— Vance Co. GOP Press Release
The Vance County Republican Party held it’s annual state required convention Monday night, March 22, 2021. The meeting held in the South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church’s Family Life Center was the largest county convention held in the party’s history. Following registration, refreshment and social time, Vance County GOP Chairman, Dwight Frazier, welcomed attendees and officially opened the convention with a prayer by David Barnett and the pledge of allegiance. Pastor Frank Sossamon next took the podium and conducted the precinct organizational focus of the meeting. Delegates attending the convention sat at their respective voting precinct tables and were presented with a detailed organizational handbook the party recently developed. The handbook developed by Pastor Sossamon and the party contained data pertinent to each precinct, the list of officers required, and the duties of those officers within a precinct, and much more strategical information on how to organize and strengthen the Vance County Republican population. Regular precinct meetings are planned to help reach goals currently set by the Vance County GOP some of which are to raise the number of registered Republicans, convert voters who are currently registered as Democrat or Unaffiliated, and recruit qualified Republican candidates for ALL locally elected positions.
Dwight Frazier led the business session in which delegates adopted The State GOP Plan of Organization and elected their leadership for 2021-2023. The slate of officers elected are as follows: Vance Co. GOP Chairman – Jimmy Barrier, Vice Chairman- Kevin Osborne, Secretary – Pam Barrier and Treasurer – Jacque Esslinger.
Several guests from the district addressed the convention. Attendees heard from District 1 Chairman, Harvey West; Richard Scott, chairman of Halifax Co. GOP; Thomas Hill, Chairman of Gates Co. GOP and currently seeking an at large seat in District 1; Donna Stewart, currently seeking District 4 seat (part of the Kittrell precinct is in District 4). Also attending the convention was newly elected chair of the Warren Co. GOP, Evelyn Woodson and her vice chairman, David Woodson.
Two special guest speakers at Monday night’s convention were Sandy Smith, former and current candidate for the US House of Representatives and Michael Whatley, Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party who recently spoke along with Donald Trump at the 2021 CPAC Convention. Sandy Smith spoke on Republican values and her plans for implementing those values once elected to the office. Mr. Whatley first thanked the Vance Co. GOP for the extraordinary job of getting the Republican vote out in the 2020 election and “protecting the ballot” (ensuring all voting in the county was done legitimately with no irregularities). He spoke of the many accomplishments made by the party in the 2020 election and pointed out vital races throughout the state and country the party needed to win in upcoming elections. Mr. Whatley offered to help Vance County however he could to fortify the party.
Outgoing vice chairman, Robert Herford, surprised Dwight Frazier who themed this year’s convention, “Proud to Be a Republican”, with a special presentation of appreciation from the party for his service as Vance County chairman and his dedication to the party over the past ten years.
Dwight Frazier themed this year’s convention, “Proud to Be a Republican”. To conclude the convention he relinquished the podium to the newly elected chairman, Jimmy Barrier, who made a few remarks and asked attendees for their help. “Alone I am just one single vote. I need you to help me make the votes grow by getting involved. If you or someone you know says they can’t stand to watch the news any more, if you are fed up with politics and politicians, help me fight for a change to make things better. Get involved. I want to hear from every one of you.”