On Tuesday, December 1st, the Vance/Warren Extension Master Gardener Volunteers gathered at Ribeyes Steakhouse in Henderson to celebrate another year of accomplishments. Over the past year, 21 active volunteers contributed over 1200 hours of service in support of Cooperative Extension projects in the two counties. The volunteers are involved in a variety of activities, including the installation of raised beds for demonstration purposes, garden classes and workshops, outreach at community events, a newsletter with timely tips and much more.
Warren County Extension Director Crystal Smith thanked the Volunteers for their tireless service to the two counties. Extension Agent Paul McKenzie presented several achievement awards this year, including some noteworthy service milestones. Beverly Allen reached the 5 year mark, and also received a pin for 500 hours of service. Merwin Deickmann has achieved 15 years of service. BJ Wright has contributed 500 lifetime hours. This year the highly coveted Golden Trowel Award was presented to Marty Finkel, for contributing 116 hours of service in 2015. Eileen Novak was presented the Silver Cultivator Award, for tireless work behind the scenes to make our projects successful. Edna Gaston received the Golden Watering Can Award, for her many years of leadership. Edna was also recognized for 20 years of service.
At the event, the Volunteers enjoyed great food, fantastic fellowship and a fun gift exchange. They also presented a book on fishing to Extension Agent Paul McKenzie in appreciation of his leadership. The considered a gardening book, but have seen pictures of his garden and realize there is no hope.
(Information Provided by:)
Paul McKenzie
Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties
NC Cooperative Extension
305 Young St., Henderson, NC 27536
158 Rafters Ln., Warrenton, NC 27589