Host John C. Rose and callers discussed the ongoing litter problem in Vance County. The Vance County Commissioners’ Planning and Environmental Committee met about Roadside Litter on January 25th with Dept. of Transportation Maintenance Engineer Frank Carpenter, Sheriff Curtis Brame and Vance County Appearance Commission Chair Terri Hedrick to discuss the issue of roadside litter. In 2020, almost $397,000 was spent on roadside and debris clean up in Vance County. Carpenter also explained that the roadside cleanup budget has also been reduced and is over budget for the current fiscal year which impacts the frequency of future litter cleanups. The committee stated this was unacceptable and considered the idea of lobbying the state for additional funding. Several other ideas were also discussed during the meeting including shutting down a gravel portion of Ross Mill Road where illegal dumping has become a problem, and targeted enforcement by the Sheriff’s Office among other ideas.
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