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Granville County Public Schools

Additional Guidelines for Public Hearing on Possible Closure of Joe Toler Elementary

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will hold a public hearing on the possible closure of Joe Toler – Oak Hill Elementary School at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 4, 2018. The hearing will be held at the school, located at 8176 Hwy 96 in Oxford.

Public hearing guidelines and procedures include:

  • Guest speakers must “sign up” to speak (up to 30 minutes prior to the 7 p.m. public hearing start time);
  • The guest speaker sheet will be pulled to close sign up at 7 p.m.;
  • Guests will have four minutes to speak;
  • The hearing is scheduled to last until 8:30 p.m. If there are still guests who signed up waiting to comment at 8:30 p.m, the Board can decide by majority vote whether to extend the hearing or make some other accommodation;
  • The Board of Education will only listen to guests, as no responses or decisions will be provided that evening;
  • The Board of Education will take the public input and study information under advisement and will deliberate and make a final decision at a later public meeting.
Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Monthly Meeting Dec. 3

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, December 3, 2018, at 7 p.m. at the Granville Expo and Convention Center, 4185 US Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Agenda items include:

Consent Agenda

1. Contingency Summary as of 12/3/18

2. Budget Amendment #4

3. Law Enforcement Center Project Ordinance Amendment

4. Minutes

Recognitions and Presentations

5. Recognition – Falls Lake Academy Volleyball Team

Oaths of Office

6. Oath of Office – David T. Smith

7. Oath of Office – Timothy Karan

8. Oath of Office – Edgar Smoak


9. Break*

Organizational Matters

10. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

11. Set Meeting Time, Place and Schedule for Calendar Year 2019

12. Appointment of Members to Board/Committee/Liaison Assignments

13. Approve Bonds for County Officials for 2018-2019

Public Comments

14. Public Comments

Planning Matters

15. Resolution Identifying Additional Review Officers

Finance Matters

16. Amendment to Audit Contract

Solid Waste Matters

17. CPI Adjustment for Waste Industries Contract

Surplus Property

18. Transfer of Surplus Property to VGCC


19. Butner Board of Adjustment – ETJ

20. Butner Planning Board – ETJ Member

21. Granville Health System Board of Trustees

22. Orange Street Community Center

23. Opioid Advisory Committee

24. Kerr Tar Regional Council of Governments’ Advisory Council on Aging

County Manager’s Report

25. DHHS MOU Modification

26. DSS Corrective Action Plan Update

County Attorney’s Report

27. County Attorney’s Report

Presentations by County Board Members

28. Presentations by County Board Members

Any Other Matters

29. Any Other Matters

Closed Session

30. Closed Session – Personnel Matters

*Board will take a short break for a reception to honor the newly reelected Commissioners

Oxford’s Public Works Committee to Discuss Member Rates for Water System

-Press Release, City of Oxford

The Public Works, Water, & Infrastructure Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Thursday, December 6, 2018, at 11 a.m. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss financial planning and member rate analysis for the Kerr Lake Regional Water System.

All those interested are invited to attend.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education to Discuss Possible School Consolidation, Closure

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

The Board of Education will meet for its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 3. The agenda will include a presentation of a study regarding the possible consolidation of Mary Potter Middle School and Northern Granville Middle School.

The Board will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, December 4, at 5:30 p.m., at Joe Toler Oak Hill Elementary School located at 8176 Hwy 96 Oxford, NC 27565. The purpose of the meeting is for the Board to receive additional information compiled by staff regarding the study of the potential closure of Joe Toler Elementary School.

At 7 p.m. on December 4 at Joe Toler Oak Hill Elementary School, located at 8176 Hwy 96 Oxford, NC 27565, the Board will hold a public hearing on the possible closure of Joe Toler Elementary School.  Members of the public wishing to speak on this topic may sign up beginning at 6:30 p.m. Each speaker who has signed up prior to 7 p.m. will be given the opportunity to address the Board on this topic for up to four minutes.

Granville County Logo

Cat Tests Positive for Rabies in Granville Co., Residents and Bite Victim Notified

-Press Release, County of Granville


Granville County Animal Control was called last week about a possibly rabid cat who had contact with a person in the area of Dorsey Road and Ed Harris Road. The animal was part of a larger cat colony that had not been rabies vaccinated or spayed/neutered. The cat tested positive for the rabies virus on Nov. 27. Residents of the area have been notified, as well as Granville Vance Public Health and the bite victim. Animal Control has also been working to remove the remaining cats on the property.

All pet owners are reminded to please be sure pets are rabies-vaccinated. North Carolina law requires that all dogs, cats and ferrets be vaccinated against rabies by four months of age and that vaccinations be kept current. The Granville County Animal Shelter offers one-year rabies vaccines for dogs and cats for only $6, Monday through Friday from noon until 4:30 p.m. and is located at 5650 Cornwall Road in Oxford.

For more information, call 919-693-6749. To find out when your pet needs its next booster shot, please contact your local veterinarian.

Oxford’s Public Safety Committee to Discuss Proposed Panhandling Ordinance

-Information courtesy Cynthia Bowen, City Clerk, City of Oxford

The Public Safety Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed panhandling ordinance for the City of Oxford.

All those interested are invited to attend.

Third Annual ‘Santa Paws’ Event to be Held at Granville Expo Center

-Press Release, County of Granville

The Third Annual “Santa Paws” event will be held on Saturday, December 8 from 6:30 until 9 p.m. at the Granville County Expo and Convention Center in Oxford. Santa Claus will be making time for the dogs and cats of the Granville County Animal Shelter to help with this donation drive.

Participants are asked to please bring a donation for the Animal Shelter in exchange for a photo with Santa. Donation ideas include flea and tick treatment (no Hartz), durable dog toys, fabuloso, cat litter, cat toys, cloth towels, dish soap and paper towels.

Pets, kids and adults are welcome. There will be light hors-d’oeuvres and refreshments provided.

The Granville County Expo and Convention Center is located at 4185 Hwy 15 South in Oxford. For more details, call 919-693-6749 or visit www.granvillecounty.org.

Oxford Provides a ‘Snow Place Like Home’ Themed Holiday Experience

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford website

Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation (DOEDC), in partnership with the City of Oxford, Granville County Public Schools and Granville Health Systems, invites the community to come and celebrate the magic of a themed holiday and Christmas season with “Snow Place Like Home, Oxford, NC”.

Beautiful banners, created by the School of Graphic Art at the Masonic Home for Children, will be visible in many downtown businesses around town in support of our holiday theme.

Additionally, in support of this theme, DOEDC has partnered with Granville County Schools asking for students’ “snowflake” artwork. This fun student art will be displayed in several downtown businesses to create a “Student Art Walk.” This partnership with Granville County Schools generates and instills “community pride” with Granville County’s youngest holiday-loving citizens.

In support of these students and their individual art, we invite community members, parents and grandparents to stroll around downtown in search of your student’s art. Once you find their art, take fun pictures and share with others inviting them to come and see the joyful display around downtown. The banners and student art will be up through Wednesday, December 26.

Make plans now to gather in downtown, create a unique family memory and find your student’s snowflake in honor of “Snow Place Like Home, Oxford, NC.”

For more information on the “Snow Place Like Home” theme, along with additional events, please visit the “Snow Place Like Home” Downtown Oxford Facebook page by clicking here.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Board of Commissioners to Attend Regional Broadband Presentation

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, County of Granville


A quorum of the Granville County Board of Commissioners may be present on Thursday, November 29, 2018, for a presentation on regional broadband hosted by Kerr-Tar Council of Government. The presentation will begin at 5 p.m. at the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Government’s Administrative Offices, 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson.

For more information, please contact the County Manager’s Office at 919-693-5240.

‘Shop Granville First’ on Small Business Saturday

— Information and graphic courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~ ginnie@granville-chamber.com

It’s here! Shop Granville First and celebrate Small Business Saturday all across Granville County on Saturday, November 24. Get a tote bag at a Chamber office or at the Thanksgiving Breakfast to get first dibs on coupons, flyers, specials and more, and support the small business community in Granville County!

Click here to check out our Facebook video for more info!