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Vance Charter School on 2-hour Delay Fri, Jan 5, 2018
Vance Charter School in Henderson is operating on a 2-hour delay today, Friday, January 5, 2018...
VGCC Opening at 10 a.m. Fri, Jan 5, 2018
Vance-Granville Community College will open at 10 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 5, 2018, because of the inclement weather. Also, registration for Spring Semester has been extended until 4 p.m. on Friday. The Business Office has also extended the deadline for accepting tuition payments for Spring Semester until 4 p.m., and students are able to pay...
Vance Schools Teacher Workday Fri, Jan 5, 2018
Friday, January 5, will be a teacher workday for all employees in Vance County Schools with no school for students. While main roads and highways are clear, many secondary roads still pose hazardous travel conditions for school buses and other vehicles. The school day missed today will follow our approved school year calendar and will...
Granville Schools Optional Workday for Staff Fri, Jan 5, 2018
Many secondary road conditions are still affected by the recent weather, and as a result, all Granville County Public Schools will be closed for students on Friday, January 5, 2018. There will be an optional work day for staff. We will provide updates about how missed instructional time will be made up once decisions are...
Franklin Schools Closed Fri, Jan 5, 2018
Due to hazardous road conditions and the Wind Chill Advisory, all Franklin County Schools will be closed Friday, January 5th for students and staff. All Friday after-school and evening activities are canceled, and all Franklin County Schools facilities are closed this weekend...
Black Ice, Wind Chills the New Concerns Jan 4-6
(Click here for the latest briefing from the NWS.) From the National Weather Service, a winter weather advisory remains in effect for the WIZS area of Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin Counties until 7 a.m. Saturday for icy roads, black ice, hazardous travel conditions and dangerous wind chill values. A winter weather advisory for black...
Fresh Year, Fresh Start in 2018
— courtesy Maria Parham Health Ask anyone what their New Year’s resolution is and chances are they’ll mention a determination to eat healthier. While many of us may consider a renewed focus on healthy eating as a way to make up for the rich indulgences of the holiday season or as a pathway to fit...
Jan. 4, 2018 Closings and Delays
Check, and for additional information as well as on air at 1450 AM. Closings Crossroads Christian School in Henderson closed Thursday, January 4 Franklin County Schools closed, Thursday, January 4 for students and staff Vance County Court – No court January 4 – No court in Vance County today Vance County Schools closed on Thursday, January...