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-Press Release, North Carolina Department of Public Safety
The Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice has named Shanticia E. Hawkins as the new warden of the Warren Correctional Institution in Manson.
The Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice has named Shanticia E. Hawkins as the new warden of the Warren Correctional Institution in Manson. (Photo courtesy NC Dept. of Public Safety)
Hawkins, 45, had been the interim warden at Nash Correctional Institution in Nashville.
In her new position, Hawkins is responsible for all operations at the Warren Correctional Institution, which opened in 1997 and houses close, medium and minimum custody adult male offenders.
A veteran employee to state government, Hawkins began her career as a temporary processing assistant in 1996 at the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women in Raleigh.
A year later, she transferred to Polk Youth Institution (which is now Polk Correctional Institution) as a permanent processing assistant working in various departments, including diagnostics and inmate records. While there, she was a member of the team that opened that facility’s first High-Security Maximum Control Unit.
In 1998, she was promoted to case manager and in 2002 was promoted to program supervisor. In 2004, she advanced to the position of classification coordinator at the facility and then became a training specialist.
In 2007, she moved to the Central Region office to be a regional training coordinator and later that year was promoted to be the region manager.
She graduated from Shaw University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and is a member of the North Carolina Correctional Association, the State Employee Association of North Carolina, the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice, and Minority Pioneers.
She is a certified general instructor and is a graduate of the year-long Correctional Leadership Development Program.