– Vance County Schools Press Release –
Vance County Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anthony Jackson, has announced his resignation, after six years of service to the district. Jackson describes his time in Vance County Schools as “the most amazing and professionally fulfilling of my entire career.”
During Jackson’s time with VCS, the district has improved student outcomes, consolidated schools, increased the on-time graduation rate, decreased long-term suspensions and dropout rates, along with, developed a new strategic plan, implemented a digital 1:1 program, started the Arts Alive talent showcase, redesigned innovative programs, launched the new Vance County Center for Innovation, and most importantly, consistently given this community reasons to be Vance County Schools Proud.
Jackson expressed his gratitude for the educators in Vance County being committed to the vision, goals and beliefs of the district. He shared, “We have made tremendous inroads and I firmly believe that the school system is positioned to continue serving as a model of innovation and an engine for growth for our entire community.”
Dr. Jackson’s last day with the district will be July 2, 2021, as he has accepted the position of Superintendent in the Chatham County School System, in Pittsboro, beginning July 2021. The Vance County Board of Education will soon meet to begin the process of identifying the district’s next leader.