Tag Archive for: #granvillecountypublicschools

Granville Co. Public Schools to Hold Safety Summit; Offers Online Survey

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools invites you to a School Safety Summit to be held on Thursday, November 7, 2019, at 6 p.m. in the South Granville High School Auditorium.

GCPS staff, law enforcement and elected officials will be present. Take an online, anonymous safety survey and submit your comments/concerns in advance by visiting https://cutt.ly/zexUXHd.

Open to the public!

South Granville High School is located at 701 North Crescent Dr., Creedmoor, NC.

Granville County Public Schools

Houlihan Says GCPS Must Improve Student Performance ‘Despite Politicians in Raleigh’

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5 pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

Dr. Tom Houlihan, Chair of the Granville County Board of Education, presented the following information at Monday night’s Granville County Board of Education meeting:

As Chair of the Granville County Board of Education, tonight I would like to share a few thoughts about the number one priority (after safety) of our school system this year. The board of education and the superintendent have mutually agreed to focus on one overriding goal for the school year. That goal relates to the improved performance of our staff and students.

Student achievement this past year was extremely disconcerting to all of us. Such performance must not become the norm of our system. We must replace mediocrity with a general level of expectation that is well beyond where we are today.

We must have a sense of urgency that drives us every single day. We must come to grips with a changing demographic make-up of our students and that more of the same is not acceptable. We absolutely must bring about change in performance and it must begin with us.

The board has great faith in Dr. McLean’s [GCPS Superintendent] leadership and willingness to be the driving force in the transition so badly needed. She has our support 100%. Yet we also know it is going to take time to transform this school system and we cannot wait any longer to get started. Let’s be clear– the board of education takes seriously the role all will play, including us, in helping to support significant performance improvement.

It is up to the administration to develop a set of strategies to carry out our goal for the year. We recognize that it will take time to see the fruits of the hard work it will take. Turning around a school system in North Carolina, a state that is stifling creativity and change, is not easy, but we can’t give up. We must do all we can in spite of the politicians in Raleigh. Given all we face, perhaps by combining long term improvement with short-term win-wins is a viable way for all to see improvement.

The purpose of this statement is to make sure everyone understands where this board of education stands regarding improvement. We will move forward hand in hand with Dr. Mclean. We know she needs the board’s unanimous support. We have extremely high expectations. There are no excuses. We must do better, and we will, and the Board will be right there to help as the journey of transformation moves.”

Charmain Day-Heggie Named Principal of Butner Stem Elementary School

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

At their regularly scheduled meeting on October 7, 2019, the Granville County Board of Education approved Charmain Day-Heggie to be named Principal of Butner Stem Elementary School.

Ms. Day-Heggie will assume her duties at the school on October 21.

The Granville County Board of Education named Charmain Day-Heggie Principal of Butner Stem Elementary School. Ms. Day-Heggie will assume her duties at the school on October 21. (GCPS photo)

Principal Day-Heggie has over twelve years of experience in public education, beginning her work as a Career & Technical Education Teacher in Wake County Schools. She has served in Granville County Public Schools since 2012, working as an Assistant Principal at West Oxford Elementary School, Butner-Stem Elementary School, and most recently at Butner-Stem Middle School.

Day-Heggie is a National Board Certified Teacher and holds an undergraduate degree from Longwood University, an MBA from Strayer University, an MSA from NCSU, and is currently seeking her doctoral degree from Walden University.

Superintendent McLean offered her thoughts, stating, “We are extremely excited about this new role for Ms. Day-Heggie, and look forward to working with her as she leads this school toward higher academic performance. We are confident that her leadership will make a significant difference in making sure BSES is on the move! Go Bulldogs!”

School Resource Officers in Need of Donations for ‘Helping Hands Closet’

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville Co. Public Schools

SRO’s Helping Hands Closet is in need of donations from the community.

Who are we?

We are a group of Granville County Sheriff’s deputies that work as School Resource Officers at Granville County Public Schools.

What is this about?

We come in contact with many children through our jobs, families in distress and others with various needs. We have the ability to reach out and give back to these individuals within our schools and other areas of our community that we serve. We do this by collecting gently used or new clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, toys and other items that we distribute throughout the community as we find someone in need.

Where is this located?

Currently, we are based out of J.F. Webb High School and Hawley Middle School.

How does it work?

As we receive a referral from the community or initiate one ourselves, we will discretely determine the needs of the individual and/or family and have them come in to gather items that they have a need for. In the event they are not able to come to one of our locations, we may be able to gather some items in the sizes they have requested and bring them to a location to see what works for them; however, it is much better for them to come to us.

Who can refer and/or participate?

We accept referrals from anyone. If there is a need that we can service, we will see if we can help that person out.


Because we are the do’ers. That’s our calling and the profession we chose. We have been placed in the position to give back to others.

These are some of the items but not limited to what we accept:

Clean clothing (all ages, sizes and gender), coats, belts, new socks/underwear, shoes, prom dresses, diapers, blankets and other household supplies, toiletries, personal hygiene supplies, book bags and school supplies, canned and non-perishable foods, great condition toys and children’s books.

We are always in need of clothing garment racks/displays, clothes hangers (adult, child and pant).

You can contact an SRO at one of the schools directly and arrange a drop-off or pick up, or contact Brad O’Briant 919-691-1472 or Jessica Laws 919-691-3519.

GCPS Superintendent McLean to Hold ‘Coffee Hour’

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville Co. Public Schools

All are invited to a “Superintendent’s Coffee Hour” with Granville County Public Schools’ Superintendent Dr. Alisa McLean at the GCPS Central Services Building on Thursday, October 3, 2019.

The session will be held from 8:30 until 9:30 a.m. and is a great opportunity to hear updates from the district, ask questions and join the conversation about Granville County schools.

Central Office is located at 101 Delacroix Street in Oxford.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Education to Hold Special Meeting Sept. 23

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet on Monday, September 23, 2019, at 6 p.m. at the Granville County Public Schools Central Office, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina.

The purpose of the meeting will be to receive and discuss information regarding long-range facility planning, the School Improvement Plan timeline and student and school performance.

The Board will also meet in closed session pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-381.11(a)(1), (3) and (6) to discuss confidential matters and consult the Board attorney.

To view the agenda for this meeting, please click here.

Granville County Public Schools

GCPS is ‘On The Move’ With Technology in Schools

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

The Granville County Public Schools Technology Department is excited to share some updates regarding student devices, a special cohort of teachers, online professional development for our teachers, and some exciting enhancements to the Boardroom.

We are thrilled that with Northern Granville Middle School going one-to-one, take-home student devices this year, all secondary schools in our district are now 1:1. Every student in a middle or high school within Granville County Public Schools is issued a Chromebook to be used at school and at home. We are so excited to offer this to our students as we extend learning through digital technologies.

When asked what technology devices they value and why, one teacher said, “One-to-one in the classroom. It makes teaching so much easier if everyone has their own device. Plus, with EOGs online, it just gets the students more prepared and comfortable.” Another added, “We are finally one-to-one with computers in the classroom. It is wonderful! There are so many more things you can do with the students when they all have access to technology.”

We also want to share with you about a special group of teachers that was made possible by an NCDPI Digital Learning Initiative Grant in the amount of $150,000 over the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years. This cohort consists of thirty teachers and administrators who are committed to transforming their teaching and learning to a digital-age culture where classrooms are student-centered and students exhibit digital literacy skills focused on collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication.

Our cohort participants were given the opportunity to visit model classrooms in Wake County and Rowan-Salisbury, attend NCTIES (a well-renowned technology conference in Raleigh) in March and participate in a digital immersion lesson by Beyond the Chalk in April. They also earned at least one micro-credential on a 4C awarded through Bloomboard.

Participants were asked to video themselves teaching a lesson aligned to the NC Digital Learning Competencies (DLCs).  These videos are compiled in an online repository to be shared out with other school districts across the state. These experiences allowed our STARS to increase their digital skillset. Each GCPS Digital STAR could earn up to $450 in stipends for their hard work and be provided $1,000 to spend on emerging technologies for their classroom.

Our STARS are working toward their classrooms becoming five-star digital-aged classrooms where technology runs seamlessly in the background. They will be available for site visits in the spring. We hope you’ll come by! To see pictures from our journey so far, please visit: https://goo.gl/mmpJn2

Our Instructional Technology department has worked hard to meet the needs of our GCPS staff members who are required to earn 20 hours of technology professional development CEUs in each five-year license renewal cycle. After surveying our staff and learning of their desire for more online options in addition to what we offer face-to-face, we have written over 20 online modules that range from two hours to ten hours and cover topics such as Seesaw: Student Driven Portfolios, Student and Staff Feedback Through the Use of Google Forms, Ways to Use QR Codes, and Connecting Students to Curriculum Through Google Tour Builder. These modules can be completed by educators any time during the school year, at their own pace and at a time and place of their choosing.

Finally, we have invested in some technical improvements to the County Office Boardroom which include improved audio with mixer board, amplifier, microphones and speakers in the gallery and integrated audio and video with new video cameras for recording or streaming events.

Our next phase of improvement plans include replacing the existing projector screen with an LCD panel. Board Meeting meetings are currently recorded and available for access after the meeting, but starting in October, Dr. McLean hopes to have our Board Meetings live-streamed. Be looking at our district webpage for more information on how to access these live-streamed events.


Majority of Granville Co. Public Schools Exceeded or Met Growth

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

The NC Department of Public Instruction released the standardized test scores for the 2018-19 school year, and the results show some positive trends for the district. The majority of schools either exceeded or met growth, according to state analysis.

Growth measures the overall academic progress a student makes during the course of the entire year, compared to their counterparts across the state. Proficiency measures whether or not a student achieves a particular score, typically designated as level III or above on most tests.

Using a combination of the growth measure (20%) and percentage of students who are proficient (80%), the state assigns a school letter grade. Granville Early College High School earned an A. Wilton Elementary and Mt. Energy Elementary both earned a B, and seven other schools earned a C.

Eight schools earned a D, with four of those schools only two points away from earning a C. Northern Granville Middle School earned an F, but was one point away from earning a letter grade of a D.

Superintendent McLean offered her perspective on the outcomes, stating, “While our growth measures continue to remain strong, we did see some slippage in the overall letter grades of our schools. Since this past June, we have been using the raw data to make adjustments in our approach, including making changes in school leadership, reallocating curricular resources, and renewing our focus on literacy.At our lowest performing schools, we have already made significant changes to address areas of concern, which we are confident will yield positive results.”

Dr. Brenda Williamson takes on the newly merged and energized Northern Granville Middle School as the principal for the 2019-2020 school year. JF Webb School of Health and Life Sciences also prepares for its merger in 2020 with JF Webb High School under new leadership. JF Webb High School improved its letter grade from a D to a C this past year under Principal Amy Rice’s leadership.

A variety of external factors may have also contributed to the variance in test scores. This past year, the NCDPI administered newly designed math assessments at all grade levels, which resulted in statewide standard-setting, causing scores to be re-calibrated on a new scale. There were also no retests for any math tests, which did not afford some students a second chance to improve their score.

In addition, this was the first year that all students took all standardized tests online using their laptop computers as recommended by NCDPI. In the past, most tests have been administered using paper and pencil test booklets and answer sheets.

A deeper analysis of results by subject area, grade level and subgroup of students show some areas of marked improvement.  For example, there was a double-digit increase in 8th grade math proficiency of 25 percentage points. In addition, 3rd grade reading proficiency increased by almost 8 percentage points for all students across the district. Finally, all but one high school improved their graduation rate, with JFW HLS boasting a 100% and Granville Early College at a 98% graduation rate for the year.

Dr. McLean further explained, “While important, these test scores are but one measure of student success. Our teachers work very hard to provide a safe environment where our students are prepared academically, socially and emotionally for what lies beyond graduation. This is our number one goal. We love our students, and together, our teachers, support staff and administrators will stay on the move!”

Granville County Public Schools

2019-20 School Year Marks Big Changes for GCPS

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Another school year has come and gone, and a new one awaits for the students of Granville County!  We are open for business and accepting enrollments at all schools! We have so many different educational environments, programs and instructional models; any family can find the right fit with us.

In addition to the academic achievement of students, this year’s main focus for our Board of Education and Administration will continue to be on the safety, health and welfare of our children.

In partnership with our County Commissioners, the Sheriff’s Department and the Creedmoor Police Department, the strong School Resource Officer presence in our schools will continue. Efforts to improve the physical security of our campuses also continues with new video surveillance systems, new perimeter fencing, new locks and entryways, along with increased safety training for all staff.

Air quality monitoring continues, with every school being tested by an outside independent laboratory, with results posted to each school’s website for public review.

Anti-bullying and anti-drug, alcohol and tobacco campaigns will be in full effect this school year as well.

A new mobile app will provide students, parents and staff tools for communication concerns related to the well-being and emotional health of our school communities. We will continue to support the social-emotional learning of students through our social worker, counselors and our new Parent University.

You would be correct in thinking that school begins in August – but not for everyone!  In fact, three of our campuses have already started school!  They operate on a dual-calendar, offering both a traditional and ‘year-round’ option to families.

West Oxford Elementary, Butner-Stem Elementary and Butner-Stem Middle School all provide families a modified school calendar in which students avoid the long summer break. While the total number of school days doesn’t change, the vacation time is split up during the whole year, after every 9 weeks of school. More than 350 of our students had their first day back on Monday, July 15!  No summer slide for them!

There is lots in store at other schools across the district this year. Granville Academy is beginning its second year, offering a blended online and face-to-face model for students K-12. The first school of its kind in the state, these students physically attend school only two days a week and receive instruction virtually the other part of their schedule. This is a fantastic option for families who have unique situations, or for those parents who want to be intimately involved in their student’s schooling.

Many home school families, in both our county and surrounding counties, have been flocking to this innovative and non-traditional model.  Early indications show high levels of academic success for the students participating, and other school districts from across the state are inquiring how they can duplicate our home-grown model.

Three other schools are undergoing significant transformations as well. JF Webb High School is busy planning for the merger of the School of Health and Life Sciences in 2020-21. All of the current Biomedical Science courses offered through JFW HLS will continue, with plans for expanded offerings in Career and Technical Education programs, as well as college-level courses offered through VGCC.

Under the leadership of Principal Rice, not only are academics getting an overhaul, but the school itself is also receiving significant facility upgrades, which will go nicely with the improved mascot logo, boasting that Warrior Pride!

Northern Granville Middle School is full of activity in preparation for the merger with Mary Potter Middle School this fall.  The added enrollment helps boost the number and variety of elective course offerings for all students, which will now include Spanish, Art, Music, Chorus, Agriculture Education, Technology Education, and a NEW Minecraft Coding and Video Game Design class with a whole lot of other brain games wherein students would be encouraged to find out Wordscape answers.  Principal Williamson is also planning a wide range of clubs and other enrichment activities for students beyond the regular curriculum.  Exciting times to be a Knight!

Stovall Shaw Elementary is also buzzing with activity this summer in preparations for the merger of students from Joe Toler Oak Hill Elementary. In addition to the new classrooms, instructional programs and electives being planned by Principal McGhee, the school also continues its theme of “Healthy Active Students,” providing a focus on the physical and emotional well-being of students.

Also worth noting are improvements to the entire entrance/drive/parking area of the school, which is being completely redone.  This much-needed upgrade will help ease congestion and traffic concerns, providing a safer experience for all when visiting the school.

Lots of other exciting opportunities are expanding and evolving at schools across the district as well. Mt Energy is entering their second year as a “School of Character,” providing an environment that focuses on leadership and giving back to the community.

Wilton Elementary School continues to offer “The Leader in Me” program, for which they received statewide recognition last year.

West Oxford Elementary School offers the “Global Focus” program, giving students a taste of world cultures and experiences, expanding their perspectives of the world.

CG Credle Elementary offers the “Leadership and Wellness” program, and Granville Central High School continues to offer its focus on STEM-related electives for all students through advanced college-level coursework.

GC Hawley Middle School marches forward with an impressive offering of elective and advanced courses for their students, and Early College keeps pushing the bar higher each year by offering DUAL degrees (high school diplomas AND an Associate’s Degree) to their students.

South Granville High School receives much-needed facility upgrades and delivers that special “Viking” experience to students, leading the way in athletic championships and club activities.

Creedmoor Elementary School of the Arts and Tar River Elementary School round out the offerings with special instructional programs to foster creativity and leadership respectively, meeting the needs and interests of diverse learners.

For all of our newest elementary students, be sure to mark your calendars for an all-day, special Kindergarten Kick-Off at the Granville Athletic Park on July 30. Lots of fun planned for families, along with helpful information and registration forms available!

Finally, efforts continue district-wide to ensure we have the best possible staff in every classroom and in every position across the district. Professional development for all staff will continue to focus on personalized learning and student engagement, making sure that students are invested in their schooling, and are motivated and see value in what they learn.

Recruiting talent also remains a top priority, and the district looks forward to the warm welcome given to our new teachers in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce this August.

Superintendent Alisa McLean offered her thoughts on the direction of the school district, explaining, “Our commitment to the whole child and their quality of educational experience in GCPS – from the environment in which they learn to the individuals from whom they learn; it is ALL important. As such, there is a great deal of work occurring this summer to train, align, clean up, fix, repair, install and simply do what is necessary to ensure Granville County Public Schools is not one of the best but is THE best academic choice for families in our community. Options are contemporary and available; and moreover, our educators are second to none. The Board of Education and I are truly devoted to our motto of being ‘Committed to Excellence and Achievement for All!’”

GCPS Traveling Book Bus to Bring Summer Reading Opportunities

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Granville County Public Schools

As a way to keep students reading during these weeks before traditional calendar schools begin, the Book Bus, our GCPS version of a bookmobile, will travel to neighborhoods and read with our students.

Students will have access to great book selections as well as the opportunity to borrow a book to read between visits.

There are even options for adults to read while their children are reading!

Please see the flyer below for dates, times and locations.