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Loose Leaf Collection

The following from the City of Henderson, NC:

Loose leaf collection will begin the week of October 23rd, 2017 and will end Mid-January. This involves the use of a vacuum machine and trucks.  Therefore, it is essential that leaves be free of rocks, trash and limbs so that the equipment is not damaged. You may continue to bag the leaves or place in a container, however it is not required until the loose leaf pickup season is over.

LOOSE LEAVES – All leaves must be raked behind the curb (not into storm drains, ditches or gutters on the street).
BAGGED LEAVES – All leaves must be in CLEAR plastic bags and weigh less than 50 lbs. per bag. Bags must be left at the curb. Do not put in street or gutters and ditches.

Make certain that no leaves are left on top of your water meter. Leaves will generally be picked up on a two or three week rotation.  However, this is dependent on weather conditions and leaf accumulation. If you have any questions, contact the Public Services Department at 252-431-6115 or 252-431-6118. Also, please keep in mind after January 19, 2018 if leaves are not bagged, there will be a $75.00 charge.

City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson Election Oct. 10

Local, live election returns can be heard on WIZS 1450 AM and on wizs.com Tuesday night beginning at 7:30.  In addition to the live audio on air and online, there will be a live results sheet on wizs.com that you can follow as we type in the vote totals.

The City of Henderson non-partisan election will take place Tuesday, October 10th.  Based on the number of people who filed to run for the Henderson City Council seats up for grabs this year, there is one contested race, and that’s for the Ward 4 Ward Seat.  However, the Ward 2 At Large seat will see a contest as well.

The Ward 4 Ward Seat incumbent, Fearldine Simmons, is being challenged by Blakely Lee Bates.  Simmons won the Ward 4 Ward Seat back in October of 2013 with 51.08% of the vote, when a total of 325 people from the ward voted.  Bates last ran for local office in October of 2015 when he challenged Ward 4 At Large incumbent George Daye.

The filing period in Vance County ended on July 21, 2017, and you can click here for a complete list.

For Ward 2 At Large, William Burnette filed to seek the seat being vacated by incumbent Mike Inscoe.  Inscoe did not file for re-election after serving for four consecutive terms.  Bryan Hargrove is running a write-in campaign against Burnette.  In order for a vote for a write-in candidate to count, a voter must fill in the bubble beside write-in on the ballot and then write a name, according to Deputy Director Melody Vaughan with the Vance County Board of Elections.  As for Inscoe, he explained more about his decision not to run in this link to a Daily Dispatch article on August 3.

The polls open at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 10 and close at 7:30 p.m.

Early One-Stop voting has concluded.

Sara Coffey is running unopposed for the Ward 1 At Large Seat.

Garry D. Daeke is running unopposed for the Ward 3 Ward Seat.

Both Coffey and Daeke won substantially in 2013.

Ward seats are voted on exclusively by residents in the ward’s precincts.  At Large seats are voted on by all eligible voters in the city.

Seats on the Henderson City Council are elected every four years.  Also, the mayor is elected every four years.

Here in 2017, Ward 1 At Large, Ward 2 At Large, Alderman 3rd Ward and Alderman 4th Ward are being elected.  Back in 2015, the mayor was elected along with Ward 3 At Large, Ward 4 At Large, Alderman 1st Ward and Alderman 2nd Ward.

City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson reports Sewer Collection System Bypass

The City of Henderson’s Sewer Collection System bypassed approximately 2,250 gallons of untreated waste water on September 18th, 2017 due to a blockage in the main. This occurred in the area just off of Fairway Drive and below the Fernwood subdivision. The overflow entered Redbud Creek. Crews worked to properly cleanup the overflow and minimize any negative effects to the stream.

North Carolina General Statutes article 21 chapter 143-215.1C requires a press release for all bypasses of 1,000 gallons or more that enter surface waters.

Questions concerning this matter should be directed to the Public Works ORC, Joey Long, Jr. at 252-226-4492 or Andy Perkinson at 252-431-0419.

Filing Complete for Local Elections

Filing for the City of Henderson:


Ward 1 At-Large Sara Coffey – Incumbent

Ward 2 At- Large William Burnette

Ward 3 – Garry Daeke – Incumbent

Ward 4- Fearldine Simmons – Incumbent and Blakely Bates


Filing for the Town of Kittrell:


Jerry Joyner – Mayor – Incumbent

Susan Pulley – Commissioner – Incumbent

Joshua Boyd – Commissioner – Incumbent

Todd Murray – Commissioner


Filing for Town of Middleburg:


Gary Plummer – Mayor

Ruth Nance – Council member – Incumbent

Mamie Turner – Council member

Annie Fudge – Council member – Incumbent

Vance County Animal Control to Offer Free Rabies Clinic

On Saturday, April 22nd, Vance County Animal Control will have a free rabies clinic at Great Zion Holiness Church in Henderson.

Vance County Animal Control requests that you have your dogs on a leash and your cats in carriers.

This is an opportunity to get your pet’s rabies vaccine updated.

You do not have to be a Vance County resident to attend the clinic.

The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Greater Zion Holiness Church is located at 804 Flint Street in the City of Henderson.

Henderson Land Planning Committee and Vance County Commissioners Property Committee To Meet

The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 22, 2017, at 3:30 p.m. with members of the Vance County Commissioners Property Committee to discuss joint concerns including, but not limited to demolition or redevelopment of various properties and Urban Homesteading.  This meeting will take place in the O’Geary Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue. The public is welcome.

Esther J. McCrackin

City Clerk – City of Henderson, NC

134 Rose Avenue

P.O. Box 1434

Henderson, NC 27536

Henderson Land Planning Committee to meet Thursday

The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet on Thursday, March 2, 2017, at 4:00 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss policies and receive updates, along with other issues associated with City owned properties.

The public is welcome.


Esther J. McCrackin

City Clerk – City of Henderson, NC

134 Rose Avenue

P.O. Box 1434

Henderson, NC 27536

Henderson City Council annual Strategic Planning Retreat set for this week

The Henderson City Council will meet for its annual Strategic Planning Retreat on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, at the Henderson Country Club from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for a working dinner and on Thursday, February 2, 2017,  from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Farm Bureau Room at the Perry Memorial Library.  A quorum is expected at both meetings; however, no final action will be taken at either meeting.  The public is welcome to observe.

Esther J. McCrackin

City Clerk – City of Henderson, NC

134 Rose Avenue

P.O. Box 1434

Henderson, NC 27536

Henderson Land Planning Committee to meet Thursday

The Henderson City Council’s Land Planning Committee will meet on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss policy, ordinances and penalties associated with property within  the City, along with issues associated with City owned properties. Other items may be discussed as a result of this discussion.  The public is welcome.


Esther J. McCrackin

City Clerk – City of Henderson, NC

134 Rose Avenue

P.O. Box 1434

Henderson, NC 27536

Tel: 252-430-5705

Fax: 252-492-7935


City of Henderson Holiday Closings

City Hall will be closed Friday, December 23, Monday, December 26 and Tuesday, December 27, 2016 for the Christmas Holiday.  City Hall will also be closed on Monday, January 2, 2017 for New Year’s Day. Below is the Public Services Sanitation Division schedule for this holiday:

Sanitation-Brush and Recycling by the City
December 26, 2016 – Monday’s normal route will be collected on Tuesday, December 27, 2016.
January 2, 2017 – Monday’s normal route will be collected on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.

Garbage Collection-Waste Industries
Since Christmas is on a Sunday, garbage collection will run its normal schedule.

Loose Leaf Collection
Loose leaves should be placed in rows or piles at the roadside.  DO NOT place leaves in the gutter, in the street or in an open ditch.  Loose leaves must be leaves only and should not contain any rocks, broken glass, large sticks or other debris as they may cause severe damage to the leaf collection equipment.