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Henderson’s Loose Leaf Collection Season Has Begun

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC



The City of Henderson’s Loose Leaf Collection Season began the week of October 14, 2019, and will end January 17, 2020. During this period of time, it is permitted to place rows or piles of loose leaves or pine straw at the roadside for the City’s Public Works Department to collect. Please note that rows or piles of loose leaves or pine straw shall:

  • Be placed behind the curb not to interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
  • Not be placed in an open ditch, gutter or street area as this can interfere with the City’s storm drainage system.
  • Be free of trash and debris such as glass, cans, rocks, limb cuttings, etc. as this may damage collection equipment.
  • Not be placed on top of your water meter.

Loose leaves and pine straw will generally be picked up on a two or three-week rotation; however, this is dependent on weather conditions and leaf accumulation. You may continue to bag leaves or place them in a container during loose leaf season, however, it is not required.

If leaves or pine straw are placed at the curb in loose form before loose leaf season begins or after loose leaf season ends, a $75 charge will be added to your sanitation bill.

If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at 252-431-6115 or 252-431-6030.

City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson’s Loose Leaf Season Dates Announced

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The City of Henderson’s Loose Leaf Collection Season will begin the week of October 14, 2019, and will end January 17, 2020. During this period of time, it is permitted to place rows or piles of loose leaves or pine straw at the roadside for the City’s Public Works Department to collect. Please note that rows or piles of loose leaves or pine straw shall:

  • Be placed behind the curb not to interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
  • Not be placed in an open ditch, gutter or street area as this can interfere with the City’s storm drainage system.
  • Be free of trash and debris such as glass, cans, rocks, limb cuttings, etc. as this may damage collection equipment.
  • Not be placed on top of your water meter.

Loose leaves and pine straw will generally be picked up on a two or three-week rotation; however, this is dependent on weather conditions and leaf accumulation. You may continue to bag leaves or place them in a container during loose leaf season, however, it is not required.

If leaves or pine straw are placed at the curb in loose form before loose leaf season begins or after loose leaf season ends, a $75 charge will be added to your sanitation bill.

If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at 252-431-6115 or 252-431-6030.

City of Henderson Logo

Frazier Announces Retirement Intentions; City Searches for New Manager

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Among the agenda items for Monday evening’s Henderson City Council meeting, council members will discuss extending City Manager Frank Frazier’s contract for employment on a month-to-month basis.

Frazier’s contract with the City is currently set to expire at the end of July.

Frazier, who has served as city manager since 2015, announced his intentions to retire once a successor is named for the position.

Mayor Eddie Ellington, who has been privy to closed sessions involving Frazier, gave this statement to WIZS News:

“We are at a significant moment for the City of Henderson. Our city manager announced to the Henderson City Council a few weeks ago that he plans to retire, with his contract coming to an end this month. We have agreed to keep him on as city manager on a monthly basis as we have set in motion the process of hiring a new manager.

Frank Frazier and I started just a few months shy of each other, with myself as mayor and him city manager. I am pleased with what we have accomplished in our years together, but there is still work that must be carried out for the betterment of our city. The most important is finding the right person to succeed Mr. Frazier. This is a charge that I must lead, for this is our future and I know the citizens of Henderson share my concerns.”

Mayor Ellington recently filed for re-election in the October 8, 2019, City of Henderson election. Filing began on July 5, 2019, and will end on July 19, 2019, at 12 p.m.

To view the Monday, July 8, 2019, Henderson City Council agenda, click here.

City of Henderson Logo

City Urges Residents to Complete Online Litter Survey

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson

Below is a link to a litter survey that the City of Henderson would like as many people as possible to complete. The survey has also been placed on the home page of the City’s website.

Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S2TCDXH

Results will help the City determine steps to take in addressing the ongoing issue of litter around Vance County.

City of Henderson Logo

City Council’s Boards and Commissions Committee

— courtesy of the City of Henderson and City Clerk Esther McCrackin

The Henderson City Council’s Boards and Commissions Committee will meet on Thursday, June 13, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue. The purpose of the meeting is to consider applications for various citizen committees. The public is welcome to observe.

City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson: Notice of Possible Discoloration of Water

-Press Release, City of Henderson

Notification of Possible Discoloration of Water

As a customer of the Kerr Lake Regional Water System/City of Henderson, you may have or may be experiencing a slight discoloration of your water. This is due to elevated levels of manganese and turnover in the surface water from which the KLRWS processes its water. This may cause the water in Henderson and surrounding areas to have a color to the water; however, there are no safety concerns related to this and the water can be used by the consumer.

The KLRW facility is in the process of adjusting the process to account for the manganese and remove the discoloration of the water.

If you have any questions, please call the Kerr Lake Regional Water Plant at 252-438-2141.


City of Henderson Logo

City of Henderson Announces Memorial Day Sanitation Schedule

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The City of Henderson’s Sanitation Division will not work on Monday, May 27, 2019 – Memorial Day.

Yard Waste, Recycling and Curbside Materials for Monday, May 27 will be collected on Tuesday, May 28. Please note that this is for Yard Waste, Recycling and Curbside Materials only.

Waste Industries will collect trash as scheduled on Monday, May 27.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson’s Proposed Budget Totals $42M, Includes Water Rate Increase

Frank Frazier, city manager for the City of Henderson, has submitted the FY20 recommended budget to the Henderson City Council for the period beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020.

A Public Hearing on the recommended budget will be held in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 134 Rose Avenue, Henderson, NC, on Monday, May 20, 2019, at 6 p.m.

The public is invited to attend, submit written comments, make oral comments and/or ask questions about the budget, in whole or part, during the Budget Public Hearing period.

No property tax, sewer or regional water increase is recommended. A water rate increase of 2.5% is recommended.

A summary of the FY20 Recommended Budget is provided below:


General – $17,370,810

Powell Bill – $831,370


Water – $8,218,770

Sewer – $5,156,000

Regional Water – $5,060,000


Utilities – $184,240

Economic Development – $16,440

Regional Water -$5,071,140

Rate Stabilization – $3,091,000

Subtotal – $44,999,770

Less Inter-fund Transfers – ($2,729,740)

TOTAL: $ 42,270,030

Prior to the Public Hearing, the City Council will hold budget workshops to review, make comments or ask questions about the proposed budget. Subsequent to the Public Hearing, the City Council may further adjust and/or adopt the budget.

Budget adjustments may include, but are not limited to, increasing or decreasing revenue or expenditure estimates, the proposed property tax rate, utility rates or the sanitation fee.

The proposed budget will be placed on the agenda for approval at the Henderson City Council’s June 10, 2019, meeting.

A copy of the FY20 Recommended Budget is available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk, 134 Rose Avenue, Henderson, NC, during normal business hours.

To view the FY20 Recommended Budget on the City of Henderson’s website, click here.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Discuss Proposed Budget, Mon., May 13

-Information courtesy Esther J. McCrackin, City Clerk, City of Henderson, NC

The Henderson City Council will hold their regular meeting on Monday, May 13, 2019, beginning at 6 p.m. in the R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers of the Municipal Building located at 134 Rose Avenue in Henderson, NC.

Agenda items include:


a) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-01, Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone 1337 Dabney Drive (Parcel 0013 03052), 1343 Dabney Drive (Parcel 0013 03001), and 1511 Lynne Avenue (Parcel 0013 03002) from OIA (Office Institutional “A”) District and R-8 (Moderate to High Density Residential) District to B-4 (Neighborhood Commercial) District.

(b) Consideration of 1) Holding a Public Hearing on the Question Annexing 429 Birch Street and 432 Bobbitt Street Pursuant to NCGS §160A-31, and 2) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-16, 1) Extending the Corporate Limits of the City of Henderson, North Carolina; 2) Assignment of Newly Annexed Areas to Ward 4, and 3) Directing the City Attorney to Record Annexation with Vance County Board of Elections, Vance County Register of Deeds and the North Carolina Secretary of State.


a) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-12, Amending Elmwood Cemetery City Code Article II Section 4-12, Cemetery Maintenance and Operation, and Article IV, Section 4-18, Plants, Flowers, Etc., and Section 4-22, Other Rules and Regulations Enumerated.

b) Consideration of Approval of 1 Ordinance 19-07, Amending Section 10-34 of the City Code Relative to Peddlers, Solicitors, Park Concessions and Food Trucks.

c) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-20, Amending Section 7-48 of the Henderson Code of Ordinances Relative to Specific Streets.

d) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 19-19, FY19 BA #32, Approving a Budget Amendment to Make Repairs at Red Bud and Industrial Park Pump Stations.


All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine or have been previously discussed, and can be approved in one motion unless a Council Member asks for separate consideration of an item.

a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 19-21, Authorizing the Submission of an Application to the Bureau of Justice Assistance Office for the FY19 Bulletproof Vest Program Grant for the Police Department.

b) Consideration of Approval of Tax Releases and Refunds from Vance County for the Month of March 2019.


a) Pursuant to G.S.§143-318.11 (a)(6) regarding a Personnel Matter XIV.


a) Consideration of Stormwater Utility Ordinance.

b) Consideration of Beckford Drive Widening Project.

PROPOSED FY20 BUDGET PRESENTATION (To be Distributed at Meeting)

Battling Cancer: Pancake Supper Benefiting Teresa & Cameron Fuqua

The City of Henderson Operations Center, 900 South Beckford Dr. in Henderson, will be the site of a pancake dinner on Friday, May 24, 2019, from 4 until 7 p.m.

Plates are $7 for all-you-can-eat. All proceeds benefit Teresa and Cameron Fuqua, a mother-son team battling cancer.

Thanks for your support!

(This is not a paid advertisement)