Tag Archive for: #hendersonpolicedepartment

TownTalk: Law Enforcement Staff Shortages And Pay Disparities In Vance Co.

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office is hiring. There are openings for detention officers at the county detention center, and there are openings for sheriff’s deputies as well. A qualified candidate for a job as a detention officer could earn a starting salary between $33,000 and $35,000.

The City of Henderson also is hiring and a qualified candidate for a police officer job is guaranteed a salary of $42,503. That salary is adjusted upward for candidates with college credits.

These are basic facts easily available in a quick online search. If only it were as easy as a click of the mouse or a few keystrokes to find candidates to fill these jobs.

Vance Sheriff Curtis R. Brame told WIZS News that there are 17 positions available at the local detention center and eight positions available at the sheriff’s office.

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow says his department loses personnel who get jobs in law enforcement agencies in nearby counties – as well as the N.C. Highway Patrol.

It all boils down to what counties and cities are willing – and able – to pay for qualified personnel.

“We lose people to the N.C. Highway Patrol, Franklin County and to the Wake Forest police department,” Barrow told WIZS News by text message Wednesday. He said one need only look at the pay scale for a state trooper to understand why it turns the heads of employees in other law enforcement agencies. The average salary of a state trooper in North Carolina is about $46,000.

The Town of Wake Forest, for example, has posted on its website that a salary for an officer with no prior sworn law enforcement experience is $50,243. There are salary additions, including an extra 2.5 percent for a candidate with an associate’s degree to 5 percent if a candidate is fluent in Spanish. A new officer also receives an automatic 5 percent increase after six months of employment with the town.

At the Durham County Sheriff’s Office, starting pay a non-BLET certified officer is $34,000, plus incentives. (BLET stands for Basic Law Enforcement Training. Vance-Granville Community College offers BLET classes for those interested in a career in law enforcement.)

That salary jumps to close to $40,000 for those with BLET certification. The Durham Sheriff’s Office has similar salary add-ons as the Wake Forest police department – a 2.5 percent bump each for an associate’s degree, fluent Spanish speaker and honorable discharge from military service and a 5 percent increase for candidates with a bachelor’s degree.

Smaller, more rural communities like Henderson and Vance County face challenges every day from neighboring areas that benefit from being closer to larger, more urban areas.

It’s competition, pure and simple. And a little bit of supply and demand. But without competitive pay packages, demand is probably always going to exceed supply.


The Local Skinny! Henderson Police Could Soon Have A Robot On The Force

The Henderson Police Department could have a new tool in its complement of resources to help law enforcement officers as they work to keep the community – and themselves – safe. Chief Marcus Barrow said the remote-control robot would be something that other agencies in the region would be able to use, too.

He and the department are always looking for new tools to help mitigate situations, and when he saw a grant opportunity to pay for it, he applied. “So far, everything’s looking good,” he said. If all goes according to plan, Barrow said the robot could be ready for use in early spring 2023.

The grant, from the Governor’s Crime Commission, would cover $24,500 of the $25,500 price tag for the Vantage robot, which has climbing capability, a camera that can live-stream and an arm that can manipulate objects. If the department is awarded the grant, the city would have to find the additional $1,000.

Its most practical use, Barrow said, probably would be in a hazardous materials situation. “We take hazmat courses every year,” he said, “and we’re warned about the stuff that travels up and down I-85 and in our city.” Having a robot that could be sent close a wreck scene, for example, would help keep officers from being exposed to harmful materials.

With any other piece of equipment, the timeline would involve training and getting handlers used to how the robot works. “I would like it to be here and deployable as quickly as possible,” Barrow said, adding that it would be an added benefit to other agencies in the region, not just for the city’s use. He said once multiple people are trained on using it, the robot would be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Technology increasingly plays a role in the work of law enforcement, and Barrow said a recent grant for body-worn cameras was awarded to the department. But it’s a 50 percent match, and now he’ll be looking for that match. It’s a big expenditure, and Barrow said he “didn’t feel our local citizens should foot that bill” for the entire amount. But with matching grant funds identified, he said the body cameras may be something on the horizon for local police officers, and he added that he planned to go before the city council shortly to request those matching funds.

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TownTalk: Police Chief Marcus Barrow; Henderson City Ordinances

City officials have begun the task of updating ordinances to comply with a Dec. 1 deadline that will affect whether violations are considered a criminal infraction that could lead to arrest or a civil infraction that could result in a fine.

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow explained the process to John C. Rose on Tuesday’s Town Talk. After consulting with his officers and staff, Barrow said he identified seven ordinances to be updated first. The City Council adopted the updated ordinances at its most recent meeting.

Back in 2018, Barrow said the state asked cities and municipalities for a list of ordinances that were enforceable by law enforcement personnel. Previously, the wording had indicated that “unless otherwise stated,” all ordinances were enforceable through citation or arrest. However, “a lot of things (have) happened in law enforcement” since then, Barrow said. The state General Assembly attached to a police reform bill that Gov. Roy Cooper signed into law in September a laundry list of items that affect city and municipal governments statewide.

In laymen’s terms, effective Dec. 1, unless specifically stated, all city ordinances are not enforceable by law enforcement officers. Barrow said the state basically changed the way ordinances must be written; “unless the ordinance specifically says it’s a criminal offense, it will not be,” he explained.

The first group of ordinances that were updated and adopted by the City Council are:

  • 7-54.14. – Enforcement (Golf Carts)
  • 10-7. – Loitering
  • 10-20. – Noises – Prohibited acts
  • 10-42. – Weapons, bows, slings, etc. (Discharging firearm in the city)
  • 10-44. – Trespassing on city property
  • 10-45. – Use of city parks within certain hours
  • 10-49. – Concealed weapons on city properties


City Manager Terrell Blackmon said this group of ordinances were chosen first because they are important for public safety.

He said a team of city officials is going to review all ordinances in the near future to update wording and possibly remove outdated ordinances.

“(The team) includes both chiefs, the city clerk, city attorney, development services director and myself that will be working on this project,” Blackmon told WIZS News via email. “We may also solicit the services of an external consultant to pull it all together once we have identified other ordinances that may need to be addressed,” he said.

Barrow said cities, including Henderson, may see an increase in civil actions instead of citations and arrests when ordinances are violated – fines and not crimes, he added. But what happens when someone goes to collect those fines or impose a civil action? “We can always go with them to maintain peace and order,” Barrow said. He predicts that cities and municipalities across the state will have to make some adjustments after the Dec. 1 deadline passes, but he said Henderson is in pretty good shape.

Because the police department is internationally accredited, it had already addressed the majority of tweaks and adjustments called for by the state.

“We’re sitting OK right now,” Barrow said.



Support ‘Shop With A Cop’ Project – Buy A Ticket For Chance To Win Cash Prize

The “Shop With a Cop” program kicked off Wednesday, and there are 180 opportunities to help make the project a success.

This year marks the sixth year that the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Henderson Police Department and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office to raise money for local law enforcement to go Christmas shopping with underprivileged youth in the community.

Chamber President Michele Burgess said she is pleased to report that many sponsors are helping to provide financial support, which means that at least $5,000 will be raised for the shopping spree that will take place in December at the Walmart in Henderson.

In addition to sponsors, there are 180 tickets available for purchase. The number of the ticket is the price you pay, and four winners will be drawn. The top prize is $2,000, followed by prizes of $1,000, $500 and $200, according to the Chamber.

Stop by the Chamber office to purchase a ticket, or purchase a ticket from members of the Chamber board as well as from members of the police department and sheriff’s office.

Burgess said she hopes all tickets will be sold by Oct. 22 – the drawing for the cash prizes is scheduled for Nov. 10.

It remains to be seen whether the Nov. 10 event will be a small event like last year, or whether it can be larger, as in 2019 when the community gathered at Sadie’s Coffee Corner to hear the winners announced.

The real winners, of course, are the children who get to shop with a cop in December.

“They will actually go with a policeman or a law enforcement person to Walmart and they’ll be able to pick their gifts,” Burgess said.

The children get to have fun and have positive interaction with a law enforcement officer, and the officers get quality one-on-one time with a young citizen, she added.

Burgess is especially appreciative of the support from sponsors and said one sponsor reported that he had always had a great Christmas, and wanted to make sure that children in the community had a similar experience.

Contact the Chamber at 252.438.8414 to learn more or visit www.hendersonvance.org.

“Shop With A Cop” Program Seeks Sponsors For Annual Holiday Event

Summer is in full swing, its sweltering temps encouraging folks to stay inside in the air conditioning. But it won’t be too long before summer gives way to cooler weather that will usher in the holiday season.

And in the middle of this heat, the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce is preparing for the annual “Shop with a Cop” scheduled for December. This is the sixth year that the Chamber has partnered with local law enforcement agencies and area businesses to make the event possible.

The Chamber is asking for sponsors to join Maria Parham Health to help make this event a success. Again this year, MPH has stepped up to be the presenting sponsor, according to information from Sandra Wilkerson, director of administration and events for the Chamber.  The goal is to raise at least $5,000 from sponsors so members of the Henderson Police Department and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office can take underprivileged youth in the community Christmas shopping.

The shopping spree will take place at the local Walmart, and the Chamber is partnering with law enforcement and local business to continue to build the community partnership.

The campaign kicks off on Sept. 22. Contact Wilkerson at sandra@hendersonvance.org or 252.438.8414 to learn more.

The three sponsorship levels are gold, silver and bronze.

For $1,000, Gold Sponsors get their name on a ticket board, company recognition on social media at the live kickoff event and raffle drawing, as well as recognition in Chamber publications and on the actual shopping day.

Silver Sponsors, for $750, get their name on the ticket board, recognition on the social media live kickoff event and raffle drawing, and recognition on the day of the shopping spree.

And for $500, Bronze Sponsors get their name on the ticket board, and recognition at the live kickoff event on social media.

The Local Skinny! Barrow Seeks Grants; K9 Officer For HPD

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow will welcome a new officer to the department soon. It’s a Labrador retriever, trained and ready for service.

Barrow said the police department first started using K-9 units in the early ‘90s, and there were two dogs in service until last year.

“We went from two to none there pretty quick,” Barrow told John C. Rose on Thursday’s The Local Skinny! segment.

This breed of dog will be a first for the department, which previously used either Malanois or German Shepherds. The dogs have a trainer/handler and require a special vehicle to support the animal while it’s working.

When Barrow got a call from the N.C. Alcohol Law Enforcement agency about the 4-year-old lab that was available, he jumped on it.

“We actually went up there and watched it work, and we liked it,” Barrow said. And he got a pretty good deal – sale price $1. There is also a K-9 vehicle at ALE that Barrow hopes will be coming his way. This expenditure will be made with money from asset forfeiture funds, used strictly for police department needs, he added.

There is money in the latest police budget for purchase of two animals, and Barrow said they’ve already purchased one pup who will be ready to begin his training soon.

The K-9 officer that just had his animal retire last year is set to leave very shortly to meet and train the dog – and himself.
Barrow said the handler will simultaneously be training the new dog while completing his own certification as a trainer.

So when Dog #3 joins next spring, he will be able to train another officer to become that dog’s K-9 handler.

In some additional police matters, Barrow said he feels confident that his department will be approved for at least one of the grants that it has applied for, and either one would be a good addition for him and his officers. One grant is for the purchase of 52 body-worn cameras for police officers and a second grant is for equipping cruisers with additional cameras.

As was shared with the City Council when he sought approval to proceed with the grant requests, the cost is less in the price of the cameras, but in the equipment needed to properly store the data the cameras generate. Some data needs to be stored for a short period – say, 90 days – and some data needs to be stored permanently.

“I have strong feelings that I’ll get one or the other, or even both” Barrow said. He said the police department has enjoyed a good relationship with grant providers in the past. “I don’t know how we could survive without them,” he said of the funding opportunities.

Barrow said the city council also approved use of asset forfeiture funds to install a gate, fencing and shrubbery around the new outdoor pavilion outside McGregor Hall.

Cost for the project is about $30,000, although Barrow said he was still waiting for a few quotes. The 15 or so public parking spaces will go away to allow for a ramp to be built off the pavilion. The ramp is needed for unloading and loading equipment when there are performances at the pavilion, he said.

The project will help protect the pavilion and will create a buffer between that area and the police department.

“I needed something that could go up and down constantly, so we’re going with a hydraulic system,” Barrow said, kind of like the gates you’d see in big city parking lots.

Police Department One Step Closer To Body-Worn Cameras, If Grant Comes Through

The Henderson City Council has given the go-ahead for a couple of requests for grant funding to equip police officers with body cams and law enforcement cruisers with additional cameras.

At its July 12 meeting, council members approved grant proposals that Police Chief Marcus Barrow and staff have prepared. “Our officers have been asking for them for several years,” Barrow told WIZS News Thursday. He said if the application is approved, it will provide half the money needed to equip the officers with body-worn cameras. “We are seeking a grant that has a 50 percent match. The match funds would come from asset forfeiture funds or state treasury funds, which both are only used by law enforcement,” he added.

Barrow said his department does have some in-car cameras now, but so far, no body cams. “The cost to outfit an agency our size has been prohibitive in the past and we felt that this was an opportunity to seize assistance,” he said. The cost lies mainly with data storage, not in the camera itself, he explained, adding that many law enforcement agencies are faced with a similar challenge. All data should be kept for at least 90 days, he said, but tagged information may need to be kept forever.

If the department does get the grant funding for $48,958, the chief said it would set into motion additional regulations and policies for the department to follow. “I am sure there will be some growing pains associated with the use of body cameras,” Barrow said, “but we will educate and train the use to be muscle memory for the officers and use corrective action for any misuse.”

City Manager Terrell Blackmon said since the police department is an accredited department through the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), “Chief Barrow has taken the time to develop standards for our officers based on best practices from around the country and from our accrediting agency.”

“I’ve always stood by my position that we would not introduce this product unless and until we could afford to properly apply it,” Barrow added.

The second grant for $21,599 is for purchase of three WatchGuard Video Camera systems and does not require matching local funds and would be shared with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, according to information from the city council agenda. The city would get almost $13,000 and the county would get just over $8,600.

Henderson Police Department

HPD: 17-Year-Old Shot by Juvenile Suspect Succumbs to Injury

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Henderson Police Department

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, at approximately 5:50 p.m., officers of the Henderson Police Department arrived at 111 S. Pinkston Street in response to a person being shot. When responders arrived, they located 17-year-old Tysean Wortham of Henderson suffering from a single gunshot wound to the abdomen.

Mr. Wortham was transported to a medical facility where he later succumbed to his injury.

Through the public’s assistance, the investigators of the Henderson Police Department quickly developed a suspect. Shortly after midnight, investigators were able to take the suspect, a 15-year-old juvenile, into custody without incident.

The motive behind this tragedy remains under investigation and no further information can be released about the arrestee due to his age.

As always, we are grateful for the community we serve and the assistance they provide us in our duties. We are still seeking information from the public about this incident. Please contact us through Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers at (252) 492-1925 or P3 app, call us at (252) 438-4141, or contact us through Facebook or Instagram.

Henderson Police Department

One Dead, Two Injured in Shooting on Rowland St.

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Henderson Police Department

On Sunday, October 11, 2020, at approximately 8:20 p.m., officers of the Henderson Police Department were dispatched to 406 Rowland Street to investigate a shooting.

When they arrived, they located an unnamed male (name release pending family notification) suffering from a gunshot wound. The unnamed person had succumbed to his injuries prior to officers’ arrival. Two others had received non-life-threatening injuries, and a third person is being interviewed at this time.

At this point, this investigation is being deemed a domestic-related incident.

This is a fluid, ongoing investigation. More information will be forthcoming.

Henderson Police Department

HPD: 18-Year-Old Shot, Killed in Apparent Drug Deal Gone Awry

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Henderson Police Department

On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, at approximately 8:43 p.m., officers of the Henderson Police Department were dispatched to the 600 block of E. Andrews Avenue to investigate gunfire. When they arrived, they located Alveante (Al) Markeith Holden (18), of Vance County, suffering from a gunshot wound to the upper torso.

Holden was found seated inside a vehicle he had been operating earlier, in the parking lot of “The Wash House,” a laundromat. Holden had succumbed to his injuries prior to the officers’ arrival.

Evidence was found in and around “The Wash House,” and several individuals were interviewed. Through information gathered, Holden is a victim of a narcotics transaction gone awry.

The suspect is a white male and is believed to be the sole shooter in the incident. He was accompanied by another white male and a white female.

HPD is seeking the assistance of the community and the people of the surrounding area to solve this case. We are currently looking for an extended cab, white, full-size truck with a high stance, possibly a lift kit. The make of the vehicle is not clear but is possibly a GMC or Chevrolet. The only additional descriptor we have is brush/limbs protruding from the cargo area.

We are pleading with the community for anyone with information about this case to contact us immediately. A cash reward of up to $2,000 is offered through Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers ((252) 492-1925 or P3 app).

Please call the HPD at (252) 438-4141 or contact us through Facebook or Instagram.