Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.
- Support local nurseries and garden centers when purchasing holiday decorations and gifts
- Continue planting trees and shrubs.
- If you have put up a natural christmas tree check water reservoir each day for water and keep it full with water that will keep your tree fresh and keep it from trying out and becoming a fire hazard
- If you missed the late November tall fescue fertilizer application, go ahead and do it now.
- Check greenhouses and High Tunnels for mice.
- Cut the tops off of roses to reduce risk of snow and ice damage.
- Review your garden journal about what was successful and even what didn’t do well so you can plan for next year.
- Begin planning your vegetable garden for 2023. Take stock of leftover seed, research cultivars, and calculate how much seed you will need.
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