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Kids Invited To Fish May 25 At Fox Pond

Young people between the ages of 5 and 18 are invited to come fishing at Fox Pond Park next week – just show up at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25 and fish to your heart’s content until 7 p.m. All Fishing equipment will be provided and there is no registration to complete. The event is sponsored by The Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department and the Edmonds Tennis & Education Foundation.

MPH Staff Has An Oasis Room To Take Respite

Maria Parham Health staff now has an Oasis Room, designed just for them as a spot where they can just unplug and recharge – themselves and their phones.

With thanks to the hospital’s facilities team and suggestions from staff to the Resiliency Committee, the room was officially opened today (Thursday) and will open for everyone to enjoy come Monday, according to Kimberly Smith, director of the Cancer Center and member of the resiliency committee.

What once had been a spot with outdated lighting and carpeting that served as a hiding spot for storage racks has been transformed into a soothing, well – oasis – for MPH staff to come enjoy a few minutes of peace and quiet during their workday.

There’s a massage chair for relieving stress and a television that will play soothing music, Smith said.

“People can use it as a place to relax a little bit,” said CEO Bert Beard, before returning to the work of saving lives and caring for patients.

There will be snacks and drinks and a single-cup coffee maker for everyone to enjoy. There’s a spot to charge phones and a coloring wall, along with a board where folks can write positive messages to one another.

“We’re very pleased with the way the space turned out,” Beard said. Smith also gave special thanks to Josh Banks, director of the facilities team, for the extra effort they put in to making the room just right. “They just really have a heart to make things happen,” she said.

But that’s not all – Smith said she hopes to create a smaller version of the Oasis room on the patient floors for those nurses and others who aren’t necessarily able to come to the Oasis room during their shift. “Even if it’s a simple recliner,” Smith said, having a mini-oasis on the different floors would allow staff “to get away and reset themselves.”

SportsTalk: Coach Bunn Talks Vance Charter Softball, Friday’s Game

Could this be the year that Vance Charter’s Softball team advances beyond the quarter finals?  Head coach Brian Bunn would like to think so.  This is the third trip to the quarter finals for the Knights. With a team heavily laden with seven seniors, Bunn and his team will have the chance to advance tomorrow (Friday) at Oxford Park when Vance Charter takes on Perquimans County. While Perquimans is obviously a good team to have made it this far in the playoffs, they are young and Bunn hopes his team’s experience will pay off tomorrow.

“It’s been an awesome, awesome experience,” Bunn said of working with the seniors. “It’s a coach’s dream, these seniors to lead the team,” Bunn continued. The Knights have taken that experience and used it to go undefeated in the conference this season and those seven seniors have a combined 47-10 record over their varsity career. One of the reasons the Knights have been so successful is they aren’t easily rattled.  “No matter what happens, they keep their composure,” Bunn explained.  Bunn said, while the girls on the team have a lot of fun, they also know when to get serious and practices can get quite intense. Six of those seven intense seniors will be moving on to play at the college level next year.

In addition to senior leadership, Bunn says scheduling non-conference powerhouses like East Alamance and East Wake has helped toughen up his team and contributed to the Knights winning twelve of the last thirteen games. The Knights hope those winning ways continue.

Tomorrow night’s game at Oxford Park between the Vance Charter Knights and Perquimans Co. gets underway at 5pm and tickets are only $7.


TownTalk: Kaleah Padgett Helps Daughters Who Have Lost Mothers

Kaleah Padgett has degrees in sociology and in Biblical and religious studies, both of which provide useful tools, but it’s the personal experience of dealing with the loss of her mother that she draws from as she helps other women struggling with their own mothers’ deaths.

Padgett formed Our Motherless Daughters about five years ago, and until the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the group met monthly at Perry Memorial Library. Now Padgett is leading more than 100 women via a Facebook page.

“Hopefully we can have start having meetings again soon,” Padgett told John C. Rose on Thursday’s Town Talk. It also is her wish to find a central location to gather, making it easy for women to walk to the meeting.

Padgett said her mother died 12 years ago, on Padgett’s own birthday.

“Having that happen on my birthday was very, very hard,” she said. Over the years, however, the sadness of grief has transformed into a “great celebration of life,” with each birthday that comes.

“My mom gave me life on that day…and she went Home on that day,” she said. The profound grief she still feels over the loss of her mother is an emotion that others in the group feel as well. But Padgett said the skills she learned through her education help her provide spiritual support and emotional support as she talks with the other women in the group. And she also has experienced the loss herself, which can also be a source of comfort to the group’s members.

Padgett said she was lucky because she had wonderful family support when her mother died. “A lot of people don’t have that support,” she noted. “I wanted to reach out…and let them know they are not alone in this process.”

Everyone grieves in a different way, she explained. It is something that she continues to process, but the feelings remain. “It lessens and it gets better, but it never goes away. Grief is also a part of the healing process as well,” she said.

In addition to starting up the in-person meetings again, Padgett said she has a second goal of identifying a location for a community garden, where women in the group can select a flower to plant as a way to remember their mothers. Each flower can represent a mother that is still missed by her daughter.

Call Padgett at 919.426.7396 to learn more about the support group, or find the group page on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/204678233602493.

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The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville: Tiny Broadwick

She was a little bit of a thing, but Georgia Ann “Tiny” Broadwick achieved some larger-than-life accomplishments in her day.

All of 4-foot-8 and 85 pounds, Broadwick had been married, given birth to a child and had jumped out of a hot-air balloon by the time she was 15, according to Mark Pace, who shared details about the Granville County native’s life and career on Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment of The Local Skinny!

She was born in 1893 to tobacco farmers, but her parents moved to Henderson when she was 7 and went to work in the local cotton mill.

She went to see Charles Broadwick’s air show near Raleigh and the rest, as they say, is history.

Pace said she faced trials and tribulations in her early years. “She Literally lived life on the edge,” he said. But when she saw Broadwick’s show, she walked up to him and said “I want to jump out of a balloon.”

Broadwick took her in, became her mentor and basically adopted her. They toured the country for many years and Broadwick was known as the “world famous jumping doll,” Pace said. At age 15, she became the first female to jump from a balloon and then an airplane.

Broadwick wowed the public with his airborne acrobatics, but he also had an eye for business. He associated himself with pilot and aviation Glenn Martin – the Martin of what would become Martin Marietta – and it is during that association that Tiny Broadwick really got her name on the map.

Charles Broadwick was pitching his parachute idea to the Army and Tiny demonstrated how they could be used. During her first jump, the static line got tangled up – that’s the line that literally tethered the parachutist to the airplane – she decided to ditch it on her final jump and essentially did a free fall. But she had a cord attached to the parachute that she herself could deploy, and in so doing she invented the ripcord.

But Broadwick didn’t get a patent on the ripcord, so they missed an opportunity to make money from it.

She died in 1978 at the age of 85 and is buried in Sunset Gardens in Henderson. Her great-granddaughter, Bonnie Young Ayscue, wrote the foreward for a recently published book that includes stories of Tiny Broadwick. The book, published in March 2022, is titled “Ladies of Skydiving A Comprehensive History: Volume One The Early Years” by Robert V. Lewis.




Candidates For Sheriff Determined In May 17 Primary

Robert Fountain and Vance Johnson will face off in the race for Granville County Sheriff in November, each coming out on top in their respective races in the May 17 primary elections.

According to the N.C. Board of Elections, 8,325 voters cast ballots in Granville County for the primary, from a total 39,851 registered voters in the county.

Fountain, a Democrat, beat Democratic challengers Ronald Smith Sr. and Keith Daniel. Fountain had 2,847 votes for 65.75 percent of the vote, versus Smith’s 761 votes and Daniel’s 722 votes.

In the Republican primary, Johnson beat challengers Robert Morris and Clinton Owens. Johnson got 2,192 votes for 58.91 percent of the vote compared to Morris’s  1,340 votes –  just over 36 percent and Owens’s – 189 votes for just more than 5 percent of the vote.

Fountain and Johnson will face each other in the November 2022 election.

Two seats on the Granville Board of Education were decided in the Tuesday primary:

Incumbent David Richardson beat challenger Taylor Frederick to keep his District 7 seat. Richardson got 484 votes for 52.72 percent and Frederick garnered 420 votes, or 45.75 percent of the votes cast.

In District 5, Danielle Hayes narrowly defeated Samantha Harris 652 to 608. Hayes goes 52.42 percent of the vote compared to Harris’s 47.95 percent.

NC Coop Extension

CPR Workshop En Español For Farmworkers


-Information courtesy of Warren County Cooperative Extension Service

The N.C. Cooperative Extension in Warren County is hosting a CPR workshop for Spanish-speaking farmworkers in the area.

The workshop will be held Tuesday, May 31 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Warren County EMS building, located at 890 U.S. 158 Bypass in Warrenton.

The workshop will provide instruction in Spanish to farmworkers that will teach them the basics of CPR and resuscitation procedures.

For more information, contact Matthew Place, Warren County livestock agent, at 252. 257.3640.