Sept. is National Preparedness Month: Does Your Small Business Have a Disaster Plan?

-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce’s “Focus” newsletter – July/August 2018

September is National Preparedness Month. For small business owners, being prepared can mean the difference between staying in business or not following a disaster. The Small Business Administration can assist your business from the planning stages to recovery. Below are the steps they list for Emergency Preparedness. These are each covered at a more in-depth level on the SBA website at www.SBA.gov.

Disaster Planning

Small business owners invest a tremendous amount of time, money and resources to make their ventures successful, yet many owners fail to properly plan and prepare for disaster situations. According to the Institute for Business and Home Safety, an estimated 25 percent of businesses do not reopen following a major disaster. You can protect your business by identifying the risks associated with natural and man-made disasters, and by creating a plan for action should a disaster strike. By keeping those plans updated, you can help ensure the survival of your business. A great place to start is the SBA’s Small Business Disaster Preparedness Guide on the web.

Disaster Assistance

Disaster can strike at any time, and even the most prepared businesses can be adversely impacted. If your business has been impacted by a disaster, the SBA can help by providing disaster assistance.

Disaster Cleanup

Taking the proper cleanup precautions means you can get back to business sooner. Explore some important tips and advice to help you get back on your feet safely.

SBA’s Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plan

This plan lays out an overall plan for the Disaster Loan Program, both for smaller scale events when ODA resources easily meet demand and for larger scale ones requiring greater participation from all agency resources.

State Government Information

State governments relay pertinent information to businesses affected by disasters and offer a number of services to help businesses prepare and recover from disasters. Learn more about your state.

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