Tag Archive for: #vancecountyboardofcommissioners

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Vance Co. Properties, Public Safety & Fire Commission to Meet Mon., Nov. 26

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Executive Assistant/Clerk to Board, Vance County Board of Commissioners

Please be informed of the following committee meetings:

Properties Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder)

Monday, November 26 at 3 p.m.

Administrative Conference Room

  • Offers to purchase REO properties

Joint Meeting of the Public Safety Committee (Wilder, Brummitt, Faines) and the Vance County Fire Commission

Monday, November 26th at 3:30 p.m.

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Room

  • Rapid Entry
  • Open Burning Ordinance
  • Address Ordinance
  • Fire Restructure

All commissioners are invited to attend.

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Wilder, Unopposed Vance Co. Commissioner, ‘Feels the Need to Continue Getting it Right’

Vance County Commissioner Gordon Wilder was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss his recent unopposed run for a third consecutive term on the Board.

“I’m no politician. That’s not in the Wilder DNA,” Wilder said. “I’ve been fortunate to be elected by the people for a third time now.”

The most recent election saw Wilder, a commissioner since 2010, run unopposed in District 3, with fellow incumbents Dan Brummitt and Tommy Hester also running unopposed.

“I think the three of us who ran unopposed certainly feel the need to make sure we continue getting it right and continue to do the right things,” said Wilder.

When an unidentified caller to Town Talk asked Wilder why people in the community shy away from running for elected positions, Wilder explained that while the reasons vary, it is often the case of talk but no action.

Wilder also recognized the difficulties some may have in fulfilling the mid-day meeting requirements of the position. “You’d have to have a very understanding boss,” chuckled Wilder.

In discussing other election results, Wilder said the commissioners are looking forward to working with newly elected Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame and will “fully support him to every extent possible.”

According to Wilder, the citizens of Vance County had three good candidates for sheriff to choose from in Curtis Brame, Charles Pulley and Allen Simmons. “I know all three candidates and I’m very proud of them. I coached Curtis in high school and have been bird hunting with him. I think he’ll do a great job.”

Wilder also piggybacked on a Town Talk discussion earlier this week with Dennis Jarvis, II, director for the Henderson-Vance Economic Development Commission, concerning phase III of the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park.

Earlier this year, Vance County received a $2.45 million grant from the Rural ReadySites program for development and expansion of the industrial park located at the intersection of Bear Pond Road and US-1 Bypass in Henderson.

The grant money will cover development costs to include construction of a new roadway and extension of water and sewer infrastructure through the site. The land will be zoned for light industrial and general commercial use.

“The State told us that we needed to have land ready, buildings ready and infrastructure ready for jobs to come in,” Wilder explained. “Our focus right now is on phase III of the industrial park and bringing more jobs into Vance County.”

While constructing a building is not presently on the agenda, according to Wilder, plans are in place to invest in land and infrastructure.

“The land is up for sale,” said Wilder. “We hope that people will invest and build their own building. I’m not sure the county commissioners or the County needs to be in the real estate business.”

To listen to the interview in its entirety, click here.

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Economic Dev. Director Jarvis Talks Phase III of H-V Industrial Park

Dennis Jarvis, II, director of the Henderson-Vance Economic Development Commission, was on Tuesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss, among other topics, updates to the development of the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park.

Earlier this year, Vance County received a $2.45 million grant from the Rural ReadySites program for development of phase III of the industrial park located at the intersection of Bear Pond Road and US-1 Bypass in Henderson.

The grant money will cover development costs to include construction of a new roadway and extension of water and sewer infrastructure through the site. The land will be zoned for light industrial and general commercial use.

The Henderson-Vance Industrial Park began in 1988 with the purchase of 150 acres for development. According to Vance County officials, the site has been filled since that time with nine businesses contributing approximately 600 jobs, $5.5 million in tax revenue to the county annually and a total value of over $62 million.

“Commissioner Hester and the Vance County Commission, both, as a team, understand that having available product – pad-ready, building-ready product – makes you more competitive regionally, nationally and globally,” said Jarvis.

The park’s development has been a priority for Vance County Commissioners and Jarvis is pleased to see it come to fruition in a short period of time.

“At Monday’s Commissioners’ meeting, we received an update that the engineering firm had been awarded and they are now going through a design phase,” said Jarvis. “Potential contracts for water, sewer and road development should be met by the mid-point of next year. We’re about nine months away from being complete.”

Along with the perks of access to rail and natural gas and the close proximity to US-1 and I-85, the park is expected to draw industries that seek to be near Raleigh without the Wake County price tag.

“If you want an RTP address, you pay RTP prices,” Jarvis said. “If you want to be in the Raleigh market, there are opportunities in the region – especially in our Kerr-Tar region with Franklin, Granville, Warren and Vance – to cut that operating cost by almost half.”

 To listen to the interview in its entirety, please click here.

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Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Meet Mon., Nov. 5

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, November 5, 2018, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson. The Invocation will be given by Pastor Bobby Fletcher, First United Methodist Church.

Agenda items:

Committee Reports and Recommendations:

a. Properties Committee

– Property Listing Review

– REO Property Offer

– Former People’s Country Store

– Engineering Agreement – HVIP Phase III

– Animal Shelter – Onsite Spay and Neuter Services

b. Public Safety Committee

– Open Burning Regulations

– Rapid Entry Systems

– Fire Commission Presentation – Proposal for Reorganizing Fire Services

Finance Director’s Report

a. Surplus Property

b. Lottery Fund Applications

County Manager’s Report

a. Grant Agreement – Rural Ready Sites

b. Resolution – Acquisition & Assignment of Kittrell Water Association System

Water District Board

a. Staff Report – Kittrell Water System Consolidation

b. Monthly Operations Report

Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendment

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Ambulance Charge-Offs

d. Monthly Reports

e. Minutes


a. Appointments

b. Voting Delegate – Legislative Goals Conference

Closed Session

a. Legal Matters

b. Property Transaction

The agenda for the November meeting may be viewed in its entirety on the Vance County website.


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Vance Co. Public Safety Comm. to Discuss Burning Ordinance, Fire Services – Oct. 31

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Executive Assistant/Clerk to the Board, County of Vance

Please be informed that the county’s public safety committee (Wilder, Brummitt, Faines) is scheduled to meet Wednesday, October 31, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. in the upstairs commissioners’ room at 122 Young St. in Henderson.

Topics include open burning ordinance, rapid key entry ordinance and fire services.

All commissioners are invited to attend.

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Properties Committee to Discuss Contract for Industrial Park – Tues., Oct. 30

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

Please be informed that the county’s properties committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder) is scheduled to meet Tuesday, October 30 at 4 p.m. in the administrative conference room. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss a contract with LKC Engineering for the industrial park.

All commissioners are invited to attend.

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Vance Co. Board’s Oct. Meeting to Address Vacant School Buildings, Camper Use

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, October 1, 2018, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson. The Invocation will be given by Pastor Ronald Cava, First Baptist Church.

Agenda items include:

Appointments –

a. Brian Short, Emergency Operations Director – CAD System Overview

b. Jonathan Jones, USDA Letter of Conditions – Water Project

Water District Board –

a. Monthly Operations Report

Committee Reports and Recommendations –

a. Properties Committee

– Vacant School Buildings Reuse Planning

– Jail Intercom/Video/Door Lock Control System Modernization

b. Planning/Environmental Committee

– Recreational Vehicle/Camper Use Regulations

County Attorney’s Report –

a. REO Properties – Bid Acceptance Resolutions

– H.G. Taylor Land

– Parcel 0325 02002

County Manager’s Report –

a. Mobile CAD Hardware Installation

b. Resolution – NC Rural Ready Sites Grant

c. Capital Project Ordinance – Economic Development Land

d. Selection of Engineering Firm – Economic Development Land

County Attorney’s Report –

a. REO Property – Bid Acceptance Resolution

– H.G. Taylor Land – Parcel 0325 02002

– Elm Street Lot – Parcel 0087 03011

Consent Agenda Items –

a. Budget Amendments and Transfers

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Ambulance Charge-Offs

d. Monthly Reports

e. Minutes

Miscellaneous – 

a. Appointments

The agenda for the October meeting may be viewed in its entirety on the Vance County website.

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Committees to Discuss Vacant School Properties, Jail & RVs – Mon., Sept. 24

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

Please be informed that the County’s Properties Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder) is scheduled to meet Monday, September 24, 2018, at 3 p.m. to discuss vacant school properties and jail intercom video and door lock modernization.

The Planning/Environmental Committee (Faines, Kelly, Wilder) will meet Monday, September 24, 2018, at 4 p.m. to discuss RVs and campers.

Both meetings will take place in the administrative conference room.

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Vance Co. Commissioners to Discuss Phase 3 of Water System at Sept. 10 Meeting

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, September 10, 2018, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson. The Invocation will be given by Rev. Joseph Ratliff, Shiloh Baptist Church.

Agenda items include:

Water District Board –

a. Staff Report – Water System Phase 3 Bond Order

b. Monthly Operations Report

Committee Reports and Recommendations –

a. Properties Committee – REO Property Offers

– Warrenton Road Solid Waste Site Revised Engineering Agreement

Finance Director’s Report –

a. Surplus Property

b. Records Retention and Disposition

County Manager’s Report –

a. NCACC Legislative Goals

b. Jail Inspection Report

c. Justice Assistance Grant

d. DSS Vehicle Purchase

County Attorney’s Report –

a. REO Property – Bid Acceptance Resolution

– Tungsten Mine Road – Parcel 0325 03021

Consent Agenda Items –

a. Budget Amendment and Transfer

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Ambulance Charge-offs

d. Monthly Reports

e. Minutes

Miscellaneous – 

a. Appointments

Closed Session – 

a. Legal Matter

The agenda for the September meeting may be viewed in its entirety on the Vance County website.

Vance County NC

Commissioner Hester Says ‘We’ve Reached the Bottom and We’re Headed Back Up’

Thomas “Tommy” Hester, Jr., whose many accolades include local business owner and chairman of the Vance County Board of Commissioners, was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the current economic growth and the future potential of the local area.

With phase III of the process, the County is expanding the existing Henderson-Vance Industrial Park located at the intersection of Bear Pond Road and US-1 Bypass in Henderson. “It’s been 32 years since we’ve looked at investing in our community as far as an industrial park,” said Hester. “We are now in the process of closing on 85 acres of land.”

The park, which has already secured a $2.45 million grant from the Rural ReadySites program for infrastructure purposes, will be zoned for light industrial and general commercial use.

“It’s a prime location and it has everything that you need available – natural gas, water, sewer and internet access,” Hester said.

With the prospect of multi-billion dollar companies such as Amazon and Apple establishing headquarters just a short drive down the road in Raleigh, Hester believes the local area needs to be ready for growth. “You’ve got to be ready. If you aren’t ready, you won’t be able to get people here.”

Hester also sees signs of a growing and prospering county in the influx of new businesses to the community, including the much-buzzed-about Planet Fitness scheduled to open in the Henderson Marketplace off Beckford Drive at the end of the year.

“I think we are readier now [for growth] than we’ve ever been,” Hester said. “We’ve put so many things into place.”

Hester referred to the County water project, currently in its third phase of completion with expansion down NC-39 as a step in the right direction. “The more infrastructure you put in, the better off you’re going to be for growth and doing what you need to for the quality of life for the people in your community. We all need to work for jobs, quality of life and education.”

According to Hester, “I think we’ve reached the bottom and we’re headed back up.”