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-Information courtesy Rebuilding Hope, Inc.
Steve Timberlake’s reason for volunteering at Rebuilding Hope is hard to beat: to witness “the collective efforts of many people with various talents and gifts with willing and compassionate hearts with a common goal of sharing the love of Jesus Christ.”
Steve Timberlake named Rebuilding Hope’s October 2019 Volunteer of the Month. (Photo Credit: RHI)
Steve, an Oxford resident and RHI’s Granville County team leader, has volunteered for four years.
He recalls that RHI coordinator Randolph Wilson shared the ministry’s mission with the Baptist Men at Oxford Baptist Church in 2016, the same year that the church sponsored its first SOS (Servants on Site) team.
“I enjoy supporting the SOS teams as well as the handicap ramp ministry,” says Steve. “Providing assistance to others in need helps us all realize how very fortunate and blessed we are.”
Steve, who retired in 2014 after 30 years with Southern States Cooperative, notes that “when a ramp is completed, the appreciation shown from the recipient is very humbling.”
The Granville County native serves his church as an adult Bible study teacher and director of Baptist Men and serves his community as a 30-year member of the Oxford Lions Club.
“The club’s primary focus,” Steve says, “ is to help the blind and visually impaired.”
Steve and wife Ann have been married for 45 years and have a son, daughter and two grandchildren.