— courtesy VGCC
Vance-Granville Community College’s Student Government Association (SGA) has installed a group of officers to serve during the 2017-2018 year.
The officers, elected by VGCC students earlier in the fall semester, include President Sovanny “Sophie” Taylor of Louisburg, Vice-President Aaron Williams of Kittrell, Secretary/Treasurer Brianna Barnes of Manson, Parliamentarian Jai Butts of Durham, and Public Information Officer Fakea Walker of Oxford. All five are students in the College Transfer program at VGCC. Taylor and Williams are both Franklin County Early College High School students.
VGCC Student Government Association officers for 2017-2018 include, from left, Public Information Officer Fakea Walker, Secretary/Treasurer Brianna Barnes, President Sovanny “Sophie” Taylor, Parliamentarian Jai Butts and Vice-President Aaron Williams. (VGCC photo)
As SGA president, Taylor is also the student trustee, representing the interests of her fellow students at all meetings of the VGCC Board of Trustees.
The Student Government Association is designed to promote the general welfare of the college in a democratic fashion and to facilitate communication among the student body, the faculty, and the administration. SGA also provides a means through which students can promote interest in student activities, both on and off campus. For more information on SGA, contact Jermiel Hargrove, coordinator of Student Activities and Athletics, at (252) 738-3246.
(VGCC is an advertising client of WIZS.)