Tag Archive for: #vancecountyboardofcommissioners

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Fire Service Study Clears Hurdle

It took about a half hour of discussion – some of it contentious at times –  as well as various motions and amendments to motions, but the Vance County Board of Commissioners formally approved on Monday the selection of a consulting agency to conduct a fire services study.

And although the board did ultimately accept giving the job to AP Triton as had been recommended by county staff, the board voted 4-3 that the public safety committee and the fire services commission, along with input from Acting County Manager Scott Elliott, would oversee the project.

That decision went against Elliott’s recommendation to the board, however.

The study is expected to take four months to complete and is going to cost more than $48,000. He said he would recommend that the study results come back to the full board for consideration.

Commissioner Dan Brummitt made the original motion that included awarding AP Triton the project “subject to project oversight” by the two groups.

During the ensuing discussion, several board members voiced objections.

Commissioner Tommy Hester said the full board called for the study and it should be the full board making decisions regarding the study.

Commissioner Archie Taylor said the study should provide “a neutral, honest look” at the fire service in the county.

Brummitt maintained that “significant misinformation” surrounding the county fire services had been bandied about in recent months and wants to ensure that the process of the study remain neutral.

Commissioner Leo Kelly said he would prefer to follow Elliott’s recommendation that the full board use its regular work sessions to monitor the study as it is being conducted.

As the discussion among the board members escalated over the course of 15 minutes, Chairwoman Yolanda Feimster declared a five-minute break and then left the commissioners’ conference room. Upon her return, she declared the meeting back in session, with a motion on the floor.

The board then voted to amend Brummitt’s original motion to simply approve awarding the study to AP Triton.

When that motion passed without opposition, Brummitt made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Carolyn Faines, that the public safety committee, fire services commission and the county manager provide project oversight of the study.

During discussion, Taylor again questioned the rationale, and Elliott interjected that in speaking with the AP Triton representatives, he was assured that they would “be making an independent analysis” of county services, and that the study would not be driven by a subgroup of the full board.

The motion passed 4-3.


Public Safety Committee Releases Fire Dept. Restructuring Plan To Be Sent To Commissioners

The county’s Public Safety Committee released a proposal Wednesday that it plans to submit to the board of commissioners that will begin the restructuring of the county’s fire departments, a move that includes a pay bump for part-time fire staff, a hiring freeze for open positions within the Vance County Fire Department and hiring a consultant to oversee the restructuring process.

The proposal will be presented to the board at a special called meeting on June 14; if it is approved, it would mean amendments to the county budget, which must be adopted by June 30.

More than 25 citizens attended the meeting, held in the commissioners’ conference room Wednesday afternoon, many of whom wore shirts bearing the names of the fire departments they represented: Cokesbury, Epsom, Bearpond, among others.

Commissioner Dan Brummitt said the proposal includes changing the Golden Belt fire district from its current independent, purely county, full-time, status to a split, paid, part-time, part-volunteer department.

Brummitt added that the committee’s proposal does not recommend moving staff from the Golden Belt district, but said the department will need to find additional volunteers.

Brummitt suggested that the department would have the next few months to find those volunteers; in October, the proposal calls for eliminating all paid part-time Vance County Fire Department (Golden Belt) positions. “Through attrition of full time employees, savings would be used to pay for part-time employees,” the proposal states.

Chris Wright, currently the county fire marshal and the county fire chief, expressed concern about the availability of volunteers to help staff the department.

“There are a lot of holes in this and a whole lot of legal liability,” Wright said of the proposal, which also includes separating the fire marshal job from the fire chief job.

As Brummitt explained the details of the plan, he said splitting these duties would mean the fire marshal could oversee all the county’s fire departments and be a liaison between them and the county. Both would be internal hires, he said.

The plan also calls for the Kerr Lake fire department to become a satellite of the Golden Belt department. Any department with a satellite department would get $10,000 added to the annual $100,000 county allotment. Plans will be in place to pay off the debt of the Kerr Lake substation from fire tax funds.

Gordon Wilder Awarded Order Of The Long Leaf Pine

Gordon Wilder has long been a public servant in his community – from his 30+ years with Vance County Schools to his 12 years as a county commissioner, Wilder has had the best interests of the community at heart for decades.

And Monday night he was at the board of commissioners meeting – not as a commissioner but as a private citizen. With wife and family looking on, Wilder became the newest recipient of The Order of the Long Leaf Pine.

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon presented the award, the highest honor an individual can receive from the State of North Carolina.

Until Clerk Kelly Grissom called him to inform him of the honor, Wilder said he had no idea that a nomination had been submitted.

“I’m very fortunate,” he said, adding that it was something he had “coveted for a long time – but you’re not supposed to covet.”

He said the evening was very special indeed, especially since his wife, children and grandchildren were able to be present.

Reflecting on the events of the evening when he was back at home last night, Wilder said he realized something: “The price of coffee is the same and I’ve got to get up and go to work when the sun comes up.” Awards are wonderful, but “you’ve got to keep them in perspective.”

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Vance Commissioners Add Work Sessions To Calendar



The Vance County Board of Commissioners have added work sessions to their regular calendar of activities.

The board took action at its April 3 meeting to incorporate the informal work sessions between regularly scheduled monthly meetings, according to information from Clerk Kelly Grissom.

The work sessions will take place on the third Monday of the month, beginning at 4 p.m., with the exception of June, July and December of 2023.

During its annual planning retreat, the board “expressed interest in having a second workshop-type meeting each month,” said County Manager Jordan McMillen. “During the discussion, it was apparent they wanted to use these meetings to be better informed of issues that were coming up at the following regular meeting,” McMillen explained.

Regular board meetings are held on the first Monday of the month, beginning at 6 p.m.

The first work session is scheduled for Monday, April 17, followed by a budget work session on May 15. After a break for the summer, work sessions continue on Aug. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20.

Work sessions are for information only and include no action items, Grissom noted. Public comments are not part of a work session.


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Vance Co. Commissioners to Hold Regular Board Meeting Nov. 2

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet on Monday, November 2, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Agenda Items Include:

1. Public Comments (for those registered to speak by 5:45 p.m. – each speaker is limited to five minutes)

2. Appointment – 6 p.m. – Javier Plummer, EMS Director

– Introduction of New Medical Director, Dr. Richard Benson II

3. Appointment – 6:15 p.m. – Porcha Brooks, Tax Administrator

– Business Personal Property Appeal

– Untimely Exemption Applications

4. Appointment – 6:30 p.m. – Tim Carpenter, LKC Engineering

– Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Phase 3 Change Order

5. Water District Board

a. Monthly Operations Report

b. Envirolink

– Tap Install Update

6. Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. Public Safety Committee

– 911 Console Radio Replacement

– Ambulance Franchise Ordinance Amendments

b. Human Resources Committee

– Engagement Team Update

– Employee Survey

– Personnel Policy Update

c. Planning Committee

– White Goods Collection

7. Finance Director’s Report

a. Education Lottery Funds Application

b. Finance Software Replacement

8. County Manager’s Report

a. Land Lease

– Townsville Convenience Site

b. Farmer’s Market Cleaning Fee

c. DSS Building Appraisal Agenda

9. County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties

– Bid Acceptance

– 1324 Hargrove Street – Parcel 0006 06003

– St. Matthews Street Lot – Parcel 0066 05003

b. REO Properties – New Offers

– 715 Vaughan Street – Parcel 0075 02004

– 322 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 01003

– 318 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 01004

– 335 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 02021

– 225 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 03012

10. Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendments

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes

11. Miscellaneous

a. Appointments

12. Closed Session

a. Personnel Matter

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

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Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Monthly Meeting Mon., Oct. 5

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, October 5, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Agenda items:

1. Public Comments (for those registered to speak by 5:45 p.m. – each speaker is limited to five minutes)

2. Appointment – 6 p.m. – Turner Pride, Cooperative Extension Director, Introduction of New 4H Agent, Dr. Wykia Macon

3. Public Hearing – 6:15 p.m. – Economic Development Project, One NC Fund Grant

4. Water District Board

a. Monthly Operations Report

5. Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. Public Safety Committee

– Medical Director Contract

– Ambulance Franchise Ordinance Amendments

b. Planning Committee

– White Goods Collection

c. Properties Committee

– Courthouse Roof Restoration

– Bid Review

– Law Library/District Attorney Office Renovation

– Bid Review

6. County Manager’s Report

a. Eaton Johnson Renovation Update

7. County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties – New Offers

– 1324 Hargrove Street (Parcel 0006 06003)

– St. Matthews Street Lot (Parcel 0066 05003)

8. Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendments

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes

9. Miscellaneous

a. Appointments

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas

Archie Taylor, Jr.

Town Talk 09/29/20: Archie Taylor, Jr., Vance Board of Commissioners (District 2) Incumbent

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Archie Taylor, Jr., the incumbent for the District 2 seat of the Vance County Board of Commissioners, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Taylor, a Democrat, is running against challenger Michael Fisher for the seat. Filing after the primary election, Fisher, a Democrat, said in an earlier interview with WIZS that he was required to run as an unaffiliated candidate and petition for voter signatures in order to add his name to the November 2020 General Election.

A retired military officer and businessman, Taylor was elected to the Board of Commissioners in 2012. He served as Chairman of the Board in 2015 and 2019 and currently serves on the Vance County Public Safety Committee.

Taylor also serves on the Board of Directors for the Vance County Department of Social Services, Maria Parham Health, McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center, Vance County Public Schools Foundation and Occoneechee Council: Boy Scouts of America.

Below is a portion of Taylor’s responses to questions asked during the Town Talk interview:

Archie Taylor, Jr., the incumbent for the District 2 seat of the Vance County Board of Commissioners. (Photo courtesy County of Vance)

Q: What does a vote for Archie Taylor mean for the future of the Vance County Fire Department, fire districts and Vance County Rescue Squad?

A: I am a strong proponent of the Vance County Fire Department; they have served the county well for over 60 years.

Now we have this element inside of the Rescue Squad – along with some others in our community- who would disband the Vance County Fire Department. Instead of eight volunteer fire departments, there would be nine because they would get rid of the Vance County Fire Department, distribute its employees and have the Rescue Squad take over firefighting in the county. I think that is absolutely a huge mistake for our county.

Mine has been the primary voice, largest voice, loudest voice of making sure we keep our Vance County Fire Department as is and build a model around something else. That’s one of the biggest differences between me and my opponent.

A vote for me is a vote to keep the Vance County Fire Department intact.

Q: How does your platform address areas of growth and concern in the community?

A: When citizens in District 2 call on me for assistance, I jump right on it and do my best to help them, whether its finding grant money to have water lines installed or cleanup of dilapidated houses in the area.

I was able to get Carver School a multi-purpose room when it was the only school in the county that didn’t have one. I was also able to help Middleburg Steakhouse reopen and am proud of the Board’s involvement in the opening of the new Vance County Animal Shelter.

Right now, I’m working on helping bring broadband internet access to our county. We [the Board of Commissioners] looked at several options and explored the most cost-effective means. We found Open Broadband to be the best solution for us. It not only provides the installation of internet throughout our county but is also good for our citizens in terms of what they’ll have to pay.

Q: What is your stance as far as using taxpayer money to fund areas such as the Vance County Rescue Squad and the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center?

A: I question why Vance County pays over $100,000 for rescue work. As pointed out in The Daily Dispatch recently, Granville County has $20,000; Franklin has $40,000; Warren has zero dollars allocated to rescue, and yet Vance County has over $102,000. So, I’ve questioned that for six months or so, and I guess we will come to some resolution on that.

McGregor Hall is a very important part of our county’s economic development; it brings our community over $2 million in revenue every year based on a study done by NC State University. We are very fortunate to have a facility of its type.

McGregor Hall is one of the only performing arts centers of its kind in the state that gets no public money at this time. I think it’s important that we figure out some way to help McGregor Hall because it provides a big economic impact to our community, and we want big economic impacts.

To hear the interview in its entirety, including additional questions and responses, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

(This is not a paid political advertisement. Political candidates are offered equal air time/coverage on WIZS.)

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Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold Monthly Meeting Tues., Sept. 8

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Agenda items:

1. ABC Composite Board to Appoint Member to Fill Vacant Position

2. Public Comments (for those registered to speak by 5:45 p.m. – each speaker is limited to five minutes)

3. Appointment – 6 p.m. – Javier Plummer, EMS Director Special Recognition from American Heart Association

4. Appointment – 6:15 p.m. – Turner Pride, Cooperative Extension Director Introduction of New 4H Agent, Dr. Wykia Macon

5. Water District Board

a. Monthly Operations Report

6. Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. General Government Committee – Resolution – Policy and Procedures for County Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees

b. Intergovernmental Committee – McGregor Hall Funding Request

7. Finance Director’s Report

a. COVID-19 – Coronavirus Relief Fund

8. County Manager’s Report

a. Legislative Goals

b. Request to Replace 15 HVAC units at Jail

c. Economic Development Repayment Agreement – TNCP ONE, LLC

d. Volunteer Fire Department Contracts Addendum – Flexible Use of Part-time Hours

e. Rescue Squad Contract Addendum and Budget Amendment

f. Resolution Expanding Use of Fire Tax Proceeds to include Rescue Services

9. County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties – Bid Acceptance

– Oak Ridge Church Road Lot – Parcel 0482 04006

– Community House Road Lot – Parcel 0460 01026

10. Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendments

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

Town Talk 09/02/20: Michael Fisher, Vance Co. Board of Commissioners (District 2) Candidate

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Michael Fisher, candidate for the District 2 seat of the Vance County Board of Commissioners, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.

Filing after the primary election, Fisher, a Democrat, said he was required to run as an unaffiliated candidate and petitioned for voter signatures in order to add his name to the November 2020 General Election. With 164 supporters needed, Fisher’s name was added to the ballot after receiving approximately 230 signatures from qualified Vance County District 2 voters.

Fisher is running against incumbent Archie Taylor, Jr. for the District 2 seat.

Born and raised in Vance County, Fisher said he has spent 43 years in the field of public safety. As the current treasurer and safety officer of the Vance County Rescue Squad, Fisher acknowledged the potential conflict of interest if he were to be elected. “If I win, I’ll retire from the Rescue Squad and focus on being a commissioner,” Fisher stated.

Mentioning public safety as one of his primary concerns, Fisher said he is “pro-Vance County Rescue Squad, pro-volunteer fire department, pro-Sheriff’s Department, pro-EMS, pro-911 and then some. I am pro-public safety; we can’t do without it.”

Michael Fisher, candidate for the District 2 seat of the Vance County Board of Commissioners, pictured with wife Paula. (Photo courtesy Michael Fisher)

Asked how he would handle public safety funding requests, such as those made by Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame, Fisher said he would try his best to accommodate. “I know Curtis personally and have worked with him hand-in-hand over the years. If he can justify the need for more funding, and if we have the funds available while still keeping taxes low, I would try my best to find the funding for him.”

While petitioning, Fisher said he heard multiple complaints from citizens involving the water system. “When I was out getting my signatures, I heard a lot of complaints about yards being torn up while water lines were being put in and people waiting months to get a tap. I think they need to jump on it right when they receive a call. Little things like that hurt our water system.”

Admitting he was not overly familiar with the water system and its operation, Fisher said he, like any new commissioner, would experience a learning curve if elected. It’s a challenge Fisher said he’s ready to tackle at this point in his life. “I am energetic and feel like I can really hustle and help the community,” he said.

To hear the interview in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

(This is not a paid political advertisement. Political candidates are offered equal air time/coverage on WIZS.)

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Vance Commissioners to Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Economic Dev. Incentive

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chairman Gordon Wilder has called a special meeting for Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

1. Approve amendments to Animal Control Ordinance.

2. Hold a public hearing to receive public input on a proposed economic development incentive expenditure to be considered for the location of a new company and provide a Building Reuse Grant in the amount of $500,000 over the next three years.

3. Hold a public hearing to receive public input on a proposed economic development incentive expenditure to be considered for the location of a new company and provide an incentive agreement in the amount not to exceed $95,231.

4. Approve a local incentive agreement in the amount not to exceed $95,231.

5. Enter into Closed Session to discuss a personnel matter.

6. Other items as necessary.

Please click here to view the full agenda.