Mon, Jan 1 HOLIDAY

Tues, Jan 2 Vance Trial Court (O’NEAL) – Waters, Pelfrey, Louis, Erdmann, Allen
**Franklin District Court (Davis) – Olivieri, Roberson
##Vance District Court (Hunter) – Capps, Watson/Hargrove
Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney
Granville County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – Sellars

Wed, Jan 3 ##Granville District Court (Burnette) – Gregory, Dickerson
##Warren District Court (Stevenson) – Fuller, Raymond
Granville County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – Capps

Thurs, Jan 4 Franklin Juvenile Court (Hunter) – Olivieri
##Vance District Court (Thompson) – Erdmann or Louis, Watson/Hargrove
Granville Dispo Court (Burnette) – Gardner, Gregory, Fuller, Dickerson, Brickhouse
Granville Trial Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Fri, Jan 5 Vance Juvenile Court (Keith) – Louis
Granville Trial Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Mon, Jan 8 Granville Trial Court (O’NEAL) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Garrett
Franklin District Court (Hunter) – Erdmann, Roberson
Vance District Court (Burnette) – Gregory, Watson/Hargrove
Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Dickerson

Tues, Jan 9 Franklin District Court (Thompson) – Olivieri, Gregory, Roberson
Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Watson/Hargrove
Warren Juvenile Court (Davis) – Fuller

Wed, Jan 10 Granville District Court (Thompson) – Gregory, Dickerson
Warren District Court (Hunter) – Fuller, Raymond

Thurs, Jan 11 Vance District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Watson/Hargrove
Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Olivieri
Warren CMS Prep – Fuller

Fri, Jan 12 Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Olivieri
Warren CMS Prep – Fuller
Vance Probation Prep – Gregory

Mon, Jan 15 HOLIDAY

Tues, Jan 16 Franklin Trial Court (HOBGOOD) – Gardner, Olivieri, Johnson
Warren CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Fuller, Pendergrass, Raymond
Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Putney, Sellars, Roberson
Vance District Court (Hunter) – Louis, Capps, Watson/Hargrove
Granville Juvenile Court (Burnette) – Gregory
Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – Gregory
Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Louis, Erdmann

Wed, Jan 17 Vance Probation Court (O’NEAL) – Gregory, Pendergrass
Granville District Court (Burnette) – Sellars, Dickerson
**Warren District Court (Davis) – Fuller, Capps, Raymond
Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – Erdmann
Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – Putney
Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Louis, Erdmann

Thurs, Jan 18 Vance CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Pelfrey, Louis, Erdmann, Pendergrass, Allen
Franklin Juvenile Court (Hunter) – Sellars
Vance Dispo Court (Keith) – Gregory, Fuller, Capps, Watson, Hargrove
Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00 – 4:00 pm – Putney
Warren Trial Prep – Fuller
Granville CMS Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Fri, Jan 19 Vance CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Pelfrey, Louis, Erdmann, Pendergrass, Allen
Franklin Dispo Court (Davis) – Gardner, Olivieri, Gregory, Tart, Roberson
Warren Trial Prep – Fuller
Granville CMS Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Mon, Jan 22 Warren Trial Court (HOBGOOD) – Fuller, Raymond
Granville CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett
Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Roberson
Vance District Court (Davis) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove
Granville District Court (Hunter) – Gregory, Dickerson
Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Olivieri

Tues, Jan 23 Granville CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett
Franklin District Court (Keith) – Erdmann, Roberson
Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Olivieri, Gregory, Watson/Hargrove
Warren Juvenile Court (Davis) – Louis
Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Olivieri

Wed, Jan 24 Franklin CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Gardner, Olivieri, Pendergrass, Johnson
##Granville District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Dickerson
Warren District Court (Thompson) – Erdmann, Capps, Raymond

Thurs, Jan 25 Franklin CMS Court (O’NEAL) – Gardner, Olivieri, Pendergrass, Johnson
**Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Gregory, Watson/Hargrove

Fri, Jan 26 Vance Juvenile Court (Keith) – Louis

Mon, Jan 29 Franklin District Court (Hunter) – Olivieri, Roberson
Vance District Court (Thompson) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove
Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Sellars, Dickerson

Tues, Jan 30 Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Pelfrey, Roberson
Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Gregory, Watson/Hargrove

Wed, Jan 31 Granville District Court (Keith) – Gardner, Dickerson
Warren District Court (Burnette) – Putney, Raymond

**mediator available**
##9:30 am regular docket, PLUS POSSIBLE 2:15 pm DWI docket##

Franklin County Sheriff and ALE Target Alcohol, Gambling, Drug Activity

— courtesy NC SBI and North Carolina Department of Public Safety

LOUISBURG – The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and Alcohol Law Enforcement arrested eight people on drug, alcohol and gambling charges in two Franklin County locations Dec. 15.

Operation Clean Sweep, a three-month undercover investigation, began after the agencies received complaints alleging illegal activities occurring at an illegal video poker establishment in Castalia (near Louisburg) and at Flat Top Bar in Bunn. The Franklin County Narcotics Enforcement Team and ALE coordinated their efforts to address these illegal activities.

During the first phase of the joint operation, agents discovered illegal video poker machines at 5344 Highway 56 East, Castalia. Undercover agents playing these machines received illegal cash payouts on multiple occasions. Eight video gaming machines and $2,700 were seized. The investigation is on-going and charges are pending.

An investigation was then conducted at Flat Top Bar where agents made multiple purchases of cocaine, marijuana and prescription pills from numerous individuals. Undercover agents also detected multiple illegal sales and use of controlled substances, underage possession of alcohol and other illegal drug and alcohol activities on the premises.

“This is a great example of what teamwork between state and local law enforcement can produce,” said Franklin County Sheriff Kent Winstead. “We are committed to addressing illegal activity throughout our county and will continue these partnerships to make our communities safer.”

Terrance Merriweather, head of ALE, said, “ALE’s goal is to address illegal activity occurring at ABC outlets, both legal and illegal. Problem locations such as these plague our communities and ALE agents will continue to do their part to address these illegal activities throughout North Carolina.”

During the operation, the following individuals were arrested on 38 total counts:

Zachary Wade Smith, 24, of Zebulon
Possession with intent to sell/deliver cocaine (5 counts)
Sell/deliver cocaine (5 counts)
Conspire to sell/deliver cocaine (2 counts)
Possession with intent to sell/deliver marijuana (3 counts)
Sell/deliver marijuana (3 counts)
Give malt beverage to underage
Give spirituous liquor to underage
Transport open spirituous liquor in passenger area of a vehicle
Smith was placed on a $360,000 bond

Alyssa Wells, 20, of Lousiburg
Underage possession of alcoholic beverage (2 counts)

Ethan Dale Sims, 26, of Zebulon
Conspire to sell/deliver cocaine
Maintain a vehicle to keep/sell drugs
Possession drug paraphernalia
$40,000 bond

Lindon Otis Porter, Jr., 29, of Youngsville
Maintain a vehicle to keep drugs (3 counts)
Possession with intent to sell/deliver cocaine (3 counts)
Conspire to sell/deliver cocaine (2 counts)
Sell/deliver cocaine (2 counts)
Drive while license revoked
$181,000 bond

Tabitha Faulkner, 30 of Youngsville
Possession of cocaine
Possession of drug paraphernalia
$10,000 bond

Warrants have been issued and the following individuals are wanted on charges:

Logan John Smith, 24, of Youngsville
Possession with intent to sell/deliver schedule IV
Sell/deliver schedule IV
Conspire to Sell/deliver schedule IV

David Steele Richardson, 24, of Zebulon
Possession with intent to sell/deliver cocaine
Sell/deliver cocaine
Conspire to sell/deliver cocaine

Dexter Deangelo Perry, 21, of Louisburg
Conspire to sell/deliver schedule IV

ALE’s 109 specially-trained agents have the authority to arrest and take investigatory action for any criminal offense. Their primary responsibility is the enforcement of Alcoholic Beverage Control laws and state lottery laws. ALE is a branch of the State Bureau of Investigation.


Christmas Music 2017 on WIZS and WIZS.com

WIZS Christmas Special

Listen Live” to WIZS 1450 AM or by clicking “Listen Live” at WIZS.com.

If non-stop Christmas music is your thing, or you want Christmas music at your home Christmas party, be sure to tune in or listen live each night this week from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. plus all day Christmas Day.

We’ll have all your traditional favorites, and the music in the evenings will be commercial free.

Franklin County Logo

Triangle North Executive Airport Manager Stephen Merritt Has Died

— courtesy Franklin County Government

Kristen King, Clerk to the Board of the Franklin County Commissioners, wrote in an email to WIZS News, and to others today, and said, “It is with great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mr. Stephen Merritt, Airport Manager of Triangle North Executive Airport. Mr. Merritt passed away after being involved in an aircraft crash.

“We will forward any information about funeral arrangements when they become available.”

In addition to the information from Franklin County, you can read more online at WRAL.com by clicking here.

SBI Develops New Hand-held Fingerprint Technology

— courtesy NC SBI and North Carolina Department of Public Safety

The State Bureau of Investigation has deployed a mobile fingerprint scanning application for local and state law enforcement officers that instantly searches state and national databases for a positive identification.

The process is simple. A suspect places his or her finger on a small portable device, about the size of a smartphone and the fingerprints become digitized and sent to the SBI’s Statewide Automated Fingerprint Identification System and to the FBI for a search of their databases for any matches.

The Rapid ID System allows law enforcement officers to capture fingerprints remotely using the mobile fingerprint scanner. An officer quickly receives the results of a search on the hand-held device. If a fingerprint match is made, the device provides a person’s name, photo (if available) and other relevant information allowing for a quick assessment of a potential threat level.

“All of this happens in seconds,” said Wyatt Pettengill, SBI’s special agent in charge of the Criminal Information and Identification section. “Once the fingerprint image is received at the SBI, the image is compared against the SBI’s entire biometric database and sent to the FBI for a search of the Repository of Individuals of Special Concern, a combination of many different FBI databases that house sensitive law enforcement information.”

Officers who participated in SBI’s pilot program saw how valuable the technology is in correctly identifying individuals who had given them fictitious information or who had outstanding warrants in North Carolina.

A national fingerprint search through the Rapid ID System also provides officers access to outstanding warrants in other states, national sex offender registry subjects and known or suspected terrorists. Several states are already using this remote identification technology and are experiencing great success, according to Pettengill.

“The SBI tries to provide its law enforcement partners with the most current, cutting edge technology in the effort to apprehend criminals and make North Carolina safer,” said Pettengill. “It’s an amazing investigative and officer safety tool.”


New Human Services club formed at VGCC

— courtesy VGCC

The newest club for students at Vance-Granville Community College focuses on the Human Services Technology (HST) field. The college offers three Human Services degrees – a General HST track, a Substance Abuse track, and a Gerontology track – although interested students in any major are welcome to join the new club.

The HST Club held its first organizational meeting in November at VGCC’s South Campus, the home of the HST program. VGCC Human Services instructor Sharon O’Geary conducted the meeting and said she hopes that the new venture will increase the program’s visibility on campus. “Human Services students are passionate about helping people,” O’Geary observed. “We hope that this club can participate in a variety of special service projects that relate to our field and hold fundraisers that help our community. At the same time, we may be able to represent VGCC, attend conferences and help students obtain jobs in this field through networking.”

Seated, from left: Human Services Technology Club faculty advisor Sharon O’Geary, club Vice President Melissa Jackson, Secretary Caitlyn Rudd and President Pamela Campbell; standing, from left: Student Government Association (SGA) representative Feliciana Hernandez and Treasurer Sonya Barnes.

Students at the meeting elected the first officers to lead the HST Club. They included President Pamela Campbell of Littleton, a Gerontology major; Vice President Melissa Jackson of Oxford, a Substance Abuse major; Secretary Caitlyn Rudd of Franklinton, a Gerontology major; Treasurer Sonya Barnes of Henderson, who is completing both the General and Gerontology tracks; and Student Government Association (SGA) representative Feliciana Hernandez of Henderson, a Substance Abuse major.

The HST curriculum program prepares students for entry-level positions in institutions and agencies which provide social, community, and educational services. VGCC’s program is nationally accredited by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE).

For more information on joining the HST Club, contact Sharon O’Geary at 252-738-3529 or ogearys@vgcc.edu.


(VGCC is an advertising client of WIZS.)

BEEF Marketing and Herd Health Meeting Dec. 19

— courtesy NC Cooperative Extension

Warren County / BEEF and Herd Meeting

December 19, 2017 | 6:00 pm
Franklin County Cooperative Extension Center

Area cattle producers are invited to participate in a Beef Cattle Marketing Trends and Updates program, along with a Basic Herd Health Program, on Tuesday, Dec. 19, in the Annex meeting room at the Cooperative Extension Center in Louisburg. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m., followed by the educational and informative programs. Will Hargett, of East Carolina Stockyards, is sponsoring the meal and will also be speaking on marketing trends and how to get the most from your calves in 2018. In addition, Dr. Harrison Dudley, NCSU Extension Veterinarian, will speak on herd health updates. To participate in the evening’s meal and program, call the Franklin County Cooperative Extension office at 919-496-3344 before Friday, Dec.15, or email martha_mobley@ncsu.edu. This program is open to area cattle producers.

$300,000 Gift Will Help Girl Scouts; Camp Graham

The gift is about a commitment made a long time ago to make the world a better place, and it’s that same commitment that Girl Scouts instilled in Margaret Pickard Sirvis, according to her daughter Barb Sirvis.

Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines (GS-NCCP) recently notified WIZS News that a $300,000 gift from the Margaret Pickard Sirvis Fund will go towards revitalizing Camp Graham, just north of Henderson.  Be sure to click here for Camp Graham details.

A lifelong Girl Scout and advocate for women, Margaret Pickard Sirvis, or “Peggy” as she was known by her Girl Scout friends, passed away on April 8, 2017 at 93 years old.  Peggy’s daughter Barb worked with GS–NCCP staff to create a legacy gift to support improvements to Peggy’s beloved Camp Graham.

Information provided by GS–NCCP indicates the $300,000 gift will go towards much needed facilities renovations that will enable Camp Graham to continue providing valuable outdoor leadership opportunities to girls across North Carolina, just as it had for Peggy 80+ years earlier. Renovations will include things like a new HVAC, a full-enclosed bathhouse, updates to cabin units, and much more.

Barb Sirvis told WIZS News in a phone interview that her mother Peggy was very clear she wanted to make sure the Girl Scouts received a generous gift at her death, so the $300,000 came from Peggy’s estate.  Barb said Girl Scouts had always been very important to her mother Peggy, as she was in scouting some 75 years.

“She loved camp,” Bard said.  “She wanted to make sure her gift would continue to provide camp opportunities for Girl Scouts today and into the future.”

When asked how Camp Graham was chosen, Barb said, “My mother was born and raised in Chapel Hill, and she went to camp as a girl at a camp that no longer exists, but she did go to Girl Scout camp as a girl, and she also watched the power of Girl Scouting to shape my life and the camp experience and the life-long friendships that I made at camp.  Then, when she moved back to North Carolina in 2006, a local Girl Scout friend took us to an event with Girl Scouts of North Carolina Coastal Pines, and there (Peggy) had a chance to talk to some of the staff about her interests, and they were doing a new project at Camp Graham building tree houses.  She said she wanted to see them, and she went to camp, and she fell in love with Camp Graham.”

Peggy told her daughter Barb she wanted to spend some money on this council, that she wanted to leave money to make sure the camp stays here for girls in the future.

It turns out that Peggy was very quiet about her ability to leave a gift like this for Girl Scouts, so by all accounts it had a wow effect, just by the amount alone of $300,000 if nothing else.

It’s the personal side that tells the rest of the story.

Barb Sirvis said, “She and my dad met in 1944 and were married in 1945.  They each had a dream.  His dream was to be an entrepreneur, and her dream was to make the world a better place.  They brought those two dreams together.  He eventually started his own business, and she was the home and corporate treasurer.  They managed wisely and lived modestly their whole life.”

As far as how the money will be used, GS–NCCP went to Barb with a proposal with several options in it.  Barb said the renovations and improvements mentioned “were the ones that spoke to me.”  She said these priorities were on the top of their list, and “I thought they would be on the top of my mom’s list.”

Franklin County Schools

Nowell Brooks Named Director of Alternative Programs for Franklin County Schools

— courtesy Franklin County Schools

Louisburg, North Carolina – December 12, 2017 — The Franklin County Board of Education approved Nowell Brooks as Franklin County’s Director of Alternative Programs at Vine Academy. The approval came during Monday night’s board meeting.

Nowell Brooks (Franklin County Schools Photo)

Mr. Brooks comes to Franklin County from the Vance County Public School system where he worked as an assistant principal for the last three years at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Prior to that, he was employed with Vance Granville Community College as an Early College Liaison, Campus Coordinator and Instructor. Mr. Brooks has extensive experience in managing school operations, safety, student discipline and academic performance.

Nowell Brooks received his Master of Science in Educational Leadership from Arkansas State University. His bachelor’s degree in Public Administration was earned at North Carolina Central University.

Mr. Brooks’ first day will be determined at a later date.

VGCC enrolling students for spring semester

— courtesy VGCC

Area residents have until Jan. 4, 2018, to complete the process of registering for the spring 2018 semester at Vance-Granville Community College, but college officials urge prospective students to register before the holidays.

The semester begins on Jan. 8, with classes offered on schedules of 16, 12 and 8 weeks. Course schedules are available online at schedules.vgcc.edu.

For new students, the process of enrollment begins with completing an application for admission at www.vgcc.edu/application along with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at fafsa.gov. Then, students will request their official high school transcripts, and in some cases, their transcripts from other colleges they have attended. Next, they should meet with an academic/career coach and schedule a placement test, unless it is waived. Finally, students complete an orientation session, either online or in the traditional face-to-face format.

One relatively new resource for students residing in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties is the VanGuarantee scholarship program. The VanGuarantee is designed to cover tuition, student fees and/or textbooks for eligible students whose financial needs are unmet by federal financial aid and other means of support. For more information on all the various types of financial aid, contact the VGCC Financial Aid Office at fao@vgcc.edu or (252) 738-3280.

The college offers classes at four campuses and online, including six degree programs that are offered completely online: Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Medical Office Administration – Coding Specialist and Supply Chain Management.

VGCC’s Main Campus is located on Poplar Creek Road in Vance County (about midway between Henderson and Oxford) at the intersection with Interstate 85 (Exit 209).

The Franklin County Campus is located just west of Louisburg on N.C. 56.

South Campus is on N.C. 56 between Creedmoor and Butner.

The Warren County Campus is located at 210 West Ridgeway Street (U.S. 158 Business) in Warrenton.

For more information on enrolling, call (252) 738-3234 or visit any campus.


(VGCC is an advertising client of WIZS.)