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-Information courtesy Vance-Granville Community College
Vance-Granville Community College’s Psychology Club recently completed its first food drive. The organization hopes to make this a periodic event.
The Psychology Club collected canned goods and non-perishable items from November 12 to December 13 and received over 489 items, all of which were donated to Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS), which is located in Henderson, N.C.
VGCC students who would like more information about the Psychology Club can contact Sharon O’Geary at (252) 738-3419.
The VGCC Psychology Club poses with items donated during their first food drive before delivering them to Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS) located in Henderson, N.C. Pictured, from left: Sonya Barnes, Norma Martinez, Haley Moore, Alvin Foster, Cody Greene and Sharon O’Geary-Advisor/Psychology Instructor. (VGCC photo)