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Applications Now Accepted for Oxford Lighting of Greens & Christmas Parade

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford website

Oxford’s 13th Annual Lighting of Greens and Christmas Parade will be held Friday, December 7, 2018, from 4 – 8:30 p.m. This year’s events are presented by the Downtown Oxford Economic Development Corporation in partnership with the City of Oxford and Granville Health Systems.

The parade will take place rain, shine, snow and/or cold temperatures, so please plan accordingly.

Event Schedule:

4 – 6:30 p.m ~  Vendor Market opens

6:30 – 6:45 p.m. ~ Welcome and opening comments

6:45 – 6:50 p.m. ~ Lighting of the Greens

7 p.m. ~ Parade starts

Parade line up information:

The parade line up will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Belle Street and will continue down to Spring Street. Any parade participant not in assigned numbered space by 6:30 p.m. will be placed at the end of the parade. To ensure the safety of all participants, please keep your group along the right side of Belle and Spring Streets.

The parade will start from Belle and travel down Williamsboro – Hillsboro and end by taking a right into Friendly Village Shopping Center. Floats, walking-marching groups and individual cars will disembark at the Public Works Parking Lot. There will be no parking in the Public Works parking lot (127 Penn Avenue) the evening of the event. Parents will need to walk to the Public Works Parking to retrieve any participants in the parade.

The Oxford parade draws approximately 1,200 local citizens ready to experience the holiday spirit each year. Make plans now to be a part of this special holiday tradition in Downtown Oxford. We are asking participating groups to incorporate the theme of this year’s holiday season – “Oxford, Snow Place Like Home” – into the planning of parade entry and performances.

Applications for interested participants are now being accepted. For additional information and application for parade entry, click here. For the holiday open market vendor application, click here.

Reminder: Downtown Oxford Trick-or-Treating & Movie Night

Information courtesy the City of Oxford website 

Downtown Oxford Trick or Treating will be held Wednesday, October 31, 2018, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. with city-wide Trick or Treating from 5:30 to 8 p.m.

From 5:30 to 6 p.m. there will be a Glow Party with glowing items in the City Hall Auditorium. The movie “Coco” will begin at 6 p.m.

Children ages 12 and under only and in costume, please!

VGCC Honors 10 In Emergency Medical Tech-Paramedic Program

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College honored 10 students who completed the college’s Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic program in August.

The graduates included Kaylee Bradsher of Roxboro, Joseph Carpunky of Henderson, Reginald Collins of Henderson, Paul Currin of Norlina, Lawrence Green of Wake Forest, Kaylelynn Grindstaff of Louisburg, William Holder of Roxboro, Abigail Milton of Henderson, Aaron Porterfield of Wake Forest, and Mario Wright of Henderson.

The class, which began in August 2017, was instructed by Vivian Loyd, a Registered Nurse and Paramedic Level II instructor.

Above: Seated, from left, are Mario Wright, Paul Currin, Kaylelynn Grindstaff, Abigail Milton, and William Holder; standing, from left, instructor Vivian Loyd, Aaron Porterfield, Lawrence Green, Kaylee Bradsher, Reginald Collins, Joseph Carpunky, and EMS Coordinator Stephen Barney. (VGCC photo)

EMT-Paramedic instruction includes 660 hours of didactic (classroom) training and 400 hours of clinical education, or field internship. To be eligible to take the EMT-P course, students had to have already completed a 203-hour EMT-Basic course and passed a state exam.

An EMT-Paramedic has enhanced skills beyond the EMT-Basic level, including being able to administer additional interventions and medications. The EMT-P delivers the highest level of pre-hospital medical care in North Carolina.

Students had to pass several different exams, including a “scope of practice” exam, in order to successfully complete the EMT-P course. The scenario-based evaluation tested the hands-on and critical thinking skills of students as they delivered the appropriate treatment to multiple trauma patients and dealt with pediatric, environmental, and mental illness situations. Each student also had to complete an 80-hour Anatomy and Physiology course.

With the completion of the EMT-P course, the students take the 100-question North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services credentialing exam to become state-certified.

VGCC offers Emergency Medical Services training from the basic to the Paramedic level, in addition to continuing education, with most of the classes being taught in Building 10, the new home for Emergency Medical Services training, located on Main Campus across from the main entrance to the college. For more information on enrolling in these courses, call EMS Coordinator/instructor Stephen Barney at (252) 738-3273.

CALEA Assessors To Review N.C. Alcohol Law Enforcement for National Accreditation

-Press Release, North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation

A team of assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. will be visiting the North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement Branch of the State Bureau of Investigation on Tues., Nov. 13, to inspect aspects of the agency’s policies and procedures, management, operations, and support services.

The purpose of the assessment is to ensure ALE meets approximately 180 CALEA standards to achieve accredited status.

“By undergoing this voluntary submittal of intense scrutiny and peer review from the commission, ALE will demonstrate to the citizens of North Carolina that their state law enforcement agency is among the finest in the nation, exemplifying professionalism, accountability and transparency,” said Kelton Brown, ALE Branch Head.

As part of the on-site assessment, agency employees and members of the public are invited to offer comments directly to the assessment team during a public information session. They will be also focusing on providing addicts with options for rehab by finding the best christian drug rehab facilities near me and other centers for the ones who are interested in a different environment for detoxification. The event will be held on Tues., Nov.13, at 4 p.m. at the State Bureau of Investigation auditorium, 3320 Garner Road, Raleigh. Anyone unable to attend the public information session may address the assessors by calling (919) 582-8403 on Tues., Nov. 13, between 2 and 4 p.m. Comments are limited to 10 minutes and must address the agency’s ability to comply with CALEA’s standards.

Persons wishing to offer written comments about the ALE Branch’s ability to meet the standards for accreditation are requested to write: Commission for Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., 13575 Heathcote Blvd., Suite 320, Gainesville, Virginia 20155, or call (703) 352-4225.

For more information regarding the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., the public may write the Commission at the above address, call, or visit their website at https://www.calea.org.

For more information on the ALE Branch’s accreditation process, please contact Assistant Special Agent in Charge for Professional Standards Angela Hayes at (919) 662-4500.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Hold Special Meetings – Oct. 29 & 30

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education will hold special meetings on the following dates:

Monday, October 29 at 5:30 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting will be to review school improvement plans and district data, and a closed session for the purpose of discussing confidential personnel matters under N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1), (a)(3) and (a)(6).

Tuesday, October 30, 5 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting will be to review school improvement plans, discuss a study related to Joe Toler-Oak Hill Elementary School, and discuss proposals for J.F. Webb School of Health & Life Sciences.

Both meetings will take place at the Central Office, 101 Delacroix Road, Oxford, N.C.


Unload Old, Unwanted Items at Oxford’s Fall Clean Out Event

-Information and flyer courtesy the City of Oxford website

The 2018 Fall Clean Out Recycle and Collection event will be held Saturday, November 17, 2018, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Granville Co. Convention & Expo Center, 4185 US Hwy 15, Oxford.

An extensive list of items will be available for recycling or collection including paint, household cleaners, old gasoline, pesticides, electronics, medications and medical supplies, scrap metal, broken appliances, pet supplies, beauty supplies and much more.

Contact Teresa Baker, Recycle Coordinator, at (919) 725-1417 or bakertd@gcs.k12.nc.us

Allen Discusses Granville Co. Tourism Survey, Still Time to Win Prizes

Angela Allen, director for the Granville County Tourism Development Authority, was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss plans to develop a branding strategy for both visitors and residents of the area.

The Hughes Marketing Group of Matthews, NC has been retained to facilitate this process and will be collecting surveys from visitors and residents through October 31, 2018. Survey results will allow the tourism department to better understand what attracts visitors to the area and what has the most appeal to those who currently live in Granville County.

Survey questions include a ranking of factors, as well as personal opinions, and are available online at www.granville-survey.com or through the Visit Granville NC website at https://www.visitgranvillenc.com/win100.

Participants are eligible for prize drawings including a $100 Visa Gift Card, tickets to the Granville Haunt Farm, gift certificates to local restaurants and businesses or a Visit Granville gift bag.

While an uptick in recreation, farms, events, restaurants and other businesses are a strong indication that the area is already an attractive place to live, work and visit, Allen hopes the survey results will hone in on the most effective ways to promote the area moving forward.

One of the biggest tasks, according to Allen, is making others aware that the area exists. “It astounds me in the over three years that I’ve had this position that people still do not know where Oxford, Creedmoor and Butner are and don’t realize that they pass through it on I-85.”

Even new residents who are most certainly aware that the area exists are not always familiar with its amenities. “What we are finding in the survey is that a lot of people are brand new residents and have no clue about our area. What they know is that it is outside of the Triangle and that our properties are affordable,” Allen said.

While the proximity to more urban areas is often touted, Allen said caution should be taken when establishing an identity. “We don’t want to be a sub of Durham or a sub of Raleigh. We want our own identity and our own way of life.”

“The most interesting piece for me is the reaction between the residents and the visitors, and more importantly, their perceptions,” said Allen. “What we perceive ourselves to be is sometimes not how we are reflected. It is often in a more positive light than many people may guess.”

Allen gave an example of this perception issue, “Many residents indicated that they believe the distance between Granville County [and larger cities] would be seen as a deterrent. On the contrary, many visitors indicated that the distance was not seen as an obstacle and is, in fact, a plus. Survey results are still preliminary, but that was one of the ‘aha’ moments for me.”

Allen said the focus and attention given to tourism and marketing strategies is a step towards improved economic development and dollars spent in Granville County.

“We think about tourism as the front porch to your house. You want it to be as appealing as possible so someone will feel welcome and will come knock on your door.”

To listen to the interview in its entirety, please click here.

Oxford Preparatory School Announces 6th-Grade Honor Roll Recipients

-Information courtesy Victoria Bradsher, School Director, Oxford Preparatory School

Oxford Preparatory School is proud to announce the A and A/B Honor roll for 6th-grade students who have completed their 1st quarter. Students in 6th grade come to OPS from five surrounding counties.

The OPS mission is to develop students who are college ready and able to be competitive in the admissions process so that they are able to gain acceptance to the four-year college of their choice. Expectations are high for all students to perform at grade level and a robust curriculum is employed to help students reach these goals.

Students are provided instruction in math by Mrs. Tammy Pulliam using the Eureka math curriculum from Great Minds. Mr. Randy Smith and Ms. Alexa Cooke deliver English instruction using Wit and Wisdom curriculum also from Great Minds. A lot of interactive learning opportunities are delivered by Mrs. Lynne Corbett in science and social studies.

In addition to meeting these high expectations, most of these 6th-grade students have also been actively involved in sports such as volleyball, cheerleading, cross country and soccer and will soon be participating in swimming and basketball.

6th Grade – 1st Quarter A Honor Roll: James Boone Allred, Starling Faulkner, Grayson Gaul-Kinyon, Cadence Grace Hoyle, Jacquelin Jose, Brandy Ray, Ellie Stock, Marleigh Swanner, Hannah Twisdale, Caleb Watkins, Kennedy Wilkerson, Emily Wilkinson and Hunter Woodlief. (Photo Credit: Oxford Prep)


6th Grade – 1st Quarter A/B Honor Roll: Andrew Jordan Adcox, Mary Bailey, Elizabeth Baker, Ayla Kristine Batchelor, William Christopher Brooks, Emily C. Dail, Logan Stratley Elliott, Jeremiah Evans, George Gabbidon, Kaylee Gill, Luke Harris, Gage Hobgood, Elizabeth Jones, Holden Jones, Jetta Mangum, Kayleigh Patterson, Violet Perry, Makala Roberson, Othneil Joshua Javon Smith, Sawyer Vaughan, Trevor Weary, Macie Rae Wilkinson and Madison Woodlief. (Photo Credit: Oxford Prep)



VGCC Franklin Campus Hosting Education Night For Adult Learners

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus is hosting a special event for new and returning adult learners to learn more about its plans for Evening & Weekend College.

Education Night for Adult Learners will be held on Thursday, November 1, at 6 p.m. at the campus located at 8100 N.C. Highway 56 in Louisburg.

“The Evening & Weekend College will serve all learners at Vance-Granville, with an emphasis on the adult learner,” said Bobbie Jo May, dean of the Franklin Campus. “Our campus will provide placement testing and counseling services on some evenings and weekends, and we’ll offer hybrid sections of courses with classes on campus once per week or even once per month to meet the busy schedules of adult learners. The college is strategically planning to meet the diverse needs of this population.”

As a part of the Evening & Weekend College, Franklin Campus will offer many courses for the upcoming Spring Semester through the College Transfer program, including English, Math, Biology, Introduction to Computers and Psychology. The Career and Technical Division will offer courses in the Welding, Paralegal, Medical Office Administration, Business Management, Biotechnology, Medical Assisting and Early Childhood Education curriculum programs.

VGCC’s Franklin Campus also offers a robust selection of courses through the Continuing Education division during the day, evenings and weekends for the Spring Semester and the Summer Terms in 2019: among them, Nursing Assistant, Medication Technician, Phlebotomist, Notary Public, Biotechnology, Human Resource Specialist, and Healthcare Administration.

“We encourage those who are interested in how the Evening & Weekend College can accommodate their schedules to come to the Franklin Campus on November 1 so that we can help them achieve professional and personal success in their lives,” said May.

American Flag

Annual Military History Show to be Held at Henderson-Oxford Airport – Sat., Oct 27

-Information courtesy the 3rd Annual Military History Show’s Facebook page

The 3rd Annual Military History event will be held at the Henderson-Oxford Airport, 6514 Airport Rd., Oxford on Saturday, October 27, 2018. Events are scheduled from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Set-up is available Friday evening. All time periods are welcome.

A P-51 Mustang is scheduled for fly-in for this event (weather depending).

Point of contact: Harry Coombs