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NCDA&CS: Recent Uptick in Use of Credit Card Skimmers at NC Gas Pumps

-Press Release, NCDA&CS

As the weather turns warmer and many North Carolinians make travel plans for the summer months, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Standards Division is offering a few tips on how to stay safe at the pump after a recent uptick in credit card skimmers have been found.

In the first quarter of 2019, inspectors with the NCDA&CS Standards Division and partnering local authorities found 23 credit card skimmers in gas pumps around the state through routine inspections at the pump. That compares to five skimmers in the first quarter of 2018 and 37 over the entire year.

Also of note is that 11 of the 23 skimmers found in the first quarter were found in Johnston County. This includes five at one location in the town of Selma, and implies a concerted effort to target the Johnston County area with skimmers. Skimmers were also found in Davidson, Mecklenburg and Polk counties.

“On return visits, we found that some of the same stores were hit a second time after the first device was already removed. This leads me to believe that someone is, or at least was, actively working this area,” said Chad Parker, Standards Division measurement section manager. “We have completed our sweep and now our inspector is returning to these stores for his annual inspections.”

Skimmers are electronic devices placed inside a gas pump which collect data whenever a credit or debit card transaction is made at that pump. The owner of the skimmer then returns and collects the device, along with the credit or debit card information stored on it.

For the average customer, there is no way of knowing if there is a skimmer inside a pump, said Parker. Despite that, there are a few steps that consumers can take to reduce the risk of having their information stolen.

  • If possible, do not use a card at the pump. Paying for your gas inside, with either a card or cash, allows you to pay at a machine that has an employee watching over it all day.
  • If you do use a card outside, run it as a credit transaction, rather than debit. This way, the machine will ask for your ZIP code instead of your PIN, which leave you less vulnerable if a skimmer picks up your information.
  • Ask the store what kinds of measures they have taken to protect your information from being stolen

The Standards Division inspects gas dispensers for accuracy and fuel quality. Inspectors with the division check dispensers for the presence of skimmers by request, complaint or during routine gas pump inspection.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Board of Ed. to Consider 2019-20 Budget in Mon. Work Session

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a Financial Work Session on Monday, April 29, 2019, at 6 p.m. at the Granville County Public Schools Central Office, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina for the Board’s consideration of the 2019-2020 budget proposal.

The next regular scheduled Board meeting is set for Monday, May 6, 2019, at 6 p.m.

‘Prescription Drug Take Back’ Event to Help Community Properly Dispose of Meds.

Lindsey Bickers Bock, health education supervisor with the Granville-Vance Public Health Department, was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the Prescription Drug Take Back event taking place in Oxford this weekend.

Held in conjunction with the Drug Enforcement Agency’s 17th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, the local event will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Professional Pharmacy, 140 Roxboro Rd (near Food Lion) in Oxford.

The event is a partnership between G-V Public Health, Professional Pharmacy, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare and Harm Reduction Coalition NC.

“We invite the community to bring any type of medication that they aren’t using anymore, as well as any used or unused syringes, to Professional Pharmacy on Saturday and let us help you dispose of them in a safe way,” said Bickers Bock.

Participants are asked to bring medication and syringes in their original containers and to mark over or scratch out identifying information; no personal information is required for participation.

According to Bickers Bock, the event is also an opportunity to educate the public about potential prescription drug abuse and consequences.

“The Take Back event is done as part of the Vibrant Coalition that works to reduce the risk of an opioid overdose. We know that one of the ways people end up misusing opioids is by having too much medication available to them after needing the prescription for only a short time.”

In fact, Bickers Bock said studies have shown that having just a five-day supply more than needed makes a person twice as likely to use opioids a year later.

In a recent press release sent to WIZS concerning the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, United States Attorney Robert J. Higdon, Jr., expressed concern about the on-going opioid crisis both state-wide and on the national level.

“Across the county and here in the Eastern District of North Carolina, we are facing a real and dangerous threat from opioids and other prescription drugs,” said Higdon. “We have unprecedented levels of addiction, frightening numbers of overdoses and an alarming number of deaths because of the over prescription and improper use of these drugs. And this requires each of us to work to solve it. By properly disposing of prescription medication we do not need, we can reduce the risk that these drugs will fall into the wrong hands. Please help us resolve this problem by participating in the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.”

For more information on G-V Public Health and/or the Prescription Drug Take Back event being held in Oxford, please visit www.gvph.org. With additional questions, please contact Bickers Bock at (919) 693-2141, ext. 148 or email lbickersbock@gvdhd.org.

To locate a collection site that may be closer to you, please go the DEA Prescription Drug Take Back Day web site at https://takebackday.dea.gov/#collection-locator where you can search by zip code, city or state.

To hear the Town Talk interview with Bickers Bock in its entirety, click here. Bickers Bock’s portion of the interview begins at the 12:38 mark. 

Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Hold Financial Work Session – Thurs., April 25

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a Financial Work Session on Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. at the Granville County Public Schools Central Office, 101 Delacroix Street, Oxford, North Carolina for the purpose of receiving a financial presentation and financial updates from staff on School System finances.

The next regular scheduled Board meeting is set for Monday, May 6, 2019, at 6 p.m.

Education Veteran to Address VGCC Basic Skills Grads

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College will hold commencement exercises dedicated exclusively to new graduates of Adult Basic Skills programs on Thursday, May 2, 2019.

The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus in Vance County. Those being honored will include students who have completed either the Adult High School Diploma program or the High School Equivalency program in the past year.

Rev. Dannie T. Williams, a longtime leader in education, will deliver the principal commencement address at VGCC’s Adult Basic Skills graduation ceremony on Thursday, May 2, 2019. (Photo courtesy VGCC)

Rev. Dannie T. Williams, a longtime leader in education, will deliver the principal commencement address. Williams is a Franklin County native and a GED High School Equivalency graduate himself. He went on to graduate from Shaw University with a B.A. in Criminal Justice, along with a minor in Sociology and Public Administration, from Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount with a Master of Theology, and from North Carolina State University with both a Master’s in School Administration and an Ed.S. in School Supervision and Administration.

Most recently, he has completed all required coursework for his doctoral degree (Ed.D.) and is currently working on his dissertation.

Williams has had numerous experiences in the field of public education. He began his career as a teacher assistant/bus driver. After receiving his Lateral Entry teacher certification, he taught the subjects of Social Studies, Science, Mathematics and English, and served at times as a basketball coach and coordinator of character education. He has served as a member of the Board of Education in Franklin County.

In administration, he was an assistant principal, principal, executive director for human resources and auxiliary services and is currently the chief of human resources with the Franklin County Schools.

Rev. Roberta Egerton will speak on behalf of graduating students at VGCC’s Adult Basic Skills graduation. (Photo courtesy VGCC)

In addition, Williams is a Christian educator. He served as the Minister for Church Life and Education for the Southern Conference, United Church of Christ (UCC), and currently is the President of the Board of Directors of the Southern Conference, UCC. He has been the Senior Pastor and Teacher of the Melfield UCC in Haw River, N.C., for 23 years and has over 43 years of ministry experience.

Speaking on behalf of the graduating students during the ceremony will be Rev. Roberta Egerton of Louisburg. She completed her High School Equivalency earlier this year after attending classes on VGCC’s Franklin County Campus. She is also a Monmouth Bible Institute graduate and an ordained Baptist minister.

Egerton has enrolled in curriculum classes at VGCC with plans to obtain an Associate’s Degree in Nursing.

Oxford Logo

Oxford Public Safety Committee to Discuss Parking, U-Turns – April 25

-Press Release, City of Oxford

The Public Safety Committee for the Oxford Board of Commissioners will meet on Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 10:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in the First Floor Training Room, City Hall, 300 Williamsboro Street.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Parking and U-turns. All those interested are invited to attend.

LaRocca, New Director of Communications, Encouraged by VGCC’s ‘Fresh Approach’

Christopher LaRocca, director of communications for Vance-Granville Community College, was the guest of honor on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program.

LaRocca, who joined the college in March after 15 years with Duke University, said his own experience as a graduate of North Country Community College in Saranac Lake, New York made the possibility of working for VGCC appealing.

“Vance-Granville is giving me another opportunity to give back to the community college system that gave so much to me,” LaRocca said. “I gained valuable tools learning how to manage my time, learning how to focus academically, and then using those skills at a four-year college and in my career.”

In addition to Duke University, LaRocca’s career includes stints with the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team and USA Basketball Men’s National Team.

While LaRocca believes his educational path was the key to success in his career, he agrees that everyone must define success in their own terms – an opportunity readily offered by the community college system.

“I’m a big proponent of education. I’m a big advocate of getting a four-year degree and even going on to get a master’s degree; however, I’m also aware that college isn’t for everyone. Sometimes getting a two-year degree in a skill or trade is enough to be successful,” stated LaRocca.

While less than two months into his new position, LaRocca said he is encouraged by the positive growth he has already witnessed under the leadership of VGCC President Dr. Rachel Desmarais. Desmarais, who previously served as executive vice president and chief operating officer of Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, joined VGCC as the institution’s seventh president in January.

“I love the new, fresh approach at the college. Dr. Desmarais has some wonderful ideas in terms of restructuring and her view on where the college could be in the next few years.”

In a recent Town Talk interview with WIZS, Desmarais explained her vision promoted economic turnaround by helping the four-county area transition “from tobacco and old-style manufacturing into healthcare and biotech innovation.”

Part of that vision, according to LaRocca, is promoting new programs at the college to ensure students have the skills needed to be eligible for emerging career opportunities in the local area.

Two of VGCC’s newest programs – Healthcare Informatics and Cyber Security – will be offered as certificate and associate degree programs through the Information Technology Department beginning fall 2019.

“We are making strides to create new programs so there is something available for everyone. I encourage the community to check out our website frequently (www.vgcc.edu) for updates,” said LaRocca.

LaRocca also invites the community to attend upcoming events at VGCC, including:

To hear the Town Talk interview with LaRocca in its entirety, click here. LaRocca’s portion of the interview begins at the 10:00 mark.

VGCC Names 134 Students to Fall Semester Dean’s List

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 134 students earned Dean’s List academic honors for the fall 2018 semester.

To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student had to earn a GPA that was at least 3.5 but less than 4.0, and have no grade lower than “B,” while carrying a “full load” (at least 12 credit hours) in 100-level or higher curriculum courses.

*WIZS posted the list of VGCC fall President’s List recipients on Thursday, April 18 (click here).

Fall Semester Dean’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence.

Accounting & Finance:

Jason A. Murphy of Franklinton;

Trina M. Leapley of Louisburg.


Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology:

Ernest F. Hill, III, and Tyrell Terry, both of Henderson;

Zavious D. Oakley of Oxford.


Associate in Arts:

Clay T. Boyd, Christyn M. Campbell, Sarah J. Jones and Brandi M. Umstead, all of Creedmoor;

Rebecca K. Middleton and Kimberly Ross, both of Franklinton;

Viridiana Chavez, Emani’ D. Foster, Viviana Hernandez, Sarah E. Howarth, Henry Huynh, Kristyn M. Medlin, Josie M. Roberson, Daquan M. Southerland, William A. Strickland, Hannah D. Wells, Corey K. Williams, Jr., Haley L. Williams and Al-Leain I. Young, all of Henderson;

Tiffany M. Frank, Rebekah L. Varker and Gracey R. Vaught, all of Kittrell;

Robert J. Holovnia of Louisburg;

Christy L. Beasley, Sherman I. Booker, Savannah L. Brogden, Laci A. Davidson, U’lia K. Hargrove, Asmaa Kassim, Kristie Lumpkin, Erin P. Whitt and Alexander C. Wilkinson, all of Oxford;

Kamiyah E. Wiggins of Townsville;

Josiah A. Trotter of Youngsville.


Associate in General Education – General Science:

Dakota M. Chabala of Franklinton;

Carly M. West of Littleton;

Vlada Balalova of Louisburg;

Kylie M. Blackwell of Timberlake;

Robyn N. Perry of Zebulon.


Associate in Science:

Astrid Portillo-Granado of Creedmoor;

Jacklyn C. Stanley of Durham;

James Geary and Kayla D. Romig, both of Franklinton;

William Z. Egerton, Shawn A. Faulkner and Evin F. Swilley, all of Henderson;

Maggie E. Dickerson and Brooklyn F. Fuller, both of Oxford;

Lindsay Fenlason of Wake Forest;

Quavion C. Basyden of Willard;

MacKenzie S. Clifford of Youngsville.


Automotive Systems Technology:

Brandon M. Sparrow of Creedmoor;

Justin T. Reavis of Henderson.


Business Administration:

Syreeta D. Scott-Jernigan of Franklinton;

Jennifer S. Crabtree of Kittrell;

Adero B. Bullock of Louisburg.



Megan L. Sandell of Creedmoor;

Hunter M. Boykin and Bridgett N. King, both of Franklinton;

Shelly C. Benson, Angel N. Bradford and Irina Z. Letts, all of Henderson;

Megan L. Twisdale of Kittrell;

Ashley J. Bennett of Louisburg;

Logan B. Breedlove of Oxford;

Jazmin L. King of Rougemont;

Rachel A. Savage of Wake Forest;

Danielle K. Hargrove and Brittney Wray, both of Warrenton;

Sydney G. Sakoman of Youngsville.


Criminal Justice:

Carly J. Minor of Butner;

Salvador I. Manjarrez Moli of Creedmoor;

Amali N. Elayah, Kalin D. Jackson, Keyla Lewis and Dylan Sanford, all of Henderson;

Brooke T. Bendel of Louisburg;

Sherese L. Hicks of Macon;

Abdon A. Silva and Matthew A. Smith, both of Oxford;

Addison U. Dinglasan of Youngsville.


Early Childhood Education:

Courtney Crute of Bullock;

Milena F. Nelsen of Franklinton;

Rochelle D. Williams of Henderson;

Melissa C. Ayscue and Ellen M. Young, both of Louisburg.


Electrical Systems Technology:

Jacob I. Mitchell of Oxford.


Electronics Engineering Technology:

Dakota L. Hodnett of Oxford.



Rawia Dafalla of Raleigh.


Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Gloria J. Chavis of Butner;

Grace A. Ohlandt of Franklinton.


Information Technology:

Christian E. Colon and Cody R. Hassell, both of Creedmoor;

Koty R. Glover, Colin Hope and Andrew M. Watkins, all of Henderson;

Spencer B. Duncan of Louisburg;

Emily Durling of Oxford;

Courtney L. Faison of Wake Forest.


Medical Assisting:

Ashley R. Hill of Henderson;

Crystal C. Williams of Louisburg.


Medical Office Administration:

Caroline P. Williamson of Bullock;

Savannah N. Jones, Kaitlyn T. Pojman and Galesia E. Williams, all of Durham;

Margaret Avery, Anna D. Davis, Cassidy J. Grissom, Raeann Johnson, Maryjo M. Parks and Shirley B. Spivey, all of Henderson;

Holly R. Heston of Louisburg;

Lisha T. Harris and Keshonda A. McMannen, both of Oxford;

Amy C. Hildebran of Warrenton.


Paralegal Technology:

Emari N. Ragland of Henderson;

Evelyn Nolasco of Louisburg.


Pharmacy Technology:

Jane M. Jones of Franklinton;

Fnu Monika of Roanoke Rapids.



Frantz Alexis of Chapel Hill;

Matthew S. Battistel, Dwayne D. Huneycutt and Paige D. Snider, all of Creedmoor;

Brooklyn Rooker of Henderson;

Rubi J. Coyote Baizabal of Roxboro;

Sabrina E. Bedard of Wake Forest;

Megan T. Whitman of Youngsville.


Welding Technology:

Michael D. Perry of Bunn;

Edmund M. Goulet of Oxford.

Kerr Lake Country Club to Celebrate 55 Years With ‘Business After Hours’

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

To celebrate their 55th anniversary, Kerr Lake County Club will host a “Business After Hours” event on Monday, April 29, 2019, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. All chamber members of Granville County and Vance County are invited to network, enjoy light refreshments, cold beverages and door prizes.

Please RSVP to Sandra at the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce by 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 25 – sandra@hendersonvance.org or 252-438-8414.

VGCC Names 79 Students to Fall Semester President’s List

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 79 students earned President’s List academic honors for the fall 2018 semester.

The President’s List recognizes students who achieved a perfect 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) while carrying a “full load” (at least 12 credit hours) in 100-level or higher curriculum courses.

*WIZS will post the list of VGCC fall Dean’s List recipients on Friday, April 19.

Fall Semester President’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence.


Accounting & Finance:

Alicia D. Hinton of Castalia;

Abigail S. Pruitt of Oxford.


Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology:

Christian A. Dockum and Ethan D. Hughes, both of Creedmoor.


Associate in Arts:

Austin M. Councilman of Creedmoor;

Joshua I. Horton of Franklinton;

Kaitlyn M. Harris, Dylan T. Jackson, Jadyn M. Jones, Josiah Jones and Caroline A. Nutt, all of Henderson;

Wesley T. Beach and Matthew D. Varker, both of Kittrell;

Pamela R. Campbell of Littleton;

Jacob N. Carver, Ker’Telian S. Fields and Calli S. Massey, all of Oxford;

Lily R. Averette of Rougemont;

Conner G. Bryant of Warrenton;

Taylor N. Wagaman of Youngsville.


Associate in General Education – General Science:

Victoria K. Swain of Durham;

Kyra E. Corrigan of Wake Forest.


Associate in Science:

Shadi M. Nagi of Henderson;

Rewees A. Ebrahim of Oxford;

Kayla M. Blue of Stem;

Heather L. Gwin and Heidy Labra-Franco, both of Warrenton;

Emily J. Bauer of Youngsville.


Automotive Systems Technology:

David D. Bragg of Franklinton;

Toby J. Bradsher, III, of Henderson;

Branden S. Lilley of Louisburg;

Cesar L. Vazquez of Oxford;

Xavier Durham of Warrenton.


Business Administration:

Charlene A. Kearney of Creedmoor;

Holly R. Buchanan of Henderson.



Kandace N. Rutter of Creedmoor;

Jennifer H. Bruner, Jamie L. Moody and Samantha B. Williamson, all of Franklinton;

MacKenzie D. Hutson, Chelsea L. Jones, Dasha S. Kearney and Skylar N. Mulhollen, all of Henderson;

Anna M. Wood of Louisburg;

Monet L. Faucett of Norlina;

Kathleen R. Feinman of Rolesville;

Samantha J. Tackema of Wake Forest;

Janice P. Shehata of Warrenton;

Kelley R. Oakley of Youngsville.


Criminal Justice:

Tanya Beal Smith of Butner;

Adrianna M. De Nuzzia of Creedmoor;

Alexis R. Lincoln of Franklinton;

Gricel Arroyo and Kimberly R. Smith, both of Louisburg;

Andrew L. Ayscue of Youngsville.


Culinary Arts:

Dominique A. Winters of Creedmoor;

Sonya K. Jackson of Franklinton.


Early Childhood Education:

Brittaniana M. Channell and Stephanie L. Griffin, both of Creedmoor;

Lakee’ D. Steed of Henderson;

Catherine A. Mendell of Oxford.



Melissa B. Anderson of Butner.


Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Allyson D. Dellea of Kittrell;

Kelly F. Yarborough of McLeansville;

Tiffiney Whitt of Roxboro.


Information Technology:

Douglas Boulia of Creedmoor;

Joseph T. Hedgepeth of Henderson;

Ebony Thomas of Kittrell;

Brandon Vestweber of Wake Forest.


Mechatronics Engineering Technology:

Herbert H. Davis of Henderson.


Medical Office Administration:

Kimberly C. Cagney of Creedmoor;

Kelsey B. Ivey of Henderson;

Danielle N. Enright and Elizabeth L. Wiggins, both of Louisburg.


Office Administration:

Mia N. Wireman of Creedmoor.


Practical Nursing:

Mary W. Wanjiku of Cary.



Kacie L. Gann of Durham.


Welding Technology:

Lacy E. Hidalgo-Gato of Franklinton;

Matthew K. Hamilton of Louisburg.