— Warren County Government Host Food Drive Challenge Press Release
Warren County, North Carolina– Warren County employees answered a recent call from Warren County food pantry, Loaves & Fishes, for donations of non-perishable food items. County departments participated in a food drive challenge, far exceeding their goal of 1,000 pounds of food to donate to Loaves & Fishes.
County employees delivered over 4,851 pounds of food.
The food drive was organized by county pandemic emergency response team co-feeding coordinator, Crystal Smith of Warren County Cooperative Extension, and logistics were handled by Cooperative Extension staff.
Some friendly inter-departmental competition ensued, resulting in Social Services coming in at number 3 with most pounds raised (1,092 pounds), topped by Veterans Services/IT/Soil & Water/Register of Deeds super group at number 2 (1,096 pounds). However, the Warren County Senior Center came in at number 1, donating 1,466 pounds of non-perishable food items.
Thomosa Dixon and Larry Johnson of the Warren County Senior Center pose with volunteers from Loaves & Fishes and half of the food donated by Warren County government employees.