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-Information courtesy Rebuilding Hope, Inc.
In his 10 years as a Rebuilding Hope volunteer, Steve Cannon has seen a lot of wheelchair ramps and rooftops, but the “divine appointments” stand out.
“I was a fulltime volunteer for six years, serving as the construction coordinator,” Steve says.
“I had the opportunity to visit with homeowners and their families when doing job assessments. This time was always special. These were divine appointments.”
Steve Cannon named Rebuilding Hope’s August 2019 Volunteer of the Month. (Photo Credit: RHI)
Steve says he “experienced hurting people looking for answers and hope. I got the opportunity to pray with them and present the Gospel.
What was really special was experiencing the power of the Gospel. People putting their faith in Jesus. Seeing their hopelessness turn to hope.”
The Pickens, S.C., native volunteered after hearing a presentation about RHI’s mission and ministry.
After he retired from the North Carolina Forest Service in 2009 with 30 years of service, Steve says, “God called me to get involved in the ministry and the opportunity it gave to introduce our community to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”
Moving into a part-time role, Steve serves where he’s needed – at the warehouse or during outreach events, such as SOS D-Now and Kids’ Construction Camp.
“I encourage others to volunteer,” says the outreach pastor at New Sandy Creek Baptist Church. “God uses you to bless others, but God also blesses you through His work. Most of the time I felt like I got the biggest blessing.”
In other activities, Steve has worked with Embrace Henderson in its outreach events and Joy Club in the public schools.
Steve and wife Ann have been married nearly 33 years and have two daughters.
In his leisure time, Steve says he enjoys hiking and hunting.