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TownTalk: City Council Hears McGregor Hall Presentation

The Henderson City Council held its regular monthly meeting Monday at McGregor Hall, giving Executive Director Mark Hopper an appropriate backdrop to emphasize the economic impact the performing arts venue has on the community as he asked the city’s elected officials for financial support.

In beginning his remarks, Hopper said he would try to condense six years of work into a 15-minute presentation. Using a multimedia approach, Council members heard from Hopper and saw videos recapping the significance of McGregor Hall in the larger community as well as on the lives of local performers.

With one full-time employee, five part-time employees and 300 volunteers, McGregor Hall has made quick work to become a stand-out venue in the greater Triangle area, Hopper said. McGregor Hall is under the governance of the nonprofit Embassy Cultural Center Foundation.

Through solid local partnerships and dedicated individuals and business sponsors, the venue has been able to accomplish a lot in a short time.

But, Hopper said, without some additional financial support from local government, the curtain likely will fall on McGregor Hall. One quarter of the venue’s total revenue goes to service the mortgage debt.

In a letter to City Manager Terrell Blackmon, and members of the City Council, Hopper outlined McGregor Hall’s needs – he’s asked the  Council for $75,000 to help keep the ship afloat. Hopper would like to get county leaders on board, too.

The cultural and artistic impact may be difficult to put a price tag on, but the most recent economic impact study shows that McGregor Hall has contributed $9.2 million to the local economy over the past four years – $5.1 in lodging bookings alone. McGregor Hall hosted more than 30,000 guests to its rental events, namely in the form of 15 weekends of spring dance competitions.

“What we need is help with our debt service,” Hopper told the City Council. “We will not survive 2025 without support.”

Hopper said that every single dollar of investment to McGregor Hall brings a return of $31 to the community.

About 40 percent of revenues come from ticket sales, which Hopper said is in keeping with the industry standard. Grant funding, rental fees and concessions each kick in 10 percent and 20 percent from local business sponsors.

It would mean a lot for local government leaders to put a price tag on what it means to have a top-notch venue in Henderson and Vance County that draws patrons from the Triangle to southside Virginia – both to watch performances as well as to be on stage for shows.

Hopper said McGregor Hall is helping to change the perception of Henderson and Vance County, one performance at the time.

“We’re bringing people together who otherwise wouldn’t interact on a personal level,” he said.

Following Hopper’s presentation, Council Member Garry Daeke said he hoped the full council would consider the request for funding as it continues through the budget process and “look at it in an affirmative manner.”



Henderson’s CommUnity Clean Up Day Friday, Apr. 26

The city of Henderson will sponsor a CommUnity Clean Up Day Friday, April 26 – churches, businesses and other groups are invited to take part and spruce up different areas of the city where litter may collect and create an eyesore.

The day’s event is held in conjunction with the NC DOT’s Spring Litter Sweep, a statewide effort to clean up along roadsides.

To learn more and to get the materials needed to help in the CommUnity Clean Up Day, contact Cindy Norwood, executive assistant to City Manager Terrell Blackmon at 252.430.5700.

TownTalk: City Council Addresses Attendance Policy


At its March meeting Monday evening, the Henderson City Council voted 6-2 to adopt a policy concerning attendance at council meetings. At issue, among other things, was what constitutes an excused absence versus an unexcused absence and just how – and who – would decide which was which.

The proposed wording didn’t include “work” in the excused list, and it did include the 12 set monthly meeting dates – already on the calendar – as well as any “special called meetings,” which aren’t on the calendar ahead of time.

After a lot of back-and-forth discussion, Council member Ola Thorpe-Cooper made a motion, seconded by Council member Michael Venable to approve the attendance policy, with a revision that excludes the special called meeting wording.

Joining Cooper and Venable with yes votes were Council members Geraldine Champion, Garry Daeke, Sam Seifert and Tami Walker; Council members Lamont Noel and Sara Coffey voted against the motion.

According to City Manager Terrell Blackmon, the policy review came out of the council’s recent strategic planning session. As it stands now, council members aren’t supposed to miss four meetings in a single calendar year.

However, if they are unable to attend a meeting in person, they can join virtually and cast votes remotely, as long as their absence is considered an “excused” absence.

Noel did not agree that fellow council members be the deciding body to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused; individual council members are supposed to inform the clerk when they know they will be absent.

Mayor Melissa Elliott offered an example to the group, saying that she had been able to vote when she was out of town for work, but she was not able to vote when she joined virtually while on vacation.

The council agreed to fall back to Robert’s Rules of Order and handle the absences procedurally when the roll is called at each council meeting, at which time the clerk would inform the council of the reason for a member’s absence.

Discussion about special called meetings included comments from Council member Noel, who said those meetings, usually held during normal business hours, shouldn’t be part of the attendance policy.

“Some of us are working,” he said.

Daeke acknowledged that daytime meetings “may be a bit much for some folks.” He said he used 42 hours of vacation time last year alone to satisfy council attendance policies. “Not everybody has that capability,” he said.



The Local Skinny! Council Tables Formation Of Separate Main Street Advisory Board

The Henderson City Council discussed forming a separate advisory board to support Main Street Director Tracy Madigan in her efforts as a city employee to ensure that the city doesn’t jeopardize its designation in the national program, but decided to table a decision until council learns more about the job description and purpose of the board.

Council member Garry Daeke asked City Manager Terrell Blackmon for more information about the formation of the advisory board, as well as what its job would be and how it would complement or coordinate with the Henderson-Vance County Downtown Development Commission, a nonprofit formed in 1986 to support and promote downtown revitalization efforts.

In a follow-up email to WIZS, Daeke said he believes the timing is so that the city will increase its funding to the program as budget decisions are being made. “I just wanted something that explained this “new” committee, and how it is different from present DDC,” Daeke said in the email, adding that he would like to have clearly defined roles and a program description before the council makes any decisions.

“The Main Street Program belongs to the city, not the DDC,” Blackmon told Council members Monday. As a city employee, Madigan is charged with making sure the city follows the Main Street guidelines.

Blackmon said Henderson regained its Main Street community designation, and since that time, “we’ve been utilizing the Henderson DDC as a vehicle for meeting a lot of the Main Street requirements.”

But the Main Street program belongs to the city, not to the DDC, he added.

Having a separate 5-7 member advisory committee would not preclude coordination with the DDC, but Blackmon said it would focus on the core categories that the national program requires for designation as a Main Street City.

“The DDC is a great partner,” Blackmon said.

Madigan told council members the city is looking at having a little more focus and control over a program that it funds and oversees.

The city budget allocates $25,000 to the Main Street project administration, with an additional $1,500 from the county. Fundraisers like the Festival of Trees event during December are events that add to the bottom line.

Madigan said a board would address an increased volunteer presence with the Main Street program, but the biggest struggle remains funding, which is a key point in Main Street guidelines.



TownTalk: Garry Daeke Discusses City Council Retreat

Henderson Mayor pro tem Garry Daeke reflected on the City Council’s annual planning retreat, which took place Monday. Six of the eight council members were in attendance, as well as Mayor Melissa Elliott and city staff.

Daeke was a guest on Tuesday’s TownTalk, and praised Elliott for the comfortable atmosphere of the retreat.

“She had this set up in a way that was focused, but casual,” Daeke said. “The conversations were really good,” he said, and the less formal atmosphere was conducive to sharing of ideas and listening to others’ observations.

It gave new City Council members Geraldine Champion, Sam Seifert, Tami Walker and Michael Venable a chance to take a deeper look at issues and challenges the city faces away from formal meetings held in Council chambers.

Perennial issues include housing, water, recruiting and retaining employees and the city’s overall appearance and perception, to name a few.

Connected to all those issues is the critical component of money – revenue, salaries for firefighters and police officers, and how to pay for projects that will enhance the city.

“We need some revenue to get some things done,” Daeke said. “If we get additional revenue, it will be well spent.”

Money could be used for redevelopment within the city, he said. Creating more housing in existing neighborhoods gets more properties back on the tax rolls, adding “value to the city and to the quality of life,” he said.

New development is certainly afoot, too, and Daeke said the new Dabney Village near Lowe’s Home Improvement on Dabney Road is waiting on a transportation impact study before it breaks ground.

Once DOT comes back with projections about how the development will impact the 158/Dabney Drive intersection, things can get moving.

“They’re ready to go,” Daeke said of the developers, “which is really exciting.”

Promoting and supporting economic development involves many moving parts, and it can get complicated, Daeke said, but he added that the city’s role is providing water and sewer.

The water project expansion is well underway and he predicted its completion by the end of the year, or the beginning of 2025.

That type of infrastructure is a critical piece for prospective businesses and industry who are considering Henderson or areas just outside the city limits where water and sewer lines can be run.

What began years ago as a $25 million expansion has now swelled to $80 or $90 million, thanks to COVID and increased construction costs.

But thanks to help from legislators and others, Daeke said a combination of grants, loans and revenue bonds has propped up the project and the city has what it needs to complete it.

Once complete, the water system will be able to provide 20 million gallons of water a day to consumers.

Another topic the group discussed involved sprucing up the entryways to the city, especially along Andrews Avenue and Dabney Drive near Beckford Drive, where City of Henderson signs are located.

The signs themselves have gotten a new coat of paint, but perhaps a school or civic group could take on the task of landscaping around those signs. Daeke said the group talked about having two or three projects as a start to make those entryways more attractive.

As city leaders plan for more growth – think future S Line rail corridor and the Dabney Drive expansion – it’s important for everyone to figure out ways to face challenges while focusing on the many positive things about Henderson.

Take downtown, for example, Daeke said.

“We’ve got some wonderful buildings down there,” he said. There are steps that city officials can take to improve the general appearance, from replacing some damaged windows to enforcing ordinances and cutting down on code violations.

It’s probably time for another salary study as the city looks to fill vacancies, especially among fire departments and the police department.

The city needs to be competitive with salary packages to attract and retain staff, who are regularly lured away to nearby communities because they pay more.

Daeke said he tries to think between two to five years in the future as he contemplates projects that will be beneficial to the city.

They aren’t issues that can be solved in one budget cycle, but by thinking about them as longer-range goals, the city’s leaders can work to make progress.



TownTalk: City Government And Storming The Basketball Court

The latest on the Henderson City Council and thoughts on storming basketball courts in celebration of big victories.



TownTalk: City Council Addresses Trash Issue; New Fire Truck

The Henderson City Council gave the green light Monday to fire department officials to apply for a $2.5 million FEMA grant to purchase a new ladder truck.

The department’s ladder truck has been out of commission since April 2023 and isn’t expected to come back into service for several more months.

The Council voted unanimously to provide the 5 percent match – roughly $119,000 – required by FEMA grant.

The fire department’s ISO rating could be in jeopardy if there’s no ladder truck available to answer calls or provide mutual aid when needed.

Direct quote from agenda:

“This grant will enable the fire department to purfhase a new aerial apparatus to provide adequate fire protection coverage for areas within the municipality and mutual aid districts when necessary.

Council members also voted to amend the Sanitation Ordinance in an effort to cut down on excess garbage and litter.

Customers are supposed to put all their refuse inside the rolling container provided through GFL – they’re not supposed to pile up extra bags beside the container for pickup.

Following Monday’s action, customers will be warned when they are out of compliance. After the third warning, the city will “provide” them with a second container – at the resident’s expense, which they’ll see in their monthly bill.

This had been discussed at the November 2023 Public Works Committee meeting, and it was brought back to Council Monday for review.

Listen back to Tuesday’s TownTalk to learn about other topics of discussion at the Feb. 12 City Council meeting.



The Local Skinny! City Council’s Special Called Meeting

In a special called meeting on Jan. 22, the Henderson City Council heard a couple of rezoning requests and gave the green light to a $6.1 million project to address “major infiltration and inflow issues” at the Sandy Creek Basin.

H.G. Reynolds Co., Inc. was the sole bidder for the Sandy Creek Basin project, coming in at $6,149,697. Recent heavy rains have caused overflow of untreated wastewater from pump stations into area tributaries.

The project will be paid for with $5 million in 0 percent state funding that has already been awarded for the project, along with a $2.5 million federal ARPA grant.

Council members also approved a rezoning request for a tract on Carey Chapel Road from R-15 (moderate to low density residential) to R-11 (moderate density residential).

Thomas Hutton & Engineering Company made the request for part of the Carey Chapel subdivision, which has two different zoning districts. The request was to make the entire tract of almost 50 acres R-11.

The council approved the request.

The second rezoning request was to grant a special-use permit to allow Vaya Health to put a Diversion Center in the space in a location zoned for commercial use.

Vaya Health wants to convert the former Big Lots building on Dabney Drive into a 16-bed facility that provides support for people with mental health illnesses and substance use disorders.

Although the Planning Board recommended approval of the matter, but Council tabled the issue until it could get more information.



Heavy Rainfall Creates Second Wastewater Overflow In As Many Weeks

From the City of Henderson:


The City of Henderson’s Sewer Collection System bypassed approximately 51,800 gallons of untreated water on Jan. 12, 2024 due to inflow/infiltration from heavy rains.  The overflows occurred at Sandy Creek Pump Station, Julia Ave Pump Station, and several manholes including Neathery Street, intersection of N. Pinkston Street/Farrar Avenue, 1 manhole in Green Acres Outfall, East Rockspring Street, and Bridgers Street. Approximately 50,750 gallons of untreated water entered tributaries to Sandy Creek, Red Bud Creek, and Nutbush Creek. Approximately 1,050 gallons of untreated water was contained on the ground.

North Carolina General Statutes article 21 chapter 143.215.1c requires a press release for all bypasses of 1,000 gallons or more that enter surface waters.

Questions concerning this matter should be directed to Joey Long Jr – Collection System ORC at 252-226-4492, Christy Lipscomb – HWRF Director/ORC at 252-430-9387, or Public Works Director – Lee Owen at 252-431-0419.

Tuesday’s Storm Causes Overflow Of Untreated Water At City Pump Stations, Manholes

Information courtesy of the City of Henderson

The City of Henderson’s Sewer Collection System bypassed approximately 226,800 gallons of untreated water on Jan. 9, 2024 due to inflow/infiltration from heavy rain.  The overflows occurred at two pump stations – Sandy Creek and Julia Avenue – and numerous manholes, according to the notice sent to WIZS by the city.

Approximately 216,000 gallons of untreated water entered tributaries to Sandy Creek, RedBud Creek, and NutBush Creek and another 10,800 gallons of untreated water was contained on the ground.


City officials listed the following locations where overflows at manholes occurred:

  • Neathery Street
  • intersection of North Pinkston Street/Farrar Avenue
  • intersection of Alexander Avenue/South Elizabeth Street
  • intersection of Alexander Avenue/Willow Lane
  • Green Acres Outfall, (two manholes)
  • East Rockspring Street
  • Bridgers Street
  • Beckford Drive Outfall

North Carolina General Statutes article 21 chapter 143.215.1c requires a press release for all bypasses of 1,000 gallons or more that enter surface waters.

Questions concerning this matter should be directed to Joey Long, Jr. – Collection System ORC at 252.226.4492, Christy Lipscomb – HWRF Director/ORC at 252.430.9387, or Public Works Director Lee Owen at 252.431.0419.