Henderson-Vance Chamber Banquet Set For Jan. 27, 2022
The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual meeting and banquet in January 2022, during which time the Vance County Citizen of the Year will be announced.
The meeting and dinner will be held on Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022 at the Vance-Granville Community College civic center, according to information from Chamber President Michele Burgess.
Current board chairman Dr. Levy Brown will recap the year’s successes and incoming board chair Ronald Bennett will announce member benefits and program initiatives for the new year.
Burgess said invitations are forthcoming, so check your email inboxes for those as well as for sponsorship opportunities for the banquet.
A video is being produced to spotlight community pride in Henderson and Vance County which will feature interviews with local business leaders discussing the benefits Chamber membership provides.
“If you or your business has seen a direct benefit from your chamber membership, please email us a short statement that we can share or if you would be willing to be interviewed for our video about why you belong to our Chamber,” Burgess stated. Email comments for the video to michele@hendersonvance.org.
Nominations for the citizen of the year award are due before Jan. 6, 2022. Request a nomination form and guidelines from the Chamber at 252.438.8414 and return it via email to Burgess or mail a paper copy to the Chamber, P.O. Box 1302, Henderson, NC 27536.
This annual award honors a member of the community for outstanding service and long commitment to Vance County and Henderson.