Tag Archive for: #oxfordnews

City of Oxford Thanksgiving Food Drive Underway; Donate Non-Perishable Items Through Nov. 17

The City of Oxford has launched its third annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and invites all members of the community to participate by donating non-perishable food items to fight hunger.

This year, the city is partnering with The Help Center NC to fight hunger in the community. Donations are being accepted until Nov. 17 at numerous locations throughout the city, including:

  • Public Works
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Fire Department
  • Police Department
  • Oxford City Hall

Folks who want to combine a little aerobic activity to their donation can join a Zumba class that will be held in Hix Meeting Room on Nov. 3 and on Nov. 17 at the Public Works meeting room. The classes will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Hix Meeting Room is located at 313 E. Spring St., Oxford.

Participants should bring three non-perishable food items per class, according to information from city administrative assistant Alyssa Blair. For more information, contact Blair at 919.603.1102 or socialmedia@oxfordnc.org.

TownTalk: The Barefoot Movement Presses Onward

Noah Wall apologized for her scratchy-sounding voice. “I sang all weekend,” Wall told Town Talk host Bill Harris Monday. “I’m exhausted – in the best way.”

Wall, lead singer and fiddle player for The Barefoot Movement, is just back from performing at MerleFest, a popular bluegrass-and-more festival in western North Carolina.

The band will perform at AmericanaFest in Nashville next, then come back to North Carolina for gigs in Holly Springs on Oct. 8 and then at the Kirby Theater in Roxboro on Oct. 9.

Visit Thebarefootmovementofficial.com to learn more.

The Barefoot Movement may have had a heavy bluegrass influence when it first formed more than a decade ago, but today it’s considered to have an “Americana” sound.

That label can include many types of music, from Celtic to Jimi Hendrix, and everything in between. Wall said she likes to think of Americana as any kind of music that incorporates roots music in the sound it produces.

Their new album is called “Pressing Onward,” and music fans may recognize the names of its producers – Chuck Plotkin and Hank Linderman – from their work with such groups as Chicago, The Eagles, Bob Dylan and The Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen.

The new album is the third full-length album that The Barefoot Movement has released. Their sound has evolved, Wall noted, since their first album, which was released a decade ago. Listeners will detect the addition of drums on the new album. And there are no instrumentals as there have been on previous albums.

Wall, the group’s primary songwriter, is joined by husband Tommy Norris on mandolin and Katie Blomarz on stand-up bass. “I’m very proud of the sound we got on ‘Pressing Onward,’ she said.

“When I put together the album sequence, it kind of gave me chills,” she said. Although the songs were pre-COVID-19, the coincidence of releasing the album amid the pandemic was not lost on her. “It is so pertinent,” Wall said, because a lot of the songs just tell the story of how to press onward, despite challenges.

Working with legendary producers like Plotkin and Linderman was special and Wall said one of her takeaways was an oft-used phrase of Plotkin, with regard to choosing songs for the album: If the answer to the question “Does it bear repeated listening?” is yes, then we’d done something right, she recalled.

Wall and Norris recently moved back to Granville County to be near family; Blomarz is still in Nashville, where she and her fiancé (also a bass player) are “livin’ the Nashville thing” and playing their music with a lot of different people. Just as so many other professions have done in the past 18 months or so, they have adjusted the way they practice and share music and, so far, it’s working. They will either arrive at a venue a day or so early to practice together, or Blomarz will fly to North Carolina and hop in the van to travel with Wall and Norris to the next performance.

The band is trying out different guitarists and drummers for the next little bit while they continue to produce and perform music across the country. Concert bookings have been sporadic, coming in fits and starts. But that’s ok, Wall said.

There’s a new music video set for filming, which will feature some Oxford images, she added.

And there are songs to write.

For complete details and audio click play.


Oxford Logo

Nominate a City of Oxford Employee of the Month

— info courtesy of the City of Oxford, NC

The City of Oxford is now opening up its ‘Employee of the Month’ to where all employees and the public can make nominations.

In an email received by WIZS, Alyssa Blair, Executive Assistant, City of Oxford, wrote, “We want to recognize City employees who embody the mission and values of the City in action. To nominate and employee/team you can fill out an online form, under ‘Human Resources’, on the City website. You must include the employee(s) name, department, and a brief description of what the employee(s) did.”

Click here – https://www.oxfordnc.org/departments/human_resources/employee_of_the_month.php

City of Oxford employees who embody the mission and values of the City in their daily duties are recognized each month. City employees or citizens can nominate employees when they see individuals or teams demonstrating the city’s values in action.

Oxford Spreads Its Generosity at Thanksgiving and Christmas


— information courtesy of the City of Oxford and Executive Assistant Alyssa Blair

Just out Monday afternoon, the City of Oxford has released its January newsletter.  In it, Oxford announces the second annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and inaugural Holiday Toy Drive were each a major success.

“Because of the generous and helpful spirits throughout our community, we were able to give food and gifts to approximately eight families, totaling 23 men, women, and children throughout the Oxford area. Not only were we able to help all our sponsored families, but we were able to donate more to the Central Children’s home,” the publication states.

All participants and those who gave are much appreciated.

The Oxford January newsletter says, “2020 was a difficult year and the City of Oxford is overjoyed at the amount of love and generosity received.”

Also in this edition, save the date items, an employee recognition, the public works facade and more.

The Facebook post containing the entire newsletter is embedded here.

Oxford Logo

Oxford Board of Commissioners to Hold Regular Meeting This Evening

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford

The Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold a regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, at 7 p.m. online via Zoom.

Please click here to register in advance. Advance registration is required to attend the virtual meeting.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you have trouble accessing the meeting, please call (919) 603-1100.

Please click here for the full meeting agenda.

Oxford Logo

City of Oxford’s First Holiday Toy Drive in Full Swing

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The City of Oxford is proud to bring the 1st Annual Holiday Toy Drive to the community. Donations of new, unwrapped toys for children are needed.

Donations can be brought to Oxford City Hall, located at 300 Williamsboro St., by December 18, 2020.

Toys are needed for children between the ages of 3 and 11 years old, as well as for a baby (girl) on the way. No toy shall be turned away!

If you are interested in more specific information, please call (919) 603-1102.

Oxford Prep School

Town Talk 11/11/20: Donated Items Needed for Oxford Prep’s Senior Project


McKayla Boyd and Bryce Garrett, seniors at Oxford Preparatory School, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.

Boyd, of Oxford, and Garrett, of Bullock, discussed their senior project: collecting items for local families affected by abuse and domestic violence.

Partnering with Families Living Violence Free (FLVF) in Oxford, items collected will be distributed to families in need this holiday season.

Requested items include:

  • Toys for children ages 1-6 (new or used)
  • Adult and child hygiene products
  • Non-perishable food items (ramen, soups, breakfast items, snacks, canned food, etc.)
  • Throw blankets
  • Clothing items – size 2T to Adult (new only, please)

Donors are asked to sign up online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AACA72BA2FDC34-griffin

Donations may be dropped off at the front lobby of the school located at 6041 Landis Road in Oxford. Items will be sanitized before taken to FLVF for distribution.

Stating that Oxford Prep is big on students giving back to the community via service hours, Boyd said the senior class is happy to partner with FLVF for this drive. “I spent a lot of time looking for an organization that would let us do something to give back to our community,” said Boyd. “When I found FLVF, they were very excited to work with us.”

Garrett said his class is looking forward to providing supplies to those in need, and he hopes to see the drive become an annual event. “Our goal for our school is to keep this a tradition,” he said.

To hear the interview in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Oxford Logo

Oxford Commissioners to Hold Regular Board Meeting Nov. 10

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford

The Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold a regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, at 7 p.m. online via Zoom.

Due to a recent “Zoom Bombing,” the City of Oxford will now have pre-registrations for all meetings. The meetings will be kept public and are available to everyone who is interested in attending; however, registration will be required in order to receive the meeting ID and password.

Registration will remain open until 30 minutes before the meeting begins.

Click here for the Nov. 10 meeting’s registration link. For registration, you must enter your name and email address; the meeting ID and password will be sent to the email address you enter.

“Zoom meetings follow all regular meeting protocols and any disruptions will be cause for immediate dismissal. Please silence all electronic devices, except those needed for the meeting.”

If you have trouble accessing the meeting, please call (919) 603-1100.

Please click here for the full meeting agenda.

City of Oxford

Oxford Public Works Committee to Meet on Medians, Sewer Needs

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the City of Oxford

The Public Works Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 1 p.m. The meeting will be held via Zoom.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss College & Main Street medians, the City contribution to downstream sewer needs for the developments on US 15 South, Main Street Bulb Outs and possible additional downtown bulb outs.

All those interested are invited to attend.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 822 4022 8737

Passcode: 850834

+1 929 205 6099 US

City of Oxford

City of Oxford to Meet on Proposed College St. Median


-Information courtesy the City of Oxford

The City of Oxford Engineering Department will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, at 6 p.m., via Zoom, in order to discuss a proposed median on College Street. The median is proposed to run from Watkins Street to Alexander Street.

Officials would also like to discuss the potential for an added median on Main Street, starting at Spring Street and ending at Littlejohn Street.

Letters inviting participation in the Zoom meeting were sent to those whose properties and residences may be impacted by the proposed medians.

All those interested are invited to attend.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 818 4701 8802

Passcode: 800111

Dial by your location

929 205 6099