-Press Release, United Way of Vance County
The United Way of Vance County today awarded grant funding for 2019 to six area organizations which serve the needs of Vance County residents in the areas of health, food, clothing, shelter and education.
The 13-member Board of Directors of the United Way of Vance County approved grant allocations for 2019 to:
All of the organizations meet the important basic needs of citizens in Vance and Warren counties, which are the areas served by the local United Way.
“We are very pleased to be able to provide these grant funds to support these vital agencies,” said Jane Haithcock, president of the Board of Directors of the United Way of Vance County. “Each of these agencies and the services they provide are extremely important to residents in our community. Our United Way is so grateful for the support we have received from our community over the last year and a half as we conducted fundraising efforts to seek contributions to support those in need in Vance and Warren counties. With the grant awards, we are now able to use the monetary contributions we have received to support disadvantaged individuals and families in our community. And, we will continue to ask for the support of our community members in order to help those who need a helping hand.”
Haithcock and Gwen Williams, first vice president of United Way of Vance County, presented representatives of each of the organizations with their grant checks today at the local United Way office.
The United Way of Vance County went through a reorganization near the end of 2017 and the early part of 2018. During the majority of last year, leaders of the organization worked with key local corporate and business leaders on fundraising efforts and asked for monetary support from key local residents who have traditionally supported United Way. The show of support from the community for the mission of United Way was strong and very reassuring.
Our United Way plans to do more fundraising through 2019 and beyond to seek monetary support for agencies serving those less fortunate. More information will be forthcoming on those fundraising plans and future efforts to help fellow citizens.
Current members of the Board of Directors of the United Way of Vance County include:
Those wanting to donate to the United Way of Vance County may do so by contacting officials with the organization by email at unitedwayofvance@gmail.com or by telephone at 252-492-8392. Correspondences also may be sent to United Way of Vance County, P.O. Box 1352, Henderson, N.C. 27536.
The United Way of Vance County office is located at 715 South Garnett Street in Henderson.
Gwen Williams, first vice president and chairperson of the United Way of Vance County Funds Allocation Committee, center left, and Jane Haithcock, president of the United Way of Vance County, center right, are shown with representatives of five of the six area agencies receiving grant allocations for 2019. Those representatives are holding their grant checks and include, from left, Greg Kelly and Shantel Hargrove of the Vance County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council; Rachel Pennington of the Harold Sherman Adult Day Center; Betty Boyd of Community Partners of Hope; Lynda and Steve Dalton of Life Line, Inc.; and Lynn Fleming of Alliance Rehabilitative Care, Inc. Representatives of Franklin-Granville-Vance Smart Start were unavailable for the photo. (Photo courtesy United Way of Vance County)