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The Local Skinny! City Council Adopts 2023-24 Budget
The Henderson City Council adopted the 2023-24 budget at its regular monthly meeting Monday evening, but it was not a unanimous vote. The budget was approved on a 3-2 vote, with three council members absent. Council members Jason Spriggs, Ola Thorpe-Cooper and Lamont Noel voted to approve the budget, with Garry Daeke and Mike Rainey...
June Blood Drives in Henderson and Oxford
There’s just no way to say it any plainer: The American Red Cross needs donors to sign up and give blood. The need is great and ever growing. June 14 is World Blood Donor Day, a day that focuses on raising awareness of the need for a safe, diverse and stable blood supply. This simply...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Check squash for squash bugs Avoid hand watering. If you have young children or grand kids let them help you in the garden teach them how plants grow. Avoid excess mulch around trees and shrubs. Continue your succession vegetable planting Avoid herbicide applications on...
The Local Skinny! Perry Memorial Library Plans A Busy June For Kids
Young patrons who come to Perry Memorial Library, check out some books or other materials and then leave are missing out on a bunch of fun programs and activities that all happen inside the library. Melody Peters, the library’s youth services director, reeled off a good-sized list on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! This...
Proposed City Budget Includes 3.8-Cent Tax Increase, $3 Hike In Sanitation Fees
The Henderson City Council is expected to adopt the 2023-24 budget at its June 12 meeting, with a few adjustments that have been made since the proposed budget was presented on May 8. Those changes include a 3.8-cent tax increase, a $3 increase in sanitation rate and 50 percent reduction in non-payment fees for water/sewer...
The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Belts and Hoses
— For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS. Getting ready for that annual vacation and you’ve made a mental to-do list before you pile in the car for that much-needed getaway: Lights turned off and front door locked? Check. Stopped by the bank for some cash? Check...
Home and Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. If tomato’s lower leaves are showing signs of leaf spot and tomatoes have set fruit you can take off those leaves below the small tomatoes . It’s not too late for container gardening. Continue your fruit tree spray regimen. Check current references when doing...
The Local Skinny! Humane Society Addresses Pet Care Inequality
There are so many up-sides to having pets – dogs, cats and a whole range of animals bring so much joy and happiness to their “people.” Our furry friends depend on their owners to provide them food, shelter and medical care. But what happens when money is tight? Where can pet owners get help? Amanda...
The Local Skinny! American Legion To Host Memorial Day Service
It’s a sobering sight to see those white crosses that dot the grassy area outside American Legion Post 60 in Henderson. Whether you just drive by over the Memorial Day weekend holiday or attend the annual service at Post 60 on Monday at 10 a.m. Post Commander Ted Grissom wants people to remember why those...
Maria Parham Volunteer Services Masquerade Jewelry and Accessories Sale