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Thornton Library Welcomes Children’s Author

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Children’s author Jo Watson Hackl was a special guest of the Granville County Library System on November 15 as she shared her book and her writing journey with fourth and fifth graders of six local elementary schools.

Hackl’s book “Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe” has been selected for North Carolina’s Battle of the Books competition, and schools who participated in the “meet the author” session will be taking part in this annual reading contest.

Children’s author Jo Watson Hackl explains her writing process to local fourth and fifth graders who are participating in “Battle of the Books.” (Granville Co. Govt photo)

Hackl says she spent her childhood “inventing characters and roaming the woods” in Mississippi, just outside of an actual ghost town.

Her childhood home is the setting for her book, which takes readers on an adventure with a twelve-year-old who follows clues to solve a mystery, along with her poetry-loving dog and the last resident of the town. The author’s goal is to inspire students to use the transformative power of reading to improve their academic performance and their creative writing skills. Her book has been awarded the Southern Book Prize for Children’s Literature.

Each student was able to take home their own copy of “Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe,” courtesy of Granville Health System (Granville Co. Govt photo)

According to Granville County Library System Director Will Robinson, the visit was the result of a partnership between the libraries and a Wake Forest book store, who will be coordinating future author visits with Children’s Librarian Amy Carlson.

Carlson says that the common goal of the library and the book store is to put a book in the hands of every child who participates.

Hackl’s visit was the first one scheduled through this partnership. Schools that attended on November 15 included Butner-Stem Elementary, C.G. Credle, Mount Energy, Stovall-Shaw Elementary, West Oxford Elementary and Wilton Elementary. Each student was able to take home a signed copy of the book, courtesy of Granville Health System.

For more information about this event, contact Carlson at the Richard H. Thornton Library at 919-693-1121.

Mendenhall Named Educator of Excellence for Exceptional Children’s Program

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools, Superintendent Dr. Alisa McLean, and the Department of Exceptional Children proudly acknowledge Mrs. Stacie Mendenhall as our 2019-2020 Educator of Excellence for the Exceptional Children’s Program.

Stacie Mendenhall named Granville County Public Schools’ 2019-2020 Educator of Excellence for the Exceptional Children’s Program. (GCPS photo)

Mrs. Mendenhall received her Master’s in Speech Pathology from Appalachian State University and has a career that spans 23 years. Twenty-one of those years are with the school system.

She currently works as a Speech Language Pathologist at Tar River and Wilton Elementary Schools. She serves as the Lead Speech Language Pathologist for the entire school district.

In addition to providing high-quality services to students and maintaining impeccable data and documentation, she leads PLCs for speech and other related service personnel in the district. She provides guidance and training to anyone who needs it and does so with a smile.

She is an active participant in facilitating Medicaid training for newer therapists, and most recently was selected to be a trainer on the new ECATS system. She attends statewide meetings for speech pathologists and returns to the district to implement the best practices locally. There is nothing that is asked of her that Mrs. Mendenhall doesn’t do with a willing heart and with high quality.

Outside of her duties as a speech pathologist, Mrs. Mendenhall spends time with her husband, son, daughter, five dogs, and her cat. She is very active in the community with her church and is a part of Girl Scouts as well as Girls on the Run. She enjoys reading and travel. While she has been to Thailand, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, her favorite place continues to be Hawaii.

Granville County Public Schools expects a standard of excellence. Mrs. Mendenhall exemplifies that not only to her students but those fortunate enough to work with her. Her strong morals, work ethic, leadership, and diligence to practice make her our shining star.

During her interview for this honor, she said, “I love working with children to help them build the communication skills they need for lifelong leadership and success!” It is clear that her standard of excellence extends beyond the classroom and our school district is beyond fortunate to have someone of her caliber on our team.

Finally, the link below provides a list of all the disability awareness days for the year:


Also, DPI has provided a new parent listserv for parents to sign up to receive updates (click here). The listserv will forward information or the work of the Exceptional Children Division at NC DPI and provide opportunities for input, feedback, and participation in Division activities.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Town Talk 11/18/19: Granville Vance Public Health Talks Flu Shots, Health Priorities


Lisa Harrison, health director for Granville Vance Public Health (GVPH), was on Monday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss flu season and the department’s 2018 Community Health Assessment.

Flu Season

According to Harrison, now is the perfect time to receive your influenza shot for the 2019-2020 season. “We like to tell people to get their flu shot between Halloween and Thanksgiving. It’s nice to be protected as you spend more time with family and friends during the holidays.”

With a reported 341 deaths state-wide last season, Harrison said getting a flu shot is the best way to avoid becoming infected with the easily-transmitted virus.

“The number one preventable thing you can do is get the flu shot to make sure your immune system is ready to fight the flu with you,” explained Harrison. “Other things you can do include washing your hands with soap and water and covering your mouth when you cough.”

Flu season typically picks up in October, peaks between December and February and can last as late as May. With a 6-9 month protection period, Harrison said receiving the shot now will carry the majority of recipients through the anticipated flu season.

Shots are offered at GVPH, at most doctors’ offices, at drug stores, and even at some grocery stores.

“There are many places that offer the flu shot,” said Harrison. “We like you to get them where there is a nurse just in case you need any kind of follow up care.”

2018 Community Health Assessment

GVPH conducted the 2018 Community Health Assessment for Granville and Vance Counties in partnership with the NC Institute of Public Health, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, and a CHA Steering Committee. Over the course of nine months, the group gathered information directly from community residents through surveys and forums and reviewed state and national data.

Priority topic areas included access to health care, community safety, education, health equity, mental health and substance use disorder, nutrition and physical activity, poverty and housing, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and youth well-being.

The top three community health priorities identified were mental health and substance use disorder, youth well-being and access to health care.

Applicable to all three identified priorities, but especially youth well-being, the health implications of early childhood trauma is an emerging area of study and understanding.

“We understand so much better now that when people experience trauma early in life, it can affect their health outcomes later in life,” said Harrison. “Trauma can suppress the immune system and increase chronic disease.”

GVPH is currently working with community partners including the YMCA, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, other health departments, school systems and the Department of Social Services to “get a handle on how we become trauma-informed as agencies and how we better address trauma early on in people’s lives.”

For more detailed information, please click here to view GVPH’s 2018 Community Health Assessment Summary or visit GVPH’s website.

To hear Harrison’s interview in its entirety, please click the play button below. Listen live to WIZS’ Town Talk Monday-Friday at 11 a.m. on 1450AM, 100.1 FM or online at www.wizs.com.

Granville Co. Commissioners to Meet Mon., Nov 18

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Debra A. Weary, Clerk to the Board, Granville County

The Granville County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, November 18, 2019, at 7 p.m. at the Granville Expo and Convention Center, 4185 US Highway 15 South, Oxford.

Agenda items include:

Consent Agenda

1. Contingency Summary

2. Budget Amendment #3

3. Capital Project Budget Amendment – GAP Phase III

4. October 2019 Tax Refunds and Releases

Introductions, Recognitions and Presentations

5. Healthy Opportunities Pilot Presentation

Public Comments

6. Public Comments

Public Hearings

7. Text Amendment Petition

8. Public Hearing – Proposed Ordinance to Franchise Ambulance Service

Tax Matters

9. Appeal of Exemption Application for Centre for Homeownership and Economic Development Corporation

Solid Waste Matters

10. Solid Waste Scale Purchase


11. Granville Athletic Park Dugout Covers

12. Sheriff’s Office Ammunition Purchase

13. Courthouse Parking Lot Cameras


14. Granville County Human Relations Commission

15. Granville County Economic Development Advisory Board

County Manager’s Report

16. Creedmoor Interlocal Agreement

17. 275th Anniversary Committee Souvenir Book

18. Requests from Board of Education and Oxford Preparatory School

County Attorney’s Report

19. County Attorney’s Report

Presentations by County Board Members

20. Presentations by County Board Members

Any Other Matters

21. Any Other Matters

To view Granville Co. Board of Commissioner meeting agendas and minutes, click here

Oxford Prep PTO to Hold 4th Annual Holiday Bazaar Sat., Nov. 16

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Oxford Preparatory School

Oxford Preparatory School, 6041 Landis Rd., will hold its 4th Annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 16, 2019. The event will be held from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. inside the school’s gym.

Crafts, wreaths, jewelry, candles, honey, food, clothing, art, makeup, homemade items and much more will be on sale.

The bazaar is hosted by the Oxford Prep PTO.

U.S. 158 Bridge in Granville County Opens

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, North Carolina Department of Transportation

A new bridge carrying U.S. 158 over Tabbs Creek just east of Oxford reopened to traffic on Tuesday, three days ahead of schedule.

The $1 million bridge replacement project took six months to complete and replaced a structure that had been built in 1941.

It is projected that 12,800 vehicles will use the new bridge daily.

For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on social media.

A new bridge carrying U.S. 158 over Tabbs Creek just east of Oxford reopened to traffic on Tuesday, three days ahead of schedule. (WIZS photo)

Kerr-Tar Regional to Hold Food Policy Input Meeting at Granville Expo Center

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Information courtesy Granville County Government

A Kerr-Tar Regional Food Policy Community Input Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, from 6 until 7:30 p.m. at the Granville County Expo & Convention Center in Oxford.

Your input is needed to develop the Kerr-Tar region’s food strategy. Join the conversation to grow our region’s food economy, make healthy food available to everyone and support local farmers.

Refreshments and door prizes will be available to participants.

This event is free, but registration is required. Interested participants may use the link to register (click here).

Granville’s Emergency Services Director Honored at State Conference

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government

Emergency Services Director Doug Logan has been awarded the Colonel Phillip Nichlos Waters Award by the North Carolina Emergency Management Association (NCEMA). The recognition was made at the Fall NCEMA Conference and is awarded annually to the Emergency Management Coordinator/Director who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the local emergency management program while contributing to the overall good and advancement of the Emergency Management System in the state.

Granville County’s Emergency Services Director Doug Logan is pictured (center) with County Manager Michael Felts, Emergency Management Coordinator Robin Edwards, Safety Officer Reba Duke, Fire Marshal Donnie Boyd, and County Commissioners Sue Hinman, Tim Karan and Zelodis Jay. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt)

In his presentation remarks, NCEMA Awards Committee Chairman Jordan Rink called Logan “well-deserving” of this recognition as he has more than 30 years’ experience in emergency services. During his career, Logan has led the NCEMA as president, as well as chairing several Association committees, serving as Domestic Preparedness Region-4 (DPR-4) Chairperson and as the Emergency Management representative to the region’s Healthcare Preparedness Coalition. He was also instrumental, Rink added, in the development of the first Statewide Interoperable Communications Plan, helping the region gain valuable communications resources such as the VIPER radio infrastructure.

Locally, Director Logan has grown Granville County’s Emergency Management program from a single individual to a team of five, leading the county through Hurricanes Fran and Isabel as well as the winter storm of 2000 and recent tornado activity. During his tenure, Granville County has achieved Storm Ready status, a level of preparedness that helps save lives and property before, during and after a storm event.

During his career, Logan has been deployed to New Orleans to respond to the devastation which resulted from Hurricane Katrina, to Lake Lure for the “Party Rock Fire,” and to Jones County to assist with response and recovery after Hurricane Florence, as well as other deployments. He has served as Granville County’s Emergency Management Director for the past 25 years, with his retirement – announced earlier this year – effective Dec. 31, 2019.

Granville County’s newly-hired Emergency Services Director will report to work on Dec. 1. Jason Reavis will continue the work Logan has put into motion, leading the local Emergency Services team, which includes Emergency Management, Fire Marshal and EMS System Administration.

Also an award-winner, Reavis was recognized with the Vance E. Kee Award at the same NCEMA conference. This annual recognition is presented to the local Emergency Management staff person who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in their program through promoting it among other County and State agencies and elected officials. Reavis currently serves as Assistant Director for the Emergency Operations team in Vance County.

The North Carolina Emergency Management Association is the professional organization for Emergency Managers in North Carolina. Each year, the Association hosts a spring and a fall conference, where participants can gather together and learn more about what is happening in the field of emergency management while building relationships with their peers.

Four awards were presented at the 2019 Fall Conference, with Granville County’s current and incoming directors receiving two of the annual recognitions.

The 2019 NCEMA Fall Conference was held Nov. 3 through Nov. 6 in Wilmington, NC.

Granville County Public Schools

Young Among Finalists for NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year Award

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Dr. Stan Winborne, Public Information Officer, Granville County Public Schools

Twenty-seven teachers from across North Carolina have been selected as finalists for the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) Beginning Teacher of the Year Award for their dedication, innovation and ability to inspire students to achieve.

Bethany Young of Granville County Schools is a finalist.

One of these talented educators will be named the 2019 NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year. The award will be presented for the first time on December 5, 2019, at the NCCAT Cullowhee Campus.

“We appreciate the enthusiastic response from all over the state for the Beginning Teacher of the Year Award,” said NCCAT Executive Director M. Brock Womble. “These finalists provide a snapshot of the lasting impact great teachers have on our students from the first to the last day they step into a North Carolina public school. We are excited about this opportunity to honor teachers for the important work they do in our state.”

The 2019 NCCAT North Carolina Beginning Teachers of the Year are:

–     Sara Bowen Andrews, Rockingham County Schools

–     Tina Brown, Beaufort County Schools

–     Melissa Canter, Alexander Schools

–     Tria Cope, Randolph County

–     Rebecca Dearien, Craven County

–     Kennedy Dockery, Mount Airy City Schools

–     Victoria Freeman, Gaston County Schools

–     Megan Houchins, Iredell Statesville Schools

–      Cristina Lane, Wake County Public Schools

–      Lara Johnson, Bladen County Schools

–      Sarah Lawrence, Bear Grass Charter School

–      Sydney Paladino, Envision Science Academy Charter

–      Kesli Pinkston, Haywood County Consolidated Schools

–      Robin Kent Pittman, Careret County

–      Damarius Prieto, Cumberland County

–      Allie Reitzell, Newton Conover Schools

–      Elizabeth Riddick, Perquimans County

–      Justine Riddick, The Point College Prep

–      Alaysha Rogers, Halifax County Schools

–      Leanne Rose, Mooresville Graded School District

–      Allison Snyder, Buncombe County

–       Rachel Somerville, Henderson County Public Schools

–       Erin Stewart, Lenoir County

–       Alison Stuart, Catawba County Schools

–       Reba Warren, Pitt County

–       Ziena Walker, Innovative School District

–       Bethany Young, Granville County Schools

The NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year process was developed to honor beginning teachers who are the future of education in North Carolina. Information about the program is online at www.nccatbtoy.com.

The NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year prizes include:

– $5,000 cash prize

– Participation in a GoGlobal NC trip to Australia in 2020

– Instructional supply funds for the teacher’s school

– $2,000 cash prize to the runner-up

Travel expenses for regional winners to participate in NCCAT professional development and leadership development.

Census 2020

Census Bureau Begins Job Recruitment Efforts

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Granville County Government 

In preparation for the 2020 Census, the U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting workers for temporary jobs, which include recruiting assistants, office operations supervisors, clerks, Census field supervisors and Census takers. The 2020 Census Jobs website allows applicants to apply for these positions online.

A Census representative will also be available Nov. 18, Nov. 19 and Nov. 20 at three branches of the Granville County Library System to provide additional information or to answer any questions about the recruitment process. Locations include:

  • The Stovall Library on Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.;
  • The South Branch Library in Creedmoor on Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.; and
  • The Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford on Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Applicants will be placed in an applicant pool for 2020 Census field positions for positions they qualify for and will be contacted as work becomes available in their area.

Every ten years, the U.S. Census is undertaken to provide an accurate count of the number of people who live here, as well as demographic information for each household. The data collected impacts decisions made pertaining to education, housing, transportation, health, environmental protection and other issues. From national to local concerns the Census plays a significant role in tracking growth and planning for our future.

For more information about the jobs available, which offer flexible work hours as well as daytime, evening and weekend shifts, visit the 2020 Census Jobs page or call 1-855-JOB-2020. Applicants may also contact the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

To learn more about the 2020 Census, visit www.census.gov.