NC Dept of Agriculture

Troxler Encourages Horse Owners to Vaccinate Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases

-Press Release, NCDA&CS

Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler is encouraging horse owners to have their animals vaccinated against Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis and West Nile Virus.

“April until November is prime mosquito-breeding season in North Carolina and when horses are at risk if not properly vaccinated,” Troxler said. “EEE is fatal 90 percent of the time in horses and WNV has a fatality rate of 30 percent. Both diseases are preventable by vaccination.”

Last year, North Carolina saw its first case of EEE in July. There were seven recorded cases of EEE and five cases of WNV in horses in North Carolina in 2018, but the mild winter could cause that number to go up this year, State Veterinarian Doug Meckes said. Meckes recommends that equine owners talk to their veterinarians about an effective vaccination protocol to protect horses from mosquito-borne diseases. The combination vaccination initially requires multiple injections for horses, mules and donkeys that have no prior vaccination history.

Mosquitoes can breed in any puddle that lasts for more than four days, so removing any source of standing water can reduce the chance of exposing animals to WNV or EEE. Keeping horses in stalls at night, using insect screens and fans and turning off lights after dusk can also help reduce exposure to mosquitoes. Insect repellants can be effective if used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Symptoms of EEE include impaired vision, aimless wandering, head pressing, circling, inability to swallow, irregular staggering gait, paralysis, convulsions and death. Once a horse has been bitten by an infected mosquito, it may take three to 10 days for symptoms to appear.

Symptoms of WNV include fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, head pressing, seizures and aimless wandering.

“If your horses or other equine animals exhibit any symptoms of EEE or WNV, contact your veterinarian immediately,” Meckes said.

People, horses and birds can become infected from a bite by a mosquito carrying the diseases, but there is no evidence that horses can transmit the viruses to other horses, birds or people through direct contact.

“It’s also a great time to make sure your animal is current on its rabies vaccination,” Troxler said. “In North Carolina, we see about five cases of rabies in livestock each year. Horses are naturally curious animals, which puts them at risk for a bite if a rabid animal gets through their fence line.”

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education Seeking Applicants for Vacant District 1 Position

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Board of Education is seeking applicants to fill the vacant position of the office of District 1, Board of Education.

This position will be filled by appointment by the remaining six members of the Board until the 2020 election. The appointed member is eligible to participate in that election.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest to the Board of Education no later than May 15, 2019.  Please also include a summary of your experience which will aid the Board of Education in consideration of your candidacy.

The letters should be addressed to Dywanda Pettaway, Clerk to the Board of Education, 101 Delacroix St, Oxford, NC 27565.  Proof of residency in District 1 is required. (District maps are available at the Granville County Board of Election and included below for your convenience)

All candidates will be asked to participate in an interview process with members of the Board of Education during the month of June. The newly appointed member will join the full board in the summer of 2019.

Altec Industries Sponsors VGCC Golf Tournament’s Afternoon Round

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Altec Industries of Creedmoor recently made a contribution to the Vance-Granville Community College Endowment Fund to serve as the afternoon round sponsor for the upcoming 35th Annual Endowment Fund Golf Tournament.

The company is a longtime supporter of the golf tournament and partners with VGCC training programs related to advanced manufacturing, including Welding and Mechatronics Engineering Technology.

Altec is a leading provider of products and services to the electric utility, telecommunications, tree care, lights and signs, and contractor markets.

The Golf Tournament is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, at the Henderson Country Club, and is among a series of events celebrating the community college’s 50th anniversary. Businesses and individuals can still take advantage of sponsorship opportunities at various levels. For golfers, the afternoon round is sold out, but there are openings to play in the morning round.

For more information, contact Kay Currin at or (252) 738-3409.

Pictured, from left, are Altec Human Resources Manager Jeff Tingen and Patrick Wooten, General Manager for the Creedmoor location, symbolically presenting the sponsorship donation to VGCC Endowment Director Eddie Ferguson. (Photo courtesy VGCC)

State Highway Patrol Concludes ‘Operation Drive To Live’

-Press Release, North Carolina Dept. of Public Safety

The State Highway Patrol has concluded a week-long campaign held annually each year to combat fatal collisions involving teen drivers. During the week of April 8 through April 12, troopers participated in Operation Drive to Live, placing emphasis on education and enforcement across the state.

Troopers were out in full force monitoring driver behavior in and around school zones while offering educational programs to local high schools. The operation is conducted in proximity to spring break and prom season, in hopes teen drivers will gain an understanding of the dangers associated with driving.

In 2018, the Highway Patrol investigated over 55,261 motor vehicle collisions involving drivers and passengers who were between the ages of 15 – 19. Of those collisions, 10,287 injuries were reported and 94 resulted in one or more fatalities.

This year, SHP performed 179 traffic safety presentations and patrolled 540 school zones throughout the week. The following statistics also reflect the efforts of SHP during the campaign.

Speeding 3,973
License Violations 1,248
Seatbelt Violations 1,180
Child Seat Violations 127
DWI Under 21 34
Warnings 1,535

While the operation has concluded, the efforts of reducing teenage driver collisions will continue throughout the year.

For stats related to a specific county, please contact your local SHP office. A contact list can be obtained by visiting the following link:


Delrayno Baptist to Present ‘The Living Last Supper’ – Thurs., April 18

-Information courtesy Delrayno Baptist Church

Delrayno Baptist Church, 1315 College St., Oxford, presents “The Living Last Supper” on Maundy Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free.

“The Living Last Supper” is a short, but powerful, melodrama about the reflection and inner turmoil of each disciple when Jesus announced that he would be betrayed by one of them.

The public is invited to attend.


Granville Co. Animal Shelter Closed Wed. for Staff Development

-Information courtesy the Granville County Government’s Facebook page

The Granville County Animal Shelter, located at 5650 Cornwall Road in Oxford, will be closed to the public tomorrow, Wednesday, April 17, 2019, for a staff development day. Staff development days are now held on the third Wednesday of every month.

Granville County Animal Control will still be available all day for emergency calls for service. Normal operating hours are Monday through Friday from noon until 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Call 919-693-6749 for more information about services provided by Granville County Animal Management, or visit

Pictured is “Cade,” who is available for adoption at the Granville County Animal Shelter. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Government)

Pins for Pets Bowling Proceeds to Benefit Local Spay/Neuter Programs

-Information and photos courtesy Community Partnership for Pets, Inc.
On March 16, 2019,  animal shelter directors, veterinarians, volunteers, friends, family and bowlers got together for the annual Pins for Pets bowling tournament. This event was held at the Palace Pointe Fun Center in Roxboro, NC.

Over $12,000 was raised through donations, bowling fees, bowling lane sponsors, raffle prizes, silent auction items plus a generous matching grant from the VF Fund.

The art was made from old, used bowling pins re-purposed into one-of-a-kind “pin art.”  Community Partnership for Pets, Inc. thanks each artist for using their talents to create these fun pieces of artwork.

Proceeds from the event will be used to fund spay/neuter programs in Granville, Warren and Vance Counties, NC.

VGCC Alumnus: Acting in Dinner Theater ‘Feels Like Coming Home’

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College holds a special place in the heart of Spencer Nunn, who has returned to his alma mater as a member of the cast of the college’s upcoming Dinner Theater production of Stephen Sondheim’s musical comedy, “Company.”

When the former Warrenton resident first enrolled at VGCC, he planned to complete an Associate in Science degree and transfer to a four-year university to study Marine Biology. As it turned out, his experience at the community college changed his career plans and, in fact, his life – dramatically.

“When I got to Vance-Granville, I was already into acting, since finding theater in my freshman year of high school,” Nunn recalled. “But I thought of theater as a hobby.”

Vance-Granville Community College holds a special place in the heart of Spencer Nunn, who has returned to his alma mater as a member of the cast of the college’s upcoming Dinner Theater production of Stephen Sondheim’s musical comedy, “Company” on April 25 & 26. (Photo courtesy VGCC)

One semester, he considered auditioning for VGCC’s production of “The Importance of Being Earnest,” but a Biology lab session conflicted with the audition time, so he missed it. “Fortunately, I knew one of the cast members and found out that somebody had dropped out of the play,” Nunn said. “I was just in the right place at the right time. I auditioned and got the part.”

Many more VGCC productions followed, including the first four Dinner Theaters. Nunn attended school part-time, while also working part-time. That meant he was enrolled for more semesters than some students, and he had more chances to appear in VGCC plays. “I might be the most prolific actor in Vance-Granville history,” he reflected with a laugh.

Along the way, after spending time studying with VGCC Theatre Arts instructor Betsy Henderson, something clicked for him. “I thought after a while, ‘this makes me happy,’ and I decided to pursue the theatre as a career,” Nunn said. His new plan was to transfer to a four-year university to complete a degree that would allow him to teach drama.

Nunn graduated from VGCC in 2016 and enrolled at William Peace University in Raleigh, where his professors marveled at the amount of college-level stage experience he had. He is set to graduate from WPU with his bachelor’s degree in Theatre Education, and a minor in English, on May 4, not long after the VGCC Dinner Theater. “Later, I’d like to get my master’s and teach at the college level,” Nunn said. “I was not on that course when I started at VGCC.”

There is another significant aspect to Nunn’s experience at the community college: the lasting relationships he formed. In addition to making many friends and gaining a mentor in Betsy Henderson, Nunn started dating one of his fellow student actors, Rachel Pottern, after they appeared together in “Zara Spook and Other Lures.” He proposed marriage to her in front of an awe-struck VGCC Civic Center audience at the conclusion of a Dinner Theater production, “Smoke on the Mountain.” She said “yes,” and they eventually wed in 2016. “So that’s something else I owe to Betsy Henderson and the college,” Nunn remarked. They even had their wedding on the VGCC campus. Originally set to take place in the gazebo outside, the ceremony moved into the Civic Center because of Hurricane Matthew.

His wife is an accomplished thespian herself and graduated from William Peace University right before he enrolled there. Among the four plays in which Nunn has acted at WPU, one was directed by Rachel. He has submitted a proposal to direct a play at the university after he graduates, just as she did.

Appropriately enough, in the new production of “Company,” Nunn plays “Paul,” a young man who is about to get married to “Amy,” played by Rachel. Nunn describes Paul as “a young banker in New York City; he’s very optimistic and overly affectionate at times, but he’s genuine, kind-hearted and loving.”

Spencer and Rachel Nunn are the only cast members in this year’s seventh annual Dinner Theater who were also in VGCC’s first such production (“Our Town”) back in 2013. Their involvement in the show as alumni is in keeping with the celebration of the community college’s 50th anniversary.

“The cast of this show is a lot of fun,” Nunn said. “The music is really challenging. Sondheim is known for complex music. If the cast was not so determined and ego-free, it could be frustrating, but we are all so supportive of each other.” In addition to Betsy Henderson directing and co-starring, Nunn noted that the production benefits from “a fantastic music director, Joanna Li; I feel I understand musical theater so much better after working with her.”

“Coming back to do this show feels like coming home,” Nunn added. “I never regretted going the community college route. I am 100% positive I would not be in the position I am, mentally, emotionally or in terms of maturity if it wasn’t for Vance-Granville.”

His heart, he said, “is at peace knowing I am doing theater because I realized how much it meant to me at Vance-Granville, and now, I want to get on a career path to be able to give that back. Going to the college is one of the best things I ever chose to do, and so many blessings have come from it.”

The dinner theater is scheduled for the evenings of Thursday, April 25, and Friday, April 26. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. each evening in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus near Henderson. Tickets are available for $30 each through the VGCC website at


‘Swat-A-Litterbug’ Program Simple Way for Public to Help Keep NC Clean

-Information courtesy the Vance County Government’s Facebook Page

The N.C. Department of Transportation’s “Swat-A-Litterbug” program encourages the public to report people who litter in an effort to help make North Carolina roadways cleaner. The program provides every individual an opportunity to be an active participant in reducing litter on NC roadways.

The public can report those who litter to NCDOT’s Litter Management Section by filling out an online form or calling NCDOT’s Customer Service Office at (877) 368-4968.

Upon receipt of the reported information, NCDOT will mail the registered owner of the vehicle that was reported a formal notification, signed by the N.C. State Highway Patrol, that informs them of the littering offense, the penalties of littering and urges them to help keep North Carolina clean.

Information that is needed to report a “litterbug” includes the date, time, plate number, county, city, street and violation description (cup, napkin, cigarette butt, etc.).

Please do your part to help keep NC, and our local communities, litter-free!


U.S. Department of Justice

Oxford Man Sentenced to 60 Months for Illegal Possession of Firearm

-Press Release, U.S. Department of Justice

Robert J. Higdon, Jr., the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, announces that Chief United States District Judge Terrence W. Boyle sentenced MAURICE SHAWAYNE HARRIS, a/k/a “Gator”, 38, of Oxford to 60 months’ imprisonment, followed by 3 years of supervised released.

On January 2, 2019, HARRIS pled guilty to possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon.

In January 2018, the Oxford Police Department attempted to make a traffic stop of a vehicle occupied by HARRIS, to investigate a report of shots fired in the area. HARRIS jumped and ran from the vehicle. Inside of that vehicle officers recovered a box of .38 caliber ammunition. Officers traced HARRIS’s flight path and recovered a Taurus model .38 caliber revolver. HARRIS was later arrested by the Oxford Police Department.

This case is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and make our neighborhoods safer for everyone.

Since 2017 the United States Department of Justice has reinvigorated the PSN program and has targeted violent criminals, directing all U.S. Attorney’s Offices to work in partnership with federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and the local community to develop effective, locally-based strategies to reduce violent crime.

This case is also part of the Take Back North Carolina Initiative of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina.

This initiative emphasizes the regional assignment of federal prosecutors to work with law enforcement and District Attorney’s Offices on a sustained basis in those communities to reduce the violent crime rate, drug trafficking, and crimes against law enforcement. The investigation of this case was conducted by the Oxford Police Department and the North Carolina State Highway Patrol.

Assistant United States Attorney Robert J. Dodson prosecuted the case for the government.