisburg;

Keon D. Fogg of Manson;

Emily P. Willis of Norlina.

Business Administration:

Gadiel A. Ogaz of Franklinton;

Tara L. Burwell and Jennifer S. Crabtree, both of Kittrell;

Joseph H. Abbott of Stovall.

College Transfer Pathway:

Emma M. Cascino of Durham;

Mira M. Patel of Henderson;

Abigail D. Dickerson of Oxford;

Lilly A. Day of Youngsville.


Kandace N. Rutter of Creedmoor;

Shanquia M. Coward of Franklinton;

Cannon G. Bigham of Louisburg;

Logan B. Breedlove of Oxford;

Jazmin L. King of Rougemont;

Laura E. O’Hara and Samantha J. Tackema, both of Wake Forest.

Criminal Justice:

Christy P. Valerio of Durham;

Keyla Lewis of Henderson.

Culinary Arts:

Noah O. Hendrick of Oxford.

Early Childhood Education:

Seham H. Mansour of Creedmoor;

Mia B. Harrison of Henderson;

Selita E. Taylor of Louisburg.

Human Services Technology:

Emili J. Hernandez Gaona of Butner.

Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Grace A. Ohlandt of Franklinton;

Noah D. Yeargin of Oxford.

Information Technology:

Douglas Boulia of Creedmoor;

Benjamin A. Johnson and Elizabeth H. Wonsetler, both of Henderson;

Timon W. Bailey of Louisburg;

Lewis K. Carr of Raleigh;

Christopher R. Deitz of Stem;

Cody Brandenburg of Youngsville.

Mechatronics Engineering Technology:

Derek K. Gay of Franklinton;

Herbert H. Davis of Henderson.

Medical Office Administration:

Yamileth D. Portillo of Creedmoor;

Savannah N. Jones of Durham;

Sarah M. Cassell, Ashley A. Hedgepeth, Raeann Johnson, Denise M. Woodard and Roslyn C. Wynn, all of Henderson;

Holly R. Heston of Louisburg;

Lisha T. Harris, KeShonda A. McMannen and Kirstyn S. Woodall, all of Oxford.

Office Administration:

Tonya N. House of Henderson.

Paralegal Technology:

Lastacey D. Burwell of Kittrell;

Megan B. O’Quinn of Oxford;

Monica N. Woodlief of Wake Forest.

Pharmacy Technology:

Katelyn M. Cooper of Henderson;

Dawn C. Irby and Diana Aparicio Rodriguez, both of Oxford.


Shanice D. Alleyne, Karene K. Anderson, Matthew S. Battistel, Dwayne D. Huneycutt and Yvonne A. Stills, all of Creedmoor;

Michelle A. Matthews, Amber D. Peoples and Brooklyn Rooker, all of Henderson;

Angela J. Basili of Hillsborough;

Shayla A. Cash of Louisburg;

Megan I. Proctor of Macon;

Crystal G. Sorrell of Oxford;

Samantha Pierce of Raleigh;

Rubi J. Coyote Baizabal and Treva D. Gordan, both of Roxboro;

Marina E. Rombout of Stem;

Sabrina E. Bedard of Wake Forest.

Welding Technology:

Alexander-Ali M. Khafaga of Louisburg;

Dylan P. Lawson of Oxford.

Summer President’s and Dean’s List honorees are listed below.

President’s List: Spencer B. Boyd of Oxford (Associate in Arts) and Mary W. Wanjiku of Cary (Practical Nursing);

Dean’s List: James Geary of Franklinton (Associate in Science).

Vance & Granville Co. Donate Surplus Law Enforcement Vehicles to VGCC

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Officials from Vance and Granville counties recently approved the donation of surplus law enforcement vehicles from their respective fleets to the Vance-Granville Community College Campus Police Department.

These vehicles, both of which are Dodge Chargers, will prove to be valuable resources to help ensure a safe and secure working and learning environment for the faculty, staff, students and visitors of the college, according to Sean Newton, the chief of the campus police department.

The donations of the vehicles were made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the County Managers, County Commissioners, and Sheriffs’ Departments in both Vance and Granville counties.

Vance-Granville Community College Chief of Police Sean Newton (right) accepts a donated vehicle from Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame (left). (VGCC photo)

Vance-Granville Community College Chief of Police Sean Newton (right) receives the keys to a donated vehicle from Granville County Sheriff Brindell Wilkins, Jr. (left). (VGCC photo)

VGCC Nursing degree propelled Jeannie Adcock to Duke Hospital

— press release courtesy VGCC

Restarting a career is never easy. It takes persistence and, often, a leap of faith, to change course, which is what many students come to Vance-Granville Community College to do. That was the case with Jeannie Adcock.

A Vance County native, Adcock completed a bachelor’s degree at East Carolina University and went into the working world. From 2009-2015, she worked at Maria Parham Medical Center in Henderson in administrative roles, with stints in marketing, as the physician liaison and as the development coordinator with the hospital foundation (today known as Triangle North Healthcare Foundation).

But after several years working in the health care field, she felt drawn to pursue a career on the clinical side. She decided she wanted to obtain an associate degree in Nursing and headed to her hometown college, VGCC. There, she found supportive faculty and staff members who helped guide her through the Nurse Aide I program and courses like Biology, before she could officially enter the Associate Degree Nursing program.
“I started the ADN program in August 2016,” Adcock recalled. “To say it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done might still be an understatement!”

Adcock said she was able to succeed, at least in part, by making some amazing friends. “You really can’t place a value on how important these bonds are to help you make it through, because no one else understands what you’re going through,” she said. Adcock also found excellent, experienced Nursing faculty members. “I was known as the ‘outspoken’ one in our class, and I’m sure my instructors ‘appreciated’ it,” she reflected with a laugh.

Adcock excelled in the rigorous, challenging program, earning President’s List honors and a pair of academic scholarships from the VGCC Endowment Fund. She later spoke at the annual Endowment Fund Golf Tournament to thank the community for supporting the college.

In 2018, she not only graduated but completed the program with among the highest grade point averages in her class. “Every curve ball that was thrown at me, I found a way to knock it out of the park,” Adcock recalled. “I was so proud to receive my degree on stage from Dr. Stelfanie Williams (then the college president), as she had been a very supportive and influential part of my journey.”

Adcock had set clear career goals from the beginning of her time at VGCC. “All of my instructors knew from the start that my plan was to go to work in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), so thankfully, I was one of the few members of our class to receive the ICU preceptorship in our last semester of school,” she said. That preceptorship was part of her invaluable clinical training which takes students to various health care facilities that partner with the college. “I completed clinical rotations at Granville Medical Center, Maria Parham, Central Regional Hospital, UNC and Duke,” she said. “When it was time to apply for jobs, I only applied to ICU’s, landed four ICU interviews/offers and accepted a job offer at Duke.”

Today, she is a registered nurse in the Neurosciences ICU at Duke University Hospital, which is ranked as the top hospital in North Carolina. “I couldn’t be happier with my decision,” Adcock said. “I have the best co-workers, and our providers are all amazing!” She even helps to train the nurses of tomorrow, including VGCC students who come to her unit for their own clinical rotations.

Her advice to those considering following in her footsteps as a student: “Don’t ever let someone tell you that you’re not capable of doing something! Never accept ‘no’ for an answer and don’t expect results without dedication!”

VGCC Graduates 15 Cadets in 108th Basic Law Enforcement Training Class

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Fifteen cadets graduated from the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program at Vance-Granville Community College in a ceremony held May 14 in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus. After passing the state certification exam, all are authorized to work in any law enforcement agency in North Carolina.

Above: On front row, from left: graduates Kevin Allen, Taylor Inscoe, Zachary Long and the college’s interim director of Law Enforcement Training/BLET, Glen Boyd; on second row, from left: graduates Maggie Cabiness, Jonathan Kearney, Jeremy Moore, Zachary Workman and Seth Hodge; and on back row, from left: graduates Gina Chappell, Daniel Allen, Michael Bader, Andrew Spitzer, Jake Coleman, Sabrina Hoyle and Emma Britt. (VGCC Photo)

Honored as members of VGCC’s 108th BLET class were: Emma Carey Britt and Andrew Ronald Spitzer, both of Butner Public Safety; Jeremy Dale Moore and Zachary Lance Workman, both of the Granville County Sheriff’s Office; Jake Matthew Coleman and Sabrina Edward Hoyle, both of the Henderson Police Department; Seth Thomas Hodge of the N.C. Division of Parks & Recreation; Daniel Marquis Allen, Michael James Bader and Gina Christine Chappell, all of the Oxford Police Department; Kevin Ward Allen, Taylor Nicole Inscoe and Zachary Thomas Long, all of the Vance County Sheriff’s Office; Maggie Rena Cabiness and Jonathan Shawn Kearney, both of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.

The class was exceptional in at least two major ways. First, all 15 cadets who began the program successfully graduated, marking a rare 100-percent completion rate for the rigorous 16 weeks of training. Second, each member of the class was employed by a law enforcement agency by the day of their graduation.

Speaking as leader of the class, Cadet Seth Hodge thanked all the graduates’ family members and friends in attendance for their support. He added that the class had learned a great deal about teamwork. “We as a group of strangers decided on this path together, and we were tasked to complete our first major hurdle in our careers together,” Hodge said. Learning to trust one another, he said the team had then become a family. “And no matter where our lives take us from here, no matter the badge or uniform we wear, I want you to always remember just what we are: family,” he added.

VGCC Campus Police Chief Sean Newton, representing the program’s many instructors, was chosen by the cadets as the keynote speaker for their graduation. He congratulated the cadets on the completion of “a long, hard journey.”

Newton reminded the new law enforcement professionals that they would be taking an “oath of honor” to uphold and protect the Constitution, their community and their agency.

“The first thing you will uphold is the Constitution,” Newton said. “You’re taking an oath to protect the rights of all people of our state and country: the victims of crimes, the general public, and those accused of crimes. In my opinion, there is no greater responsibility than this.”

Second, they will pledge to uphold their community. “I cannot stress enough how important it is to embrace and include the community in your law enforcement efforts,” Newton said. “We’ve seen a reported breakdown between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Some of it is unfortunately true, while some may be exaggerated by social media or certain biases. Regardless of the reason, we must, as members of the law enforcement community, constantly strive to better these relationships.”

Finally, he said, graduates will swear an oath to the agencies they serve. “I would like to add all law enforcement officers in general to that category,” Newton said. “Always remember, you won’t be the only officer judged by your actions; every other officer in the country will be, too. No other profession is scrutinized as much as law enforcement, and rightfully so.”

The police chief called on graduates to think carefully about the words in their oath and remember them as they start their careers. “How you embrace these words will determine how successful your career will be,” Newton said.

Glen Boyd, interim director of Law Enforcement programs and BLET at VGCC, presented awards to several students. Kevin Allen took home the Academic Achievement Award for having the top grade average in the written tests each cadet must pass. Seth Hodge earned the Physical Fitness Award for scoring highest in the various fitness tests the cadets undergo during physical training. Michael Bader won the “Top Gun” Award for having the highest accuracy score in firearms qualification.

For more information on the BLET program, contact Glen Boyd at boydg@vgcc.edu.