Tag Archive for: #thelocalskinny

Support has been overwhelming for Brent Montgomery fund raiser

Brent Montgomery is in a fight with Covid 19. The Henderson resident and North Carolina State Trooper has been hospitalized with the virus since Feb. 1st. 1st Sgt. Jeff Rowan, who works with Montgomery at the Highway Patrol, spoke with Trey Snide about Brent and a chicken plate fund raiser that will take place Thursday starting at 11:30 a.m.

“He is a pivotal part of our team,” Rowan said of Montgomery. Montgomery is a field training officer, taser instructor and heads up the school safety program with the highway patrol. Rowan also said that Montgomery has “done a lot for the community both on and off duty.” “As you can tell by the outreach from the community, he is well known and well liked here.” Rowan said the support of the community has been overwhelming.

With the help of local businesses who have covered the costs of Thursday’s fund raiser, 100% of the proceeds will go to the Montgomery family. According to Rowan, tomorrow’s goal is to sell 2000 plates at $10 each. The location of the fund raiser is the old Charles Boyd Cadillac building located at 284 158 Bypass here in Henderson.

“All we can ask from anybody is to keep praying,” Rowan said.


The Local Skinny! March 9; Severe Weather Preparedness Week

According to Brian Short, director of Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations, now is the time to be prepared for Spring storms. This is the season that the threat of severe thunderstorms with the potential for lightning, tornadoes and flash flooding can occur. These conditions can develop rapidly with little advance warning. Short says that a great way to be prepared for severe weather is to update family emergency plans and supply kits before the severe weather season gets underway.

This week is Severe Weather Preparedness Week in North Carolina and serves as a reminder to all, the importance of planning for unexpected thunderstorms and tornadoes that could impact our area.

A tornado drill will be conducted on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. and all government agencies, businesses and schools are encouraged to participate. During the exercise, participants are encouraged to practice severe weather safety plans and seek shelter on the lowest floor of your building, keeping away from windows while continuing to practice social distancing and wearing masks.

Preparation for severe weather is critical. The North Carolina Department of Public Safety and the National Weather Service have combined forces to encourage residents to plan and prepare. Emergency officials recommend the following safety tips:

Develop a family emergency plan so each member knows what to do, where to go and who to call during an emergency.

Know where the nearest safe room is, such as a basement or interior room away from windows.

Know the terms: WATCH means severe weather is possible. WARNING means severe weather is occurring; take shelter immediately.

Assemble an emergency supply kit for use at home or in your vehicle. Make sure to include a 3-day supply of non-perishable food and bottled water.

If driving, leave your vehicle immediately to seek shelter in a safe structure. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your vehicle and do not stop under an overpass or bridge.

If there is no shelter available, take cover in a low-lying flat area.

If a severe weather warning is issued it’s also important to knew where to go. If you are at home it is suggested that you should go to a basement, under stairs or in a bathroom or closet.

If you are at work, the basement, if available, should be your first choice if not, then stairwells, bathrooms or closets are also options.

For school buildings it is suggested to seek shelter in inside hallways, small closets and bathrooms. Mobile classrooms, gymnasiums and auditoriums are not good places to shelter due to expansive roofs.

If you get caught outside in a storm you should try to find a sturdy building and if that is not an option, a ditch or other low-lying area can be used but remember to cover your head and watch for flying debris.

If you are in a car, pull over and seek shelter in a building, don’t try to outrun a tornado.

For more information visit www.readync.org.



“The Local Skinny!” March 8; VGCC Celebrates Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month and Vance-Granville Community College has put together a series of programs and resources that are just a click of the mouse away for anyone who would like to participate and learn more.

Natasha Thompson, a history instructor at VGCC, spoke with John C. Rose Monday – International Women’s Day – on The Local Skinny about the various virtual events that will take place in March to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of women.

The theme “No Limits, No Obstacles, No Ceilings: Fighting for a Future of Limitless Potential” is adapted from a speech delivered by then-President Barack Obama in honor of Women’s History Month, Thompson said.

The virtual sessions begin at noon on Mar. 11, Mar. 18 and Mar. 24 and are open to the public; it is not necessary to be a VGCC student, she added. The programs promote women’s history, as well as current conditions and how women can move into the future, she noted.

The Mar. 11 topic is how to stay healthy while maintaining a busy lifestyle. An agent with Warren County Cooperative Extension will lead this program. A panel discussion is scheduled for Mar. 18 and will include VGCC faculty, staff and other community leaders. The panel will discuss historical factors that have limited women in the past, as well as “big-picture” changes and ways current and future VGCC students can work to continue to overcome barriers, Thompson said.

The final topic on Mar. 24 is titled “Minority Women’s Guide to Financial Confidence.” Faith Bynum, a certified public accountant in Raleigh, will lead this workshop on overcoming financial stigmas for minority women.

Visit vgcc.edu to find the links to register for the virtual workshops. Also on the website is a LibGuide, a compilation of additional online events, books and other resources to learn more about Women’s History Month.

(Audio with Natasha Thompson begins at the 8:30 mark of the file)

“The Local Skinny!” March 3; Local Home and Garden Show

Each Wednesday “The Local Skinny!” is the Home and Garden Show, which features co-hosts Wayne Rowland and Paul McKenzie of the Vance County Cooperative Extension service.

Vance County COOP agents and staff can be reached throughout the week locally at 438-8188.

As you will hear in today’s podcast below, listener calls at 492-5594 with questions or comments pertaining to your home and garden are more than welcome.

Listen each Wednesday throughout the year at 11:30 a.m.


“The Local Skinny!” Thurs, Feb 25

On “The Local Skinny!” today, with the podcast audio below:

  • Items for Sale
  • Mark Pace, Thornton Library
  • Vance County Cooperative Extension Service with Jamon Glover

“The Local Skinny!” will always take your calls at 492-5594.  Call with items to buy or sell.  Call with a gripe or praise or question or comment.  Let us know about something in the news you’d like to know more about.

Mark Pace, director of the North Carolina Room at the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford was the guest on The Local Skinny! on Thursday. He said that while the library has limited access and hours the library is open to the public from 10am to 12 Noon and 2pm to 4pm Monday through Friday and the North Carolina Room is also open, by appointment only, from 10am to 12 Noon and 2pm to 4pm Monday through Wednesday and Friday. The Library is currently allowing 30 minute access to computers along with access to copiers. Tax forms are also available and patrons can use curbside service to check out books.

The North Carolina Room is currently allowing one person or one couple at a time to come into the room to conduct research. Those interested in making an appointment to visit the North Carolina Room can call 919-693-1121 to do so. Pace says, “I’m twice as busy as I was before the pandemic and I’ve doubled the number of patrons.”

Recent additions to the collection at the North Carolina Room include 355 genealogy books from an estate in Maryland, eight boxes of film negatives from the J.B. Clay estate, 100 books from the estate of Elizabeth Hicks Hummel who was a local historian active in the 1950’s and 1960’s, along with what Pace called, “nice cash donations”.

With 46 years of genealogical research experience Pace is available through the North Carolina Room at Thornton Library to help with all types of historical and genealogical research. Once again the phone number is 919-693-1121. Thornton Library is located at 210 S. Main St. in Oxford.

“The Local Skinny!” Wed, Feb 24

On “The Local Skinny!” today, with the podcast audio below:

  • Items for Sale
  • Herd Immunity
  • Jobs Info from the Local Workforce Board and Desiree Brooks

“The Local Skinny!” will always take your calls at 492-5594.  Call with items to buy or sell.  Call with a gripe or praise or question or comment.  Let us know about something in the news you’d like to know more about.


“The Local Skinny!” Tues, Feb 23

“The Local Skinny!” will always take your calls at 492-5594.  Call with items to buy or sell.  Call with a gripe or praise or question or comment.  Let us know about something in the news you’d like to know more about.

Below is our rundown for the Tuesday, Feb. 23 show as well as the audio podcast.

11:30 a.m. – Your Calls and Items

11:40 a.m. – Follow Up on Call from Yesterday about Andrea Harris

11:45 a.m. – Sports Flash about High School Playoff Basketball Tonight and High School Football Thursday on WIZS

11:50 a.m. – Vance County Cooperative Extension Report with Paul McKenzie on spring gardening

The Local Skinny! 02-22-21; Brent Montgomery

(Editor’s note – Just prior to today’s “The Local Skinny!” our “TownTalk” program covered “Covid and Your Heart” with an interventional cardiologist. The fight against covid for two local families was mentioned on air as well.  Avoiding all fanfare and promotion, we tell you today’s guest is Heather Johnson Montgomery.  You will hear her voice after a pair of callers phone in to the show. Also, there is a script below written from Heather speaking about her husband Brent.)

Heather Johnson Montgomery reads every single comment, post and email that comes her way. That she cannot possibly respond to all of them is an indication of the sheer volume of prayers, well wishes and support she and her family continue to receive as her husband, Brent Montgomery, battles COVID-19 at UNC Medical Center.

Montgomery, a NC Highway Patrol trooper, was diagnosed with COVID-19 in early February.  He has been in ICU for 11 days and his wife updated his condition Monday on WIZS’s The Local Skinny.

Brent had been on 80 percent oxygen, she noted, and a chest X-ray looked a little worse, “so they started taking some fluid off of him and he’s responded well,” Heather told John C. Rose. The hope today is to continue to wean him from some of the medicines and from ECMO, a treatment that basically performs the job of the lungs and/or heart. ECMO stands for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; the heart-lung machine gives the organs a chance to rest and heal when patients are extremely ill.

“I really believe that he is going to make it home to us,” Heather said, adding that the support the family has received from the community has been, well, a Godsend.

“All you hear is bad things about Henderson,” Heather continued. “But this community has really stood up for my husband and my family. I just can’t express the thanks that we feel and the love we feel and the support we’ve had from our community,” she said.

Prayers continue to pour in “from all over the world,” Heather said, from “people I don’t even know.” She said that, before he was intubated in the hospital, Brent told her to pray for the others sick in the ICU who couldn’t have their loved ones near.

“I have to know that God is in control, and he is going to find a way when I feel like there’s no way” she said. “Somehow, God has given me the strength to push through,” she said. “I don’t want people’s faith to waver.”

The Local Skinny! Thurs, Feb. 18

The Vance County Democratic Party is sponsoring a drive-through “Hope for the Homeless” on Saturday, Feb. 20 to collect much-needed items for local shelters as part of its mission to serve the community.

“We’re asking the community to support us on Saturday and donate any of these items so that we can, especially during this cold season, be able to help out people who are less fortunate than we are,” said Marcia Allen, chair of the local party. Allen was on “The Local Skinny” Thursday and told John C. Rose that the event will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. outside the Perry Memorial Library. The shelters need toiletry items like deodorant and shampoo and household items such as paper towels and trash bags, she said, and everything in between.

The ARC House for Men needs socks, shirts, pants and deodorant. Rising Hope men’s shelter is also in need of men’s shirts and socks, washing powder and soap. Lifeline Ministries shelter for women and children need socks and washing powder, too, she said, as well as dish detergent. The local democratic party is providing masks to both shelters, she added.

One goal of the local party is to be of service to the community as a whole, Allen said, regardless of party affiliation, and to “be a blessing and be of service to the community we live in.”

In addition to participating in events within the community, the Vance County Democratic Party will send three delegates to the upcoming virtual statewide meeting on Feb. 27, and Allen added that anyone interested in participating in a virtual meeting Monday, Feb. 22 to meet the candidates for statewide office should call 252.762.1963 to learn how to access the event.

In addition, the county convention is scheduled for April 10, she said, and she encouraged everyone to get involved at the precinct level. She said the local party is working to get people motivated to volunteer within their voting district. Vance County has 12 precincts, she said. “We want to keep people motivated and interested so that they will come out and vote…in 2022,” she said.

“We’re really excited about extending the invitation to the public,” Allen said, adding that there are many opportunities for the public to participate in party politics.

There are different caucus groups for everyone, she noted, according to age and gender, as well as for college students, people with disabilities and a caucus for people who live in rural areas. There’s a way for everyone to participate, she said.

The Vance County Democratic Party meets the fourth Monday of each month, Allen said. Although the meetings are virtual at this time, Allen said there is a call-in number to use for those who do not have internet access.

Call 252.762.1963 to learn more.


The Local Skinny! 02-16-21

Each broadcast of “The Local Skinny!” invites you to call 492-5594.  You can call with an item you’d like to sell or something you are looking for.  Also, you can call about anything on your mind…a grip, a praise, a news item of interest, a question you’d like to know more about.

And, we’re always ready with local news and information, guests, business spotlights and the latest from Vance County Cooperative Extension.

Run down for Tuesday:

11:30 a.m. – Items to Buy or Sell and your calls

11:40 a.m. – Michelle Burgess, President of Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce (more info below)

11:50 a.m. – Paul McKenzie with Vance County Cooperative Extension about what works in the garden.


Later this week on the program, guests Britt Sams with Sam’s Furniture and Mattress Center Wednesday and Marcia Allen, Vance County Democratic Party Chair, on Thursday … plus your calls and items.

Stay tuned and tell a friend!

In years past the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce would have held the annual chamber banquet in January, but Michelle Burgess, president of the Chamber, said that due to Covid-19 the Chamber realized that holding the banquet last month would be an impossibility. She said, “We don’t see that changing,” in regards to moving the banquet to later in the year. Burgess said that the banquet will go forward at some point either on Facebook or videotaped and shared with chamber members. “It will take place in some form,” Burgess said.  Additionally, the Citizen of the Year award will also continue. The award has been given out since 1970 and Burgess says they will be looking for the community to submit nominations.

When asked how Covid 19 has impacted local business, Burgess said, in regards to local consumers, “They’ve really shopped local, and supported local.” Burgess said businesses such as karate and dance studios, and gyms were impacted the hardest and that the chamber is working with these businesses to help them get back on track. Once Covid-19 finally passes Burgess said, “We are just not going back to normal” and that consumers “will enjoy shopping a lot more than they ever have,” but owners will need to keep areas very clean and continue to use social media and websites more than ever. Burgess also said that the chamber will work with businesses by sponsoring classes to help owners with E-commerce and on-line sales.  For more information the Chamber of Commerce can be reached at 252-438-8414.