Tag Archive for: #granvillecountytourism

Oxford Christmas Parade

Town Talk 12/04/19: Granville Plans Busy Weekend With Parades, Shows & More

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Angela Allen, director of the Granville County Tourism Development Authority, appeared on WIZS’ Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m. to discuss a few of the many weekend holiday events happening in Granville County.

Granville Little Theatre’s FrUiTCaKes

The Granville Little Theatre will present FrUiTCaKes, a Christmas production, at the Oxford City Hall Auditorium on December 7 & 8, 13-15, 2019.

Mix together a batch of fruitcakes, three dozen Christmas trees, 10,000 outdoor Christmas lights, a chickenpox epidemic, two southern spinsters, an estranged old man, a lost cat named Tutti Frutti and a Christmas hog named Buster, and you’ve got the recipe for a fun-filled and touching evening of holiday cheer.

A moving story of alienation, understanding and reconciliation, FrUiTCaKes provides audiences with a heaping helping of holiday warmth and Christmas cheer.

Oxford Christmas Parade and Lighting of the Greens

A magical night is planned this Friday, December 6, 2019, for the 14th Annual Lighting of the Greens and Christmas Parade sponsored by Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation (DOEDC), the City of Oxford and partner Granville Health System. Events are scheduled from 4 until 9 p.m. in downtown Oxford.

The Christmas parade will take place rain, snow or shine, so please plan accordingly.

Event Schedule:

4 – 6:30 p.m. – Vendor Market opens

5:30 p.m. – Line up begins for parade participants

6:30- 6:45 p.m. – Welcome and opening comments

6:45 – 6:50 p.m. – Lighting of the Greens

7 p.m. – Parade starts

The parade will start on Belle Street, travel down Williamsboro Street, then Hillsboro Street, and end by taking a right on McClanahan Street to the Public Works Parking lot. Please note that there will be no parking in the Public Works parking lot (127 Penn Avenue) on the evening of the event.

Butner Christmas in the Park

Butner Gazebo Park – 416 Central Avenue in Butner.

This is a beautiful evening, which includes a children’s time of visiting with Santa, Christmas music and entertainment, a reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” and the official lighting of the town’s Christmas tree.

Children can visit with Santa from 5 until 6:45 p.m. Program begins at 7 p.m.

Delrayno Baptist Church’s “A Journey Back to Bethlehem” Live Nativity

Delrayno Baptist Church – 1315 College Street in Oxford.

Enjoy a reenactment of the first Christmas with a drive-through nativity scene featuring actors and live animals. Nightly performances December 7-9 from 6 – 8:30 p.m.

For more information on these and other Granville County events, please visit www.visitgranvillenc.com.

To hear Allen’s interview in its entirety, including information on additional upcoming events, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Town Talk 11/25/19: Granville Tourism Announces Thanksgiving Week Events

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Angela Allen, director of the Granville County Tourism Development Authority, appeared on WIZS’ Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

When asked to briefly describe her job, Allen laughed and replied, “I tell people exactly how to have fun and where to find it.”

Some of those “fun” Granville County events are planned for the last week of November and include:

The 15th Annual Turkey Trot will take place in downtown Oxford on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28, 2019. This annual tradition benefits Area Congregations in Ministry (ACIM), Granville County’s food bank.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. at Oxford United Methodist Church on College Street. Walkers and runners set off on the roughly 2-mile course at 9 a.m. and end the race back at the church.

The entry fee is two cans of food or a cash donation in any amount to ACIM.

Pre-Thanksgiving Lunch Buffet at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Celebrate the holiday season early with your family, friends, and coworkers.

Menu items include – smoked whole roasted turkey with gravy, sliced ham with honey glaze salad, fresh fruit and holiday mixed green salad, homemade stuffing, Southern-style green beans, homemade mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, assorted pies and peach cobbler.

Reservations required; call (919) 603-3701 or email thorndaleoaks@aol.com.

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast will be held Wednesday, November 27 at 7:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center of Oxford Baptist Church, Main Street, Oxford.

Attendees are requested to bring non-perishable food donations (canned food) for Area Congregations In Ministry (ACIM).

Small Business Saturday will be held on November 30 to support small, local, independent businesses in Granville County, NC.

Understanding the important contributions small businesses make to their communities, the Granville County Chamber of Commerce encourages consumers to take part in Small Business Saturday® by supporting small, local businesses.

Continuing a five-year tradition, shopping bags with promotional items for Small Business Saturday will be available at the Chamber’s Annual Thanksgiving Breakfast on November 27.

Tobacco Wood Brewing Company, 117 Wall Street in Oxford, has several exciting events planned for the week including a Thanksgiving Market featuring produce, baked goods, etc. on Wednesday, November 27 from 3 until 5 p.m.; an Open Mic Night on Wednesday, November 27 at 7 p.m.; and the release of a special Black Friday beer at 6 p.m. on Friday, November 29.

For more information on Granville County events, please visit www.visitgranvillenc.com.

To hear Allen’s interview in its entirety, including information on additional upcoming events, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Brides on Wheels (BOWs) Interest Meeting Scheduled

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

An interest meeting for local wedding vendors is scheduled for Sunday, November 10 from 1 until 5 p.m. through the Granville County Tourism Development Authority (TDA). Participants will have an opportunity to network as they learn more about the annual “Brides on Wheels” (BOWs) tour, now entering its third season.

Previous Brides on Wheels participants tour Granville County. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)

The meeting will include a visit to a new wedding venue in Oxford, Shadowing Oaks, located on John Watkins Road. Those in attendance can sample refreshments from area wedding vendors, with a presentation scheduled for 3 p.m. to share information about the BOWs tour which will take place next spring.

Also discussed will be another marketing opportunity, participation in the “Forever Bridal Show” in Raleigh, scheduled for January 2020.

“We want to ensure that the BOWs tour grows and will be a successful event for venues and wedding vendors in Granville and surrounding areas,” said Angela Allen, TDA Director. “This meeting will not only offer a chance to network with other vendors but is a great way to learn more about avenues for marketing and for showcasing Granville County as a choice wedding location.”

Those interested in participating in this meeting should contact Director Allen by November 4 at 919-693-6125 or at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

Town Talk 10/30/19: Tourism Director Talks Halloween Fun in Granville

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Angela Allen, director of the Granville County Tourism Development Authority, was on Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk to discuss Halloween happenings in the area.

“We are going out of October and heading into November with a bang,” Allen said. Halloween events include:

  • Downtown Oxford’s Spooktacular Candy Stroll trick-or-treat event Friday, November 1, 2019, from 3:30 – 5 p.m. Trick-or-treat was moved from its original date of Thursday, October 31 due to rainy weather forecasts.
  • Downtown Creedmoor Trick-or-Treating will be held Thursday, October 31 from 6 until 8 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Creedmoor Police Department and downtown merchants.
  • Covenant Life Church will hold Trunk-or-Treat at Butner Athletic Park from 6 until 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 31. The park is located at 1105 West B Street in Butner, NC. This event is open to the public.
  • The Granville Haunt Farm will be open on Halloween from dusk until 9:30 p.m. Activities include a corn maze, haunted trail, zombie paintball and an escape room. This weekend is the last weekend of the season. The farm is located at 4534 US-15 in Oxford, NC.

These are just a few of the many Halloween activities taking place in Granville County. With inclement weather forecasted, it is recommended that you check to see if events have been rescheduled or canceled before heading out tomorrow.

For more information on Granville County events, please visit www.visitgranvillenc.com.

To hear Allen’s interview in its entirety, including information on upcoming November events, please click the play button below. Listen live to WIZS’ Town Talk Monday-Friday at 11 a.m. on 1450AM, 100.1 FM or online at www.wizs.com.

Granville’s Tourism Development Authority Awarded for Marketing Campaign

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

The Granville County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) has received a top honor for marketing from the North Carolina Travel Industry Association. The TDA earned the coveted platinum award in the Community Relations category for its innovative approach to communicating and building relationships within a community.

The partnership between the TDA and members of the community was the result of a recent re-branding effort, in which the tourism brand “Uniquely Carolina” was created for Granville County Tourism’s new marketing campaign.

As part of the re-branding process, the TDA and the Hughes Marketing Group (brand consultant) interviewed over 100 county stakeholders for their ideas and input. Focus groups were also incorporated, with more than 650 completing surveys online and through intercepts.

A final community outreach session, broadcast on Facebook Live, reached an additional 680 people who viewed the presentation on social media, with more than 60 people in attendance to see the results of the marketing campaign in person. Attendees included representatives of the tourism industry and the TDA Board, as well as interested residents and government/community leaders.

“Tourism is not the charge of a single person or department,” says Angela Allen, Executive Director of the TDA. “Everyone in a community impacts and is part of attracting visitors, and – more importantly – greeting, interacting with and making a visit to the community either positive or negative.”

“The primary challenge,” she added, “was to get folks to partner with us in developing our new brand. In the process, we broke through walls by incorporating our stakeholders in this effort. This award validates the community approach we used to promote tourism in Granville County.”

For more information on this community relations effort and the re-branding of Granville County Tourism, contact Allen by email at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org or by phone at 919-693-6125. Those interested can also visit the new website at www.visitgranvillenc.com

To learn more about the North Carolina Travel Industry Association, visit nctia.travel.

Granville Visitors Spent More Than $52 Million in 2018

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Tourism Development Authority

In a recent announcement, Gov. Roy Cooper reported that visitors to North Carolina set a record for spending in 2018. The 2.3 billion in total spending represented an increase of 5.6 percent from 2017. The data comes from an annual study commissioned by Visit North Carolina, a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina.

Granville County tourism helped contribute to this statewide increase, bringing in more than $52 million in 2018. This reported total equates to a 5.9 percent increase from the previous year’s expenditures, which is higher than the increase reported for the state. According to data shared in the report, Granville County’s share of local tax receipts for 2018 totaled $1.49 million, with $3.07 million in state tax receipts reported.

Granville County Tourism Development Director Angela Allen attributes the county-wide growth in tourism and visitor spending to a growing local economy, such as the opening of new restaurants and gathering places, as well as a greater awareness of events and attractions that can be enjoyed in our area.

“As more and more people are discovering what Granville County has to offer  – our welcoming atmosphere, hometown charm and relaxed lifestyle –  we are quickly becoming a choice destination,” Allen remarked. “Our recently-launched marketing campaign bears this out – we are ‘Uniquely Carolina.’”

Visitor spending in Granville County has seen a steady increase over the past decade, rising from approximately $36 million in 2009 to $43 million in a time span of four years. The report from 2014 reflected $44 million generated by visitor spending, with an increase to $45 million in 2015, $47 million in 2016 and $49 million reported last year.

According to a press release issued by Gov. Cooper’s office, North Carolina visitors spent more than $65 million per day in 2018, with each household saving approximately $530 (on average) in state and local taxes as a direct result of the tourism industry.

“North Carolina is a welcoming place to stay for the nearly 50 million visitors who travel here each year, employing more than 225,000 people across more than 45,000 businesses last year,” Gov. Cooper remarked. “I’m proud of the way tourism continues to fuel growth in communities across our state.”

To learn more about tourism and events/attractions in Granville County, log onto www.visitgranvillenc.com, or contact Angela Allen, Tourism Director, by phone at 919-693-6125 or by email at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

Brides on Wheels

Wedding Vendors Invited to Granville Tourism’s ‘Brides on Wheels’ Meeting

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville Tourism Development Authority will host a meeting on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the 2020 Granville Brides on Wheels tour. The meeting will take place at Best Western Butner Creedmoor Inn, located on 2578 W Lyon Station Road in Creedmoor.

All Granville County and surrounding area wedding vendors and venues are welcome to come to the meeting.

For more information, please contact Angela Allen, Tourism Director, at 919-693-6125 or angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

Granville Co. Tourism Director Recipient of Scholarship

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Granville County Tourism Development Director Angela Allen is attending the Southeast Tourism Society (STS) Marketing College May 12 through May 17. The session covers a broad-based curriculum of courses designed to teach marketing techniques from all facets of the tourism industry.

Allen was named the recipient of a full scholarship through the Miles Partnership, a worldwide marketing services team which helps promote travel experiences, to attend this session. A selection committee comprised of industry professionals notified Allen in February that she had been chosen for this scholarship, which covers tuition and accommodations.

“The scholarship selection committee recognizes your hard work and dedication to the tourism industry in North Carolina,” Allen’s award notification read. “We are pleased to offer you this scholarship in support of your continued success.”

This is the second time Allen has received this scholarship from the Miles Partnership. The 2017 “Rising Star” of the North Carolina Tourism Industry Association continues to gain leadership and marketing skills at this training session, which is being held on the campus of the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega, GA.

Granville County Tourism Development Director Angela Allen is attending the Southeast Tourism Society (STS) Marketing College May 12 through May 17. The session covers a broad-based curriculum of courses designed to teach marketing techniques from all facets of the tourism industry. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)




Granville Tourism to Host Vendor Show/Limo-Style ‘Brides on Wheels” Tour

-Press Release, Granville County Government

 Brides planning a 2019-2020 wedding in Granville County will be taking a scenic tour on the “Bridal Bus” to learn more about wedding locations and resources available to help plan the “perfect” event.

The day includes a stop at four local wedding/reception venues, as well as early access to a Vendor Show at the Clarion Inn and Suites on Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue in Oxford. Florists, photographers, caterers, event planners, disc jockeys, rental companies, etc. will be set up to welcome the new brides – and members of the public – to display a variety of wedding service options. The Vendor Show will be open from noon until 4 p.m., with tickets now available to attend.

Photo courtesy Granville Co. Government

The “Brides on Wheels” (BOW) limo-style bus will depart from the Clarion at 1 p.m. for scheduled stops at the four locations, where prospective brides will find options and ideas to plan their event. Participants who registered for this tour will make stops according to the following schedule:

1:20 p.m.: Tour of Cedar Grove Acres in Creedmoor;

2:30 p.m.: Tour of Vino Oasi in Stem;

3:50 p.m.: Tour of Carlee Farms in Oxford;

5:05 p.m.: Tour of Thorndale Oaks in Oxford.

While the Brides on Wheels tour bus makes its way through Granville County, the vendor show will continue until 4 p.m., with the bus scheduled to arrive back at the Clarion Inn in Oxford by 6:15 p.m.

“From rustic to elegant and from indoor to outdoor, brides are sure to find something that fits their perfect event,” said Granville County Tourism Director Angela Allen. “This is an opportunity to showcase all the wonderful things we have right here in our county for brides or anyone else who wants to put together a special event.”

Created as a way to promote Granville County, Allen says that the bridal tour and vendor show will boost the local economy, as well as promote local vendors and make both residents and non-residents aware of what the county has to offer. The vendor show was added this year to provide information about other local resources that are available when planning a wedding or other special events.

This is the second year that the “Brides on Wheels” tour has been presented. Last year’s tour attracted eight brides, one groom and their family members.

“We had a diverse group of brides last year,” Allen said, “some from the local area, some from Raleigh and some from the Greensboro/High Point area.”

This year’s tour has grown to a larger number of participants who will see first-hand what Granville County has to offer. Each bride will receive a free “goodie bag” filled with products, certificates and coupons for helping plan their special event.

Tickets for the vendor show are available through Eventbrite at https://granvillebows19.eventbrite.com/.

For more information about the tour or the vendor show, visit https://www.visitgranvillenc.com or contact Granville County Tourism Director Angela Allen by phone at 919-693-6125 or by email at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org.

Brides on Wheels

“Brides on Wheels” to Offer Bridal Couples Tour of Granville Vendors

Angela Allen, director for the Granville County Tourism Development Authority, was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the second Annual “Brides on Wheels: Bridal Tour & Vendor Show,” or “BOWs” for short, taking place Sunday, April 14, 2019.

“This event gives brides and their guests an opportunity to ride on a limo bus to view four different venues, including Granville County’s own Cedar Grove Acres, Vino Oasi, Carlee Farms and Thorndale Oaks,” said Allen.

The bridal tour will depart the Clarion Inn and Suites located at 913 MLK Ave. in Oxford, NC at 1 p.m. and will return at 6 p.m. Prior to the tour, the Clarion Inn will be the site of a public vendor show to be held in the ballroom from 12 until 4 p.m.

Participants who purchase the $35 combo ticket for the tour and the show will have a sneak-peek opportunity of the vendors’ ware in the Clarion ballroom beginning at 11 a.m. This combo ticket also includes a goodie bag filled with items from participating vendors. Seating is limited.

Tickets for the vendor show only are available for $20.

To promote the local area, Granville County vendors have first dibs on registration for the show. “We invite all Granville County vendors involved in the event planning business, such as photographers, caterers, florists and DJs, to participate,” Allen said.

All interested Granville vendors are asked to register by this Friday, February 15, 2019. After Friday, vendor registration will be open to areas outside of the county.

“We really want to showcase all of the wonderful things we have right here in Granville County to offer brides and anyone who wants to put together a special event,” said Allen.

According to Allen, last year’s tour – the first annual event – attracted eight brides, one groom and their family members, and was considered a success. “I’m happy to say three out of the four venues were booked from that particular tour. We had a diverse group of brides – some from the local area, some from Raleigh and some from the Greensboro/High Point area.”

Created as a way to promote Granville County, Allen said the bridal tour and show boosts the local economy, promotes local vendors and makes both residents and nonresidents alike aware of what the county has to offer.

“We’re not that far away; I-85 makes us very convenient to a lot of people,” Allen said. “Come hop on the bus with us!”

Tickets are available through Event Brite. Please click here to follow the event on Facebook.

Interested brides, family members or vendors may contact Allen at (919) 693-6125 or email angela.allen@granvillecounty.org with additional questions or for registration assistance.

To hear the Town Talk interview with Angela Allen in its entirety, including additional conversation regarding tourism in Granville County, please click here.