Registration continues through Friday, Mar. 7 for the upcoming Senior Games and Silver Arts, giving area seniors a chance to participate in a variety of sports as well as photography, crafts, handiwork and literary compositions.
The events will take place between Mar. 21 and May 16 throughout the five counties that make up the Kerr-Tar region, said Michael Patterson, a family caregiver specialist for KTCOG.
Registrations can be completed online at or in person at any county senior center. A $20 entry fee should accompany the registration, Patterson said on Monday’s TownTalk.
“This is a great opportunity for older adults to participate in games and arts that they are passionate about,” Patterson said.
Over the past couple of years, about 230 people took part in the events, from pickleball and tennis to track events and basketball.
There will two or three events each week over the next couple of months, with the Silver Arts exhibition taking place on closing day, which will be held beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 16 at the Person County Office Building.
The top three finishers in each event will have the opportunity to move on to the state Senior Games competition, but Patterson said the local games are about more than just winning an award.
“One of the biggest benefits is the socialization opportunity,” he said. The games are a chance for older adults to engage and talk and have a good time.
Individuals compete against others in their general age group – there’s a 50-54 age group, a 55-59 group, and the groupings keep going up in 5-year increments.
As one of the event coordinators, Patterson said it is “so inspiring and empowering to see our older adults passionate about their wellness, passionate about participating and having a good time.”
Contact Patterson at 252.436.2040 x 6072 to learn more, or Crystal Allen at 252.436.2040 x2036.