Tag Archive for: #thelocalskinny

Cooperative Extension With Michael Ellington: Egg Prices and Backyard Poultry

Michael Ellington with Vance County Cooperative Extension examines a few factors driving egg prices and growing interest in backyard poultry. Also covered are reminders for three upcoming events including a series designed to help potential market vendors.

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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The Local Skinny! Tommy Farmer Recognized By The NC Association Of Soil & Water Conservation

Tommy Farmer has been a member of the local soil and water conservation district for 30 years – he was recently recognized for his decades of service at the annual statewide meeting in Durham.

“Time has really flown by fast,” Farmer said on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

As the name implies, a local conservation district helps county residents conserve soil and water – whether that’s by helping to create management plans or helping defray costs of practices that are good for land and water.

“Farmland is disappearing,” Farmer said, which has a direct impact on crop and food production. “Without the soil, we don’t eat,” he said.

The conservation district supports local farmers who may want to plant cover crops – to help keep the soil in place between food crops, create field borders and even pond development or cleanouts.

Farmer, who is the group’s vice-chair, said the conservation district is interested in making sure the soil is in good shape for future crop production and make sure the water supply is suitable for use by farms as well as for drinking.

Vance County is one of 11 counties that comprise District 4 of the statewide conservation group. Franklin and Wake counties also are in District 4, and Farmer said all it takes is a drive along Capital Boulevard to see the burgeoning commercial and residential growth happening there, and you can’t help but think about the additional demands placed on the local water supply.

District 4 doesn’t usually have to deal with issues that other districts face – flooding, for example. “We’re in a good situation here,” he said.

There’s an opening on the local district board, and Farmer said they’ve got their eye on one individual who may be appointed to fill an unexpired term.

Visit www.vancecounty.org and click on Departments to learn more about the programs and services of the soil and water conservation district.


The Local Skinny! Free Health Clinic Returning To Henderson

Free medical, dental and vision services are returning to Henderson for a third year in early March when the Duke Remote Area Medical clinic sets up shop at Vance Charter School.

The two-day clinic is scheduled for Saturday, Mar. 1 and Sunday, Mar. 2.

The clinic doors open at 6 a.m. each morning and will operate on a first come, first served basis.

Because of possible time constraints, clients can choose either dental or vision services, but are welcome to get one service on one day and the second service on the second day.

Clients can arrive in the parking lot of the school, located at 2090 Ross Mill Rd., as early as midnight on Friday, Feb. 28. Once in the parking lot, clients will receive additional information about the services that are available.

RAM clinics provide these services free of charge; clients will not be asked to show identification or proof of insurance.

Visit www.ramusa.org to learn more.



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • The Vance-Warren County Beekeepers Association will have their February meeting on Monday, February 10th at 7pm at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market.
  • The Granville-Vance-Warren Beginner Beekeepers School will have their next session on Saturday, February 15th at 9:00am at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market.
  • Check the temperatures of your cold frames or greenhouses if you use them. Especially if it’s 70 degrees fahrenheit.
  • Now is a good time to measure your lawn. This way you will know how much fertilizer to purchase.
  • It is not too early to start scouting lawns for cool-season weeds.
  • This time in February, you can still continue planting trees and shrubs.
  • Before purchasing Apple and Peach Trees, do your research. Some of the varieties that you may see in the seed catalogs, some of them may not grow well here in Piedmont North Carolina.

The Vance County Cooperative Extension is located at 305 Young St, Henderson, NC 27536

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr., Henderson, NC 27536

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Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library For February

People are quick to blame social media for many of society’s ills lately, but Melody Peters, Youth Services Librarian at Perry Memorial Library, gives it credit for a growing interest in crafting. So she’s riding that wave and launching a monthly gathering for young people to learn the art of crochet.

“It is a ‘thing,’” Peters said of the renewed interest in the art of crochet, “and a lot of people are doing it.” The first class is Feb. 18 and will continue monthly.

Sticking with a retro theme, the First Friday program continues this Friday, Feb. 7. Participants will make lava lamps, Peters said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

With materials that include baby oil and Alka-Seltzer tablets, Peters said the craft project /STEM activity will come together.

Pre-schoolers will gather at 10:30 a.m. for the activity, and then a mixed-age group of homeschoolers will convene at 1 p.m. to create their lava lamps.

Mental Health Monday is a a new program that Peters is kicking off on Feb. 17 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. It’s a teacher workday, and students are out of school, so she’s offering a special day for teens – ages 12-20 – to take part in a variety of activities including art therapy, “food for your mood” cooking and some time with animals from the local shelter.

The program is designed to help teens focus on “different ways to boost your mood and feel good,” Peters said.

Later in the month, there will be different scavenger hunts that spotlight Black History Month, she said.

And Vance County Commissioner Valencia Perry will be a special guest for Kids Connect on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m.

Visit perrylibrary.org for a complete listing of programs, events and services.



The Local Skinny! Missing Woman’s Remains Found

— courtesy of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page

“The Warren County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the State Bureau of Investigations, and with the assistance of the Youngsville Rescue Dive Team, executed searches in Vance County on 1/30/2025. During the search, possible human remains were discovered. The remains were sent to the NC Medical Examiner’s Office, where they have been identified as the remains of Dana Leigh Mustian. Her disappearance and death are continuing to be investigated. No other information will be released at this time. We would like to thank Sheriff Curtis Brame and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office for their assistance.”

— courtesy of the NC State Bureau of Investigation

“In January 2024, the Warren County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) regarding a missing person case from 2023. Dana Leigh Mustian was last seen on November 30, 2023, on Dorothy Drive in Warrenton, NC. On January 30, 2025, the Warren County Sheriff’s office, the Henderson Police Department, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, the Youngsville Rescue and EMS Dive Team, and the SBI executed searches in Vance County. While conducting a search in a pond near Henderson, possible human remains were discovered. The remains were sent to the North Carolina Medical Examiner’s Office for identification. Those remains were identified as those of Dana Leigh Mustian. Her family has been notified, and the investigation continues. No further details are available at this time.”


The Local Skinny! Maria Parham Begins ER Renovation Project

In just about one month, the anticipated $5 million renovation project will begin at Maria Parham Health to enhance the Emergency Department’s ability to provide high-quality care, with special consideration for patients with mental health and substance abuse challenges.

The start date for Phase One is Mar. 3, and hospital officials are ready.

“We are excited to begin this critical renovation that will allow us to enhance patient care and improve outcomes for some of our most vulnerable community members,” said Bert Beard, MPH chief executive officer.

During Phase One, the front half of the Emergency Department will be temporarily closed to both patients and staff. This phase should take about 16 weeks, during which all patients destined for the emergency room who arrive by their own means will go to the main entrance for registration, triage and care. Emergency Medical Services entry will be unchanged throughout the project, according to information from MPH Public Information Officer Donna Young.

Beard said the new spaces created during the renovation will allow hospital staff to provide “a unique care environment for those facing behavioral health crises, which is essential for promoting overall health and well-being in our community” while protecting care team members from harm. Beard said violence on healthcare personnel is of growing concern across the industry.

The renovation will provide much-needed designated spaces within the Emergency Department specifically designed to treat behavioral health and mental health patients. This new design will create safer, more effective care environments for these individuals, staff and visitors, reducing the risk of incidents while also increasing the efficiency of the ED.

The project is funded through the Granville-Vance Public Health Department through a partnership with the Vance County District Attorney’s Office, Granville-Vance County Public Health, the Vance County Board of Commissioners and the N.C. General Assembly.



Cooperative Extension With Wayne Rowland: Fruit & Nut Trees

Wayne Rowland of the Vance County Extension Service discusses how correct selection and placement of Fruit and Nut Trees will enhance your home landscape.

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Cooperative Extension with Jamon Glover: Role of the Protector

Jamon Glover of the Vance County Extension Service’s Parenting Task Force discusses parenting strategies.

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Home and Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • The Granville-Vance-Warren Beginner Beekeepers School will be Saturday, February 1st at 9:00am at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market.
  • Now is a good time to take your gardening equipment out and see if they work. Especially since it is getting warmer. 
  • You need to start planting for your spring garden. When planting, think about the problems that you encountered in  your last planting season.
  • With February approaching, you need to get ready to prune your fruit trees.
  • This is a good time to purchase your seed starting mix. Avoid using garden soil, for best results.
  • Now is the time to clean your planting trays.
  • You still have to continue planting trees and shrubs.

The Vance County Cooperative Extension is located at 305 Young St, Henderson, NC 27536

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